Now showing items 31716-31735 of 42932

    On the exoticness of some new p-local compact groups 

    Lozano Bagén, Toni (Date of defense: 2016-04-22)

    En 2003, Broto-Levi-Oliver van introduir el concepte de grup p-local finit, el qual és una generalització dels espais classificadors de grups finits p-completats. Més tard, els mateixos autors van introduir també el concepte ...

    On the experimental and theoretical studies of ZnO precursors: towards Green Chemistry 

    Gómez Núñez, Alberto (Date of defense: 2018-02-08)

    Although an extensive number of investigators, during the arise of this printed materials technology, were devoted to make very interesting discoveries concerning the most used sol-gel precursor to thermally produce ZnO, ...

    On the fault diagnosis of dynamic systems using set-based approaches 

    Pourasghar-Lafmejani, Masoud (Date of defense: 2019-04-12)

    Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) is a major theoretical topic that is becoming increasingly to one of the most significant key features to increase safety and reliability of complex automatic control systems. ...

    On the flexibility of the perception and cognition of broken harmonic expectations 

    Pagès-Portabella, Carlota (Date of defense: 2023-10-19)

    La música està present en totes les cultures. Tot i tenir les mateixes habilitats auditives, la manera en la què experimentem la música depèn del context cultural, la música que escoltem en el dia a dia o si hem rebut ...

    On the fractional Yamabe problem with isolated singularities and related issues 

    Torre Pedraza, Azahara de la (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    My research is based on non-local elliptic semilinear equations in conformal geometry. The fractional curvature is defined from the conformal fractional Laplacian and it is a non-local version of some of the classical local ...

    On the fracture behavior of ductile polymer films : notch quality, essential work of fracture, J-integral, and crack tip opening displacement 

    León Albiter, Noel (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    Polymers have a wide range of applications. Their ability to be shaped into multiple forms makes it possible to obtain polymer films, which are highly used in industries such as food and pharmaceuticals. Characterization ...

    On the generation of design allowables of composite coupons accounting for defects using a multi-fidelity approach 

    Vallmajó Martín, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-04-12)

    Composite structures play a crucial role in lightweight applications due to their exceptional mechanical performance and low density. However, their anisotropic behavior and susceptibility to uncertainties, such as ...

    On the growth of nearshore sand bars as instability processes of equilibrium beach states 

    Ribas Prats, Francesca (Date of defense: 2004-01-15)

    La zona de rompents de les platges està governada er una gran quantitat de processos complexes altament no lineals i a diverses escales de longitud i de temps. Tot i això, algunes vegades s'hi poden trobar estructures ...

    On the hyperbolic uniformization of Shimura curves with an Atkin-Lehner quotient of genus 0 

    Nualart Riera, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    The main goal of this thesis is to contribute to the explicit hyperbolic uniformization of Shimura curves. We will restrict to the case of curves attached to Eichler orders in rational quaternion algebras whose maximal ...

    On the impact of public information in financial markets: an experimental approach 

    Ruiz Buforn, Alba (Date of defense: 2019-05-29)

    The debate on the “limits of transparency” of the central banks’ communication policy is the inspiration of the present thesis. Specifically, this thesis investigates whether it exists an optimal level of information ...

    On the Importance of σ-/π-Hole Interactions in Chemistry and Biochemistry 

    Bauzá Riera, Antonio (Date of defense: 2017-04-07)

    Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del estudio de las interacciones no covalentes denominadas "no convencionales", también conocidas como interacciones σ-/π-hole. Su estructura está compuesta por un primer capítulo ...

    On the influence of resources use and destruction on the evolution of cooperation 

    Requejo Martínez, Rubén J. (Date of defense: 2012-09-18)

    La explosiva introducción de la teoría de redes y los métodos estocásticos en el estudio de poblaciones finitas ha llevado a un nuevo nivel en el uso de la teoría de juegos evolutiva. La complejidad de los sistemas ...

    On the intelligent management of sepsis in the intensive care unit 

    Ribas Ripoll, Vicent Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-01-29)

    The management of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a hospital has its own, very specific requirements that involve, amongst others, issues of risk-adjusted mortality and average length of stay; nurse turnover and communication ...

    On the interpretation of negation in Mandarin Chinese 

    Li, Feifei (Date of defense: 2019-11-19)

    Esta disertación tiene como objetivo investigar experimentalmente la interpretación de la negación en chino mandarín (MC), a saber, cuando se combinan múltiples expresiones negativas en una oración, cuando las expresiones ...

    On the leaks and boundaries of imagination 

    Rivadulla Duró, Andrea (Date of defense: 2022-07-25)

    The present dissertation explores the role of imagination in different philosophical domains of inquiry. The thesis set out as a collection of self- standing essays and can be divided into two parts: leaks of imagination ...

    On the learnibility of Mildly Context-Sensitive languages using positive data and correction queries 

    Becerra Bonache, Leonor (Date of defense: 2006-03-06)

    Con esta tesis doctoral aproximamos la teoría de la inferencia gramatical y los estudios de adquisición del lenguaje, en pos de un objetivo final: ahondar en la comprensión del modo como los niños adquieren su primera ...

    On the legitimacy of Nationalism: minorities, majorities, and the multinational state 

    Costa, Josep (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    This thesis develops normative arguments about nationalism in multinational contexts. It draws consequences from the arguments used by advocates of nationalism, and analyzes their implications for a theory of the multinational ...

    On the limits of probabilistic timing analysis 

    Milutinovic, Suzana (Date of defense: 2019-12-18)

    Over the last years, we are witnessing the steady and rapid growth of Critica! Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) industries, such as automotive and aerospace. Many of the increasingly-complex CRTES' functionalities that ...

    On the links between electric micromobility and health in Barcelona. A focus on physical activity 

    Bretones Diaz, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2024-05-30)

    En els últims anys, els sistemes de transport urbà han experimentat transformacions notables, impulsades pels avenços tecnològics i el canvi de les preferències socials. Un canvi notable és l'augment de la micromobilitat ...

    On the local metric dimension of graphs 

    Barragán Ramírez, Gabriel Antonio (Date of defense: 2017-07-03)

    La dimensió mètrica d'un espai mètric general es va introduir el 1953, però va atreure poca atenció fins que, uns vint anys més tard, es va aplicar a les distàncies entre els vèrtexs d'un graf. Des de llavors s'ha utilitzat ...