Now showing items 30075-30094 of 43078

    Multiapproach computational modelling of tuberculosis : understanding its epidemiological dynamics for improving its control in Nigeria 

    Ahmad, Nura Mohammad Rabiu (Date of defense: 2020-07-20)

    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that is considered to be the biggest killer of mankind in the history of infectious diseases. There are still more than 10 million new TB cases every year and it causes more than ...

    Multiband and Silicon Integrated Antennas for Wireless Sensor Networks 

    Gemio Valero, Joan (Date of defense: 2011-07-20)

    Les tecnologies sense fils han provocat una important revolució en el món de les xarxes i serveis de telecomunicació. Han apareguts nous sistemes com els telèfons mòbils d'última generació o les xarxes LAN sense fils que ...

    Multicarrier communication systems with low sensibility to nonlinear amplification 

    Deumal Herraiz, Marc (Date of defense: 2008-07-11)

    Actualment estem entrant a una nova era de la informació amb gran demanda de sistemes de comunicació sense fils. Nous serveis com dades i video requereixen transmissions fiables d'alta velocitat, fins i tot en escenaris ...

    Multichannel analysis of normal and continuous adventitious respiratory sounds for the assessment of pulmonary function in respiratory diseases 

    Lozano García, Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-07-15)

    Respiratory sounds (RS) are produced by turbulent airflows through the airways and are inhomogeneously transmitted through different media to the chest surface, where they can be recorded in a non-invasive way. Due to ...

    Multichannel optical correlators: analysis, evaluation, and development of procedures for pattern recognition 

    Montes Usategui, Mario (Date of defense: 1995-06-30)

    Los objetivos del trabajo son, en primer lugar, analizar las limitaciones que presenta la correlación monocanal para tratar con problemas complejos de reconocimiento de imágenes. Con este propósito se ha adaptado el ...

    Multicomponent positive psychology interventions for promoting adolescents' mental health: An investigation from different methodological approaches 

    Tejada Gallardo, Claudia (Date of defense: 2022-03-10)

    L’adolescència és una etapa de transició amb molts canvis en el desenvolupa- ment, els quals inclouen desafiaments biològics, físics i psicològics que poden afectar la salut mental. A partir del model de dos factors, la ...

    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications 

    Milić, Uglješa (Date of defense: 2017-11-22)

    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes ...

    Multicore architecture prototyping on reconfigurable devices 

    Arcas Abella, Oriol (Date of defense: 2016-04-15)

    In the the last decades several performance walls were hit. The memory wall and the power wall are limiting the performance scaling of digital microprocessors. Homogeneous multicores rely on thread-level parallelism, which ...

    A multicore emulator with a profiling Infrastructure for transactional memory on FPGA 

    Sönmez, Nehir (Date of defense: 2012-09-19)

    This thesis attempts to bring together two recent topics by presenting a flexible Transactional Memory environment on a multicore prototype that is realized on FPGA fabric. For this, we devise a MIPS-compatible shared-memory ...

    Multiculturalismo y crítica postcolonial: la diáspora artística latinoamericana (1990-2005) 

    Marín Hernández, Elizabeth (Date of defense: 2005-12-14)

    La presencia del arte contemporáneo latinoamericano en el mundo contemporáneo, es concebida y movilizada a través de la existencia de una diáspora que ha perdido toda clase de arraigo en sus lugares territoriales definitorios. ...

    Multidestination travel: a critical theoretical approach and empirical evidence for the case of Brazil 

    de Oliveira Santos, Glauber Eduardo (Date of defense: 2012-11-16)

    Los viajes de turismo a multidestinos (MTTs) pueden ser definidos como un viaje en que se visita más de un destino. La presente tesis estudia tres omisiones principales de la literatura académica sobre MTTs. En primer ...

    Multidimensional and temporal SAR data representation and processing based on binary partition trees 

    Alonso González, Alberto (Date of defense: 2014-06-13)

    This thesis deals with the processing of different types of multidimensional SAR data for distinct applications. Instead of handling the original pixels of the image, which correspond to very local information and are ...

    Multidimensional Computational Imaging using Single-pixel Detectors 

    Soldevila Torres, Fernando (Date of defense: 2019-01-25)

    Humans depend on vision to gather information about their surroundings. However, our sight sense is limited: we cannot see very distant or small objects. To tackle these limitations, we have been developing optical sensing ...

    Multidimensional speckle noise. Modelling and filtering related to sar data. 

    López Martinez, Carlos (Date of defense: 2003-06-02)

    Los Radares de Apertura Sintética, o sistemas SAR, representan el mejorejemplo de sistemas activos de teledetección por microondas. Debido a su naturaleza coherente, un sistema SAR es capaz de adquirir información dedispersión ...

    Multidimensional studies of depression and antidepressant response : behavioural models, molecular and structural approaches 

    Ortiz Teba, Pilar (Date of defense: 2023-07-05)

    Depression is a major public health problem, affecting 322 million people worldwide. Antidepressants are the basis for the treatment of major depression. Although increasingly safer, individual patient response variability ...

    Multidisciplinary approach for recombinant protein production bioprocess design with classic and novel expression systems in Pichia pastoris 

    Garrigós Martínez, Javier (Date of defense: 2021-01-12)

    La present tesi doctoral es centra en la caracterització de sistemes d’expressió utilitzats per a la producció de proteïnes recombinants (RPP) en el llevat metilotròfic Pichia pastoris. Al llarg de tot aquest treball ...

    Multidisciplinary characterization of diapiric basins integrating field examples, numerical and analogue modelling: Central High Atlas Basin (Morocco) 

    Moragas Rodriguez, Mar (Date of defense: 2017-06-12)

    The complexity of the interplay between tectonics and sedimentation increases when salt tectonics is involved because of the ductility of salt and its ability to flow. Discrimination between extensional tectonics and ...

    A multidisciplinary insight into the determinants of protein aggregation 

    Čarija, Anita (Date of defense: 2017-12-20)

    Els trastorns neurodegeneratius crònics, condicions mèdiques que afecten a la població principalment a la seva darrera etapa de vida, representen un problema molt important a la societat moderna. Per això, trobar nous ...

    Multidisciplinary Studies of the Genus "Cystodytes" (Ascidiacea): From Molecules to Species 

    López Legentil, Susanna (Date of defense: 2005-04-01)

    Intraspecies variability is widespread in marine invertebrates. Previous reports of <I>Cystodytes</I> (Ascidiacea, Polycitoridae) in the Mediterranean have been routinely attributed to the nominal species <I>Cystodytes ...

    Multifaceted resource management on virtualized providers 

    Goiri, Íñigo (Date of defense: 2011-06-14)

    Last decade, providers started using Virtual Machines (VMs) in their datacenters to pack users and their applications. This was a good way to consolidate multiple users in fewer physical nodes while isolating them from ...