Now showing items 38189-38208 of 42035

    Synchrotron powder diffraction on operando batteries at non-ambient temperature 

    Houdeville, Raphaëlle Gaétane (Date of defense: 2021-10-07)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi ha estat el desenvolupament de cel·les electroquímiques termalizadas per a estudis de materials d’elèctrode in situ mitjançant difracció de raigs X en bateries operant. La motivació global per a ...

    Synergistic optical and microwave remote sensing approaches for soil moisture mapping at high resolution 

    Portal González, Gerard (Date of defense: 2022-05-27)

    Soil moisture is an essential climate variable that plays a crucial role linking the Earth’s water, energy, and carbon cycles. It is responsible for the water exchange between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, and ...

    Synonymous changes in the human immunodeficiency virus genome as a strategy to study virus biology 

    Jordán de Paiz, Ana (Date of defense: 2019-11-29)

    La recodificación sinónima de los genomas se ha usado ampliamente para estudiar diferentes aspectos de la biología de los virus. Esta herramienta se basa en modificar la secuencia de nucleótidos de un gen sin cambiar la ...

    Syntactic constraints on topicalization phenomena 

    Rubio Alcalá, Carlos (Date of defense: 2014-05-19)

    Esta tesis es un estudio de las condiciones en las cuales la Clitic Left Dislocation, un tipo de topicalización, puede violar restricciones de isla del tipo fuerte en diferentes lenguas románicas. En la caracterización ...

    Syntax-directed translations, tree transformations and bimorphisms 

    Tirnauca, Catalin Ionut (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    La traducció basada en la sintaxi va sorgir en l'àmbit de la traducció automàtica dels llenguatges naturals. Els sistemes han de modelar les transformacions d'arbres, reordenar parts d'oracions, ser simètrics i posseir ...

    Syntaxin-1A, a synaptic-related protein in breast and head and neck cancer progression and prognosis 

    Noguera-Castells, Aleix (Date of defense: 2022-01-31)

    Modern oncology conceives solid tumours as organs by themselves, meaning that not only should the behaviour of cancer cells to be considered and evaluated therapeutically, but also the so-called tumour microenvironment. ...

    Synth-to-real semi-supervised learning for visual tasks 

    Gómez Zurita, Jose Luis (Date of defense: 2023-03-23)

    Aquest PhD se centra a aplicar l’aprenentatge semisupervisat (SSL) en problemes d’adaptació de domini sense supervisió (UDA) per tasques visuals relacionades amb la conducció autònoma. Comencem adreçant el problema de ...

    Syntheses and applications of 3-bromo-1,2,4,5-tetrazines as novel tools for chemical biology 

    Ros Simó, Enric (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    The present doctoral thesis has been devoted to the use of 1,2,4,5-tetrazines as potential tools for chemical biology. Tetrazines have become extremely interesting functionalities due to their ability ...

    Syntheses of (S)-Bicalutamide and Somatostatin analogs, and development of Green procedures for Peptide synthesis 

    Matarín Morales, Joan Antoni (Date of defense: 2021-12-15)

    Peptides are defined as compounds that contain between two and fifty amino acids connected together by amide bonds. Inside our body, peptides are natural biological messengers that play critical roles in human physiology ...

    Syntheses of high boron content polyanionic multicluster macromolecules for their potential use in medicine 

    Cioran, Ana Maria (Date of defense: 2013-02-26)

    En aquest treball es presenta la síntesi ràpida i fàcil de complexos de cobalta- i ferrabis(dicarballur) en estat sòlid. També hem estudiat la influència dels substituents en el rendiment de la reacció per a la síntesi de ...

    Syntheses of Protein Degraders and Compounds for Targeted Drug Release 

    Donoghue, Craig (Date of defense: 2019-07-24)

    The thesis consists of two main projects: a) the development of a novel strategy to gain genetic control with spatiotemporal precision, and b) the optimisation of inhibitors of the protein kinase p38α, which has a major ...

    Synthesis and advanced structural and magnetic characterization of mesoporous transition metal–doped sno2 powders and films 

    Fan, Junpeng (Date of defense: 2017-10-23)

    Aquesta Tesi doctoral comprèn la síntesi mitjançant nanoemmotllament (de l’anglès, nanocasting) i autoassemblatge per evaporació induïda (de l’anglès, evaporation–induced self–assembly) i la caracterització exhaustiva de ...

    Synthesis and applications of homoallyl hydroxy fatty acid derivatives. Novel LCNVAs as TRPV1 and FAAH modulators 

    López Chinarro, Silvia (Date of defense: 2019-02-13)

    Els greixos vegetals són una important matèria primera renovable per a la indústria química. Dins d'aquest grup destaquen els àcids grassos homoalílics hidroxilats com l’àcid ricinoleic o l’àcid lesqueròlic, els quals donen ...

    Synthesis and applications of large supramolecular nanocapsules: matryoshka-type masks, higher fullerene C84 purification and stabilization of metallic clusters and sub-nanoparticles 

    Ubasart Clarà, Ernest (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)

    The development of supramolecular assemblies with big cavities is important to recognize specific guests or infer a chemo- or regioselective chemistry, in analogy to natural enzymes. The objective of this thesis was to ...

    Synthesis and applications of nanoparticles in biosensing systems 

    Marín Mancebo, Sergio (Date of defense: 2009-04-24)

    En aquesta tesis s'han realitzat diferents síntesis de nanopartícules com són els quantum dots i les nanopartícules d'or i d'argent amb els seus corresponents coreshells (Au-Ag i Ag-Au). Aquestes nanopartícules s'han ...

    Synthesis and biological function of fucose in Plasmodium falciparum 

    Sanz Sender, Silvia (Date of defense: 2017-04-28)

    Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by Plasmodium parasites and it is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquito. P. falciparum has a complex life cycle that includes important stages in two different hosts: a mosquito and ...

    Synthesis and Characterisation of Ferrite Nanoparticles for YBa2Cu3O7-δ - Nanocomposite Superconducting Layers: a Neutron and Synchrotron Study 

    Solano Minuesa, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2013-11-18)

    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la síntesis de nanopaticulas tipo ferrita (MFe2O4) y el desarrollo de nuevas capas superconductoras de YBa2Cu3O7-δ con dichas nanopartículas magnéticas embebidas: Primeramente, una nueva ...

    Synthesis and characterisation of gold nanoclusters for catalysis applications 

    Rodrigues Alves, Maria Leonor (Date of defense: 2014-05-14)

    Esta tesis doctoral trata sobre la síntesis, y el estudio de la actividad catalítica de partículas de oro de tamaño inferior a 2 nm, nanoclústers de oro. El interés proviene de la actividad catalítica a temperatura ambiente ...

    Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes and Hybrid Carbon Nanostructures grown on flexible electrodes for Supercapacitor Applications 

    Alshaikh, Islam (Date of defense: 2022-03-17)

    Nowadays, Nanotechnology is having an impact on practically every aspect of human life. It is a transformative technology that has influenced and will continue on electronics, computers, medicine, catalysis, energy, and ...

    Synthesis and characterization of curcuminoids and their derived polymeric systems 

    Rodríguez Cid, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-10-22)

    Els curcuminoïdes (CCMoids) són un grup de molècules que presenten dos anells aromàtics units per una cadena conjugada de set carbonis (diarilheptanoids) i una β-dicetona en la posició central. La síntesi senzilla d’aquesta ...