Now showing items 23025-23044 of 42747

    Integrated assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Metabolism. The case of the Metropolitan Area of Naples, Italy 

    Chifari, Rosaria (Date of defense: 2016-11-10)

    Esta tesis propone un método cuantitativo para la evaluación integrada del rendimiento de Sistemas de Gestión de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (SGRSU) a diferentes escalas y dimensiones, integrando el análisis de flujos ...

    An integrated assessment of nanoparticle exposures in the ceramic industry 

    Salmatonidis, Apostolos (Date of defense: 2019-09-30)

    Exposure to nanoparticles has been associated with adverse effects on human health. When the exposure route is inhalation, nanoparticles can cause pulmonary inflammation which may be more severe than from fine particles, ...

    Integrated assessment of wastewater treatment plants and their receiving river systems in a global change context 

    Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2019-01-22)

    For a long time, there has been a need and an ambition to better understand the behavior of integrated systems by considering the whole urban water cycle, including wastewater transportation, wastewater treatment and the ...

    Integrated batch process development based on mixed-logic dynamic optimization 

    Moreno Benito, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-03-06)

    Specialty chemicals industry relies on batch manufacturing, since it requires the frequent adaptation of production systems to market fluctuations. To be first in the market, batch industry requires decision-support systems ...

    Integrated Brief Systemic Therapy (IBST) in primary care. Exploration of its effectiveness with patients and General Practitioners 

    Barcons Comellas, Carles (Date of defense: 2020-07-29)

    L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi per compendi de publicacions és examinar l’efectivitat de la Teràpia Sistèmica Breu Integrada (TSBI) tant per a (a) pacients com (b) metges de capçalera (MC), en l’atenció primària. La ...

    Integrated control of offshore wind farms and HVDC links with MML converters 

    Vidal Albalate, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2017-05-29)

    This thesis analyzes the integration of large quantities of offshore wind power into power systems through point-to-point or multiterminal HVdc grids that use modular multilevel converters (MMC). Firstly, a simplified ...

    Integrated devices for the concentration and detection of waterborne bacteria 

    Jimenez Ezenarro, Josune (Date of defense: 2020-09-04)

    La monitorització de la qualitat microbiana de l’aigua té com a objectiu protegir els consumidors de malalties causades pels patògens transmesos per ingestió, aspiració o contacte amb aigües contaminades. En les darreres ...

    Integrated distribution management problems: an optimization approach 

    Ribeiro, Rita (Date of defense: 2004-03-29)

    Esta tesis explora el problema de la integración de procesos, dentro de la logística y también con otras áreas de la empresa, desde el punto de vista de la planificación estratégica.<br/>El primer estudio, explora tres ...

    Integrated Environmental Assessment of Nutrient Emissions in a Mediterranean catchment: A case study in La Tordera, Catalonia 

    Caille, Frédérique (Date of defense: 2009-03-06)

    Hoy en día, los ríos de regiones principalmente desarrolladas presentan un exceso de las emisiones de nutrientes debido al crecimiento de las actividades humanas en sus cuencas. Esto conlleva un estrés ecológico significativo. ...

    Integrated Environmental System Management Approaches and Stakeholder Chosen Visualizations for Coastal Management in the Global South 

    Smith, David Jonathan (Date of defense: 2023-01-17)

    Les comunitats costaneres, especialment les del Sud Global, estan cada vegada més amenaçades per a l’impacte del canvi climàtic. L’Antropocè ha accelerat la degradació mediambiental, eliminant la protecció que ofereix el ...

    An integrated framework for trajectory optimisation, prediction and parameter estimation for advanced aircraft separation concepts 

    Vilardaga García-Cascón, Santi (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)

    Since the birth of commercial aviation, the applications and benefits of aircraft have grown immensely. This, in perfect synchrony with the average increase of purchasing power of the society, has rocketed the number of ...

    Integrated In vitro - Omics based Approach to assess the Heavy metals and their Binary mixtures toxicity in Hippocampal HT-22 cell line 

    Karri, Venkatanaidu (Date of defense: 2018-04-09)

    Els estudis toxicol'ogics d'avui dia fan l'avaluació d'exposicions i riscos en el cervell sense abordar adequadament les possibles interaccions de metalls en la regió del cervell de l'hipocamp. Es va avaluar la neurotoxicitat ...

    Integrated IT and SDN Orchestration of multi-domain multi-layer transport networks 

    Mayoral López de Lerma, Arturo (Date of defense: 2019-07-25)

    Telecom operators networks' management and control remains partitioned by technology, equipment supplier and networking layer. In some segments, the network operations are highly costly due to the need of the individual, ...

    Integrated management of bacterial spot disease of stone fruits caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni: development of a disease forecasting system 

    Morales Nicolàs, Gerard (Date of defense: 2018-04-12)

    Bacterial spot disease of stone fruits, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, is of high economic importance in the major stone-fruit-producing areas worldwide. Disease control is mainly based on preventive measures, ...

    Integrated Management of Bromus diandrus in dry land cereal fields under no-till 

    García, Addy Laura (Date of defense: 2013-04-26)

    Es van dur a terme diferents assajos amb la finalitat d'establir un programa de maneig integrat de Bromus diandrus en cereals d'hivern en sembra directa. Es va desenvolupar un model d'emergència en funció de graus hidrotèrmics ...

    Integrated management of chemical processes in a competitive environment 

    Zamarripa Pérez, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2013-07-01)

    El objetivo general de esta Tesis es mejorar el proceso de la toma de decisiones en la gestión de cadenas de suministro, tomando en cuenta principalmente dos diferencias: ser competitivo considerando las decisiones propias ...

    Integrated management of herbicide resistant Papaver rhoeas L. populations = Control integrado de poblaciones de Papaver rhoeas L. resistentes a herbicidas 

    Cirujeda Ranzenberger, Alicia (Date of defense: 2001-12-17)

    A la majoria de les 148 poblacions de Papaver rhoeas L. analitzades es va detectar resistència front als herbicides tribenuró-metil i 2.4-D. Les poblacions van ser recollides a una prospecció de camp semi-dirigida en camps ...

    Integrated management of urban wastewater systems: a model-based approach 

    Prat Busquets, Pau (Date of defense: 2012-02-26)

    The main objective pursued in this thesis targets the development and systematization of a methodology that allows addressing management problems in the dynamic operation of Urban Wastewater Systems. The proposed methodology ...

    Integrated modelling of clogging processes in artificial groundwater recharge 

    Pérez Paricio, Alfredo (Date of defense: 2001-04-09)

    La Recàrrega Artificial d'aqüífers és una tècnica extremadamente poderosa per optimitzar la gestió dels recursos hídrics. De cara a eliminar actituds escèptiques respecte a la seva aplicabilitat en nombroses situacions, ...

    Integrated monitoring and structural analysis strategies for the study of large historical construction : application to Mallorca cathedral 

    Ahmed Elyamani Ali Mohamed (Date of defense: 2015-02-20)

    Historical structures are vital to the realization of how the technical, artistic, and scientific skills of the human kind have developed over time. These structures are one of the motors of the tourism industry, and ...