Now showing items 27127-27146 of 43179

    Linfogammagrafía y biopsia del ganglio centinela en el carcinoma no palpable de mama 

    Benítez Segura, Ana Mª (Date of defense: 2004-12-16)

    El OBJETIVO principal ha sido analizar la utilidad de la detección radioisotópica y biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela en pacientes con carcinoma no palpable de mama y comparar los resultados obtenidos en este grupo ...

    Linfoma Folicular Avanzado. Eficacia de la Quimioterapia IAPVP-16 y Resultados del Autotrasplante Hematopoyético 

    López Sánchez, Rosario (Date of defense: 2004-02-27)

    El linfoma es una enfermedad neoplásica originada por transformación maligna de los linfocitos que residen en los ganglios linfáticos y otros tejidos linfoides. El linfoma folicular (LF) es un subtipo histológico. Cuando ...

    Linfoma folicular refractario o en recaída tras inmunoquimioterapia: características clínico-biológicas, tratamiento y pronóstico 

    Sorigué Tomàs, Marc (Date of defense: 2021-03-17)

    El limfoma fol·licular (LF) és una proliferació clonal dels limfòcits B del centre germinal del fol·licle limfoide caracteritzat biològicament per la translocació t(14;18)(q32;q21) i mutacions en reguladors epigenètics. ...

    Linfomas en pacientes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Influencia de la terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad en las características clinico-biológicas, la respuesta al tratamiento y la supervivencia 

    Navarro Ferrando, José Tomás (Date of defense: 2004-11-26)

    Introducción. <br/>Los linfomas son la segunda neoplasia en frecuencia, que afecta a los pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Desde la aparición del tratamiento antirretroviral de gran ...

    Lingnin-based nanoparticles with antibacterial properties and their nanocomposite materials for wound healing 

    Morena Gatius, Ángela Gala (Date of defense: 2023-03-10)

    (English) Lignocellulosic biomass is an abundant renewable resource considered a suitable carbon raw material for the synthesis of chemicals and as an alternative to fossil fuels energy supply source. Cellulose, hemicellulose, ...

    Lingue romanze e inglese: nemici o amici?. L'intercomprensione romanza come strumento strategico e motivazionale per apprendenti preadolescenti in contesto scolare 

    Arenare, Giovanna (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    Pur nel vastissimo corpus di studi condotti in un trentennio di ricerca sull’intercomprensione (IC), poca attenzione è stata ancora dedicata alla sua apertura extra-familiare — nel nostro caso dalle lingue romanze (LR) ...

    Linguistic Diversity: A qualitative analysis of foreign language teachers' category assembly 

    Dooly, Melinda (Date of defense: 2005-04-25)

    The importance of the topic of linguistic diversity is more patent than ever when considering within the framework of the increasing numbers of newly arrived students to the Catalonian schools. Considering teachers' ...

    Linguistic Study of the Magic in Disney Lyrics 

    Rierola Puigderajols, Ana Maria (Date of defense: 2001-11-30)

    Since 1994, and for the first time in Spain, the Disney dealer Buenavista Pictures has been providing the videotapes Welcome to Disney Classics. They contain the original versions with subtitles in English. This paper ...

    Linguistic support for protest event data collection 

    Danilova, Vera (Date of defense: 2015-11-27)

    sta tesis aborda el problema de la cualidad de recopilación automática de datos sobre protestas y propone herramientas de extracción multilíngüe de atributos del evento de protesta para mejorar la calidad de la unidad de ...

    Lingüística de corpus aplicada a la didáctica de la traducción audiovisual 

    López Garcia, Verònica (Date of defense: 2018-10-19)

    Vivimos en la era de la inmediatez informativa, que es también la de la inmediatez en el ocio y el entretenimiento y los estudios y agencias de traducción deben traducir y doblar (o subtitular) series y documentales en ...

    Link level performance evaluation and link abstraction for LTE/LTE-advanced downlink 

    Serra Pagès, Albert (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Els objectius principals d'aquesta tesis són l'avaluació del rendiment a nivell d'enllaç i l'estudi de l'abstracció de l'enllaç pel LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. S’ha desenvolupat un simulador del nivell d'enllaç E-UTRA DL basat ...

    Link prediction in large directed graphs 

    Garcia Gasulla, Dario (Date of defense: 2015-04-23)

    The first chapter introduces an approach to machine learning (ML) were data is understood as a network of connected entities. This strategy seeks inter-entity information for knowledge discovery, in contrast with traditional ...

    Linker histone post-translational modifications and effects of phosphorylation on secondary structure and chromatin aggregation 

    López Ramos, Rita (Date of defense: 2013-10-24)

    Les histones linker juguen un paper important en l’organització i manteniment de la cromatina en estructures d'ordre superior i en la regulació transcripcional. La histona H1 en vertebrats té una estructura característica ...

    Linker histones function in chromosomal RNAs homeostasis and chromatin dynamics 

    Bujosa Rodriguez, Paula (Date of defense: 2023-09-27)

    [eng] Linker histones are essential proteins involved in higher-order chromatin structures and architectural functions. However, their roles extend beyond structure, encompassing various chromatin metabolic processes such ...

    Linkers for bioconjugation 

    Ramos Tomillero, Iván (Date of defense: 2016-07-15)

    Cancer is a heterogeneous disease that represents one of the principal causes of mortality in developed countries. Due to the social and economic implications of this pathology, tremendous efforts have been making over the ...

    Linking architecture and emotions: sensory dynamics and methodological innovations 

    Zhang, Zhihui (Date of defense: 2024-05-07)

    (English) This study delves deeply into the complex relationship between the field of architecture and human emotions, aiming to fill a significant gap in existing research. It extensively explores the profound impact of ...

    Linking cell dynamics with coexpression networks to characterize key events in chronic virus infection 

    Riera Domínguez, María Graciela (Date of defense: 2018-12-10)

    The host immune response against infection requires the coordinated action of many diverse cell subsets that dynamically adapt to a pathogen threat. Due to the complexity of such a response, most immunological studies have ...

    Linking ecology and Environmental chemistry: pelagic seabirds as indicators of marine contamination = Entre la ecología y la química ambiental: Las aves pelágicas como indicadores de la contaminación marina 

    Roscales García, José Luis (Date of defense: 2010-10-29)

    Exposure to contaminants, such as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), is currently considered a serious anthropogenic threat to marine predators and their food webs. Exposure to contaminants by marine wildlife is mainly ...

    Linking hydrodynamic and biological processes in a shallow and micro tidal estuary : the case of Fangar bay (Ebro delta) 

    Fernández-Pedrera Balsells, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-05-24)

    This thesis analyses the relationships between hydrodynamics (and their forcings) and biological variables in Fangar Bay based on in situ observations, numerical models and satellite data. Fangar Bay is a relatively small, ...

    Linking institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic development: An international study 

    Aparicio, Sebastian (Date of defense: 2017-07-11)

    Hi ha un consens que considera a l'emprenedoria un element important que explica el procés de desenvolupament econòmic dels països. Entre altres raons, els acadèmics i els creadors de política s'han interessat en els factors ...