Now showing items 6427-6446 of 41729

    Comparing monolingual and bilingual language acquisition : phonemes and lexicon 

    Frey, Camille (Date of defense: 2020-02-18)

    In the present dissertation we compared monolingual and bilingual language acquisition by exploring two main topics of the early bilingual language acquisition: the establishment of the phoneme system and the establishment ...

    Comparing the key teacher competencies and the training process between China and Catalonia 

    Ding, Shujing (Date of defense: 2016-09-19)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es comparar las diferencias y similitudes de las competencias docentes claves de los maestros de primaria y el proceso de formación entre China y Cataluña. A partir del análisis del contexto ...

    Comparison and coupling of continuous and hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods : application to multi-physics problems 

    Paipuri, Mahendra (Date of defense: 2018-03-21)

    This thesis proposes a coupled continuous and hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin formulation to solve conjugate heat transfer problems. This model is then used to find the thermal response of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer ...

    Comparison between surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems using effluents 

    Abdelhameed Elbana, Maha (Date of defense: 2011-07-28)

    Els sistemes de reg per degoteig es consideren com un mètode apropiat per a la reutilització d’aigües regenerades, ja que disminueixen els riscos sanitaris. No obstant això, el problema més important en l’aplicació dels ...

    Comparison of bus network structures versus urban dispersion : a monocentric analytical approach : evidences from Barcelona's bus network 

    Badia Rodriguez, Hugo (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    This thesis discusses which transit network structure is the best option to serve urban mobility. As a consequence of the evolution of urban form, cities have undergone a dispersion process of their activities. This fact ...

    Comparison of lifestyles among mediterranean populations: eastern vs western 

    Maroun Karam, Joanne (Date of defense: 2019-01-16)

    [eng] Introduction: The Mediterranean diet was proved to be beneficial in the prevention and prognosis of chronic diseases. Older adults are the age group with the highest incidence of chronic disease. The study was ...

    Comparison of multiple (classic and novel) indirect methods to establish reference intervals 

    Martínez Sánchez, Luisa María (Date of defense: 2023-04-24)

    Els intervals de referència són eines per a l'avaluació de resultats en informes de laboratori. El seu càlcul és tradicionalment un procés laboriós i que requereix d'abundants recursos; consisteix en reclutar almenys 120 ...

    Comparison of the mesophilic, thermophilic and temperature-phased anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge 

    Lanko, Iryna (Date of defense: 2022-01-27)

    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is currently spread all over the world for sewage sludge stabilisation, volume reduction and green energy production. Its implementation contributes to turn a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) into ...

    Comparison of the response of different configurations of aircraft repair patches under static and dynamic loading 

    Pitta, Siddharth (Date of defense: 2020-07-10)

    In the modern era of transportation, air travel has gained a huge pace and still kept increasing. The global demand for air transport is increasing at a rate of 6%, because of population growth and ticket price reductions. ...

    Compartmentalised microfluidic culture systems for in vitro modelling of neurological and neuromuscular microenvironments 

    Badiola Mateos, Maider (Date of defense: 2021-03-10)

    Movement of skeletal-muscle fibres is generated by the locomotion circuit, in which many cells play a different role. Failures in any part of the circuit can cause or define the severity of neuromuscular diseases (NMD), ...

    Compasión, valor ético del profesional enfermero: estudio etnográfico en el área de salud de Soria 

    Bueno Arnau, Miryam Inmaculada (Date of defense: 2018-07-17)

    INTRODUCCIÓN: La compasión es un término amplio y complejo que precisa para su definición de la aportación de numerosas y distintas disciplinas. Una de las definiciones más completas es la que define la compasión como una ...

    Compassion at Work Matters: Understanding its Impact on Well-Being Through Empirical Research 

    San Román Niaves, Mabel (Date of defense: 2023-12-12)

    The dissertation aims to investigate the influence of compassion in the workplace, addressing three key challenges. First, it examines whether compassion is a valuable resource at work, concluding that it is linked to ...

    Compassion Counts! The power of compassion at work: Empirical findings from several multi-samples studies 

    Miralles Armenteros, Sandra (Date of defense: 2018-06-01)

    Compassion is defined as an interpersonal process involving the noticing, feeling, sensemaking, and acting that alleviates the suffering of another person. Thus, compassion can be understood as a social process rather than ...

    Compatibilitat clínica entre marcapassos cardíacs i aparells electrònics odontològics: Estudi in vivo 

    Conde Mir, Isabel (Date of defense: 2018-09-07)

    INTRODUCCIÓ: Els implants actius cardíacs, que inclouen marcapassos i desfibril·ladors automàtics implantables, estan indicats en el tractament d'arrítmies i en determinats casos d'insuficiència cardíaca. L’ús d’aquests ...

    Compatir el mal. Sobre la justificación política del mandato de impedir determinados delitos en el derecho penal español 

    Valenzuela Saldias, Jonatan (Date of defense: 2012-03-05)

    La tesis trata sobre la justificación del mandato de impedir determinados delitos contenido en el artículo 450.1 del CP español. Para ello se utiliza una perspectiva de filosofía política. Se propone una justificación ...

    A compendium of publications base on multilevel and mixed method analyses on student perceptions of their social realities: the role of curriculum and teaching strategies 

    Wilson Daily, Ann E. (Date of defense: 2021-04-16)

    This thesis brings together five accepted, and one submitted, articles, along with a seventh in process of completion, all written and revised during a second doctoral candidacy. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods ...

    El Compendivm Constitvcionvm Generalivm Cathalonie de Narcís de Sant Dionís 

    Álvarez Gómez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2015-03-25)

    A les Corts de Barcelona (1412-1413), que presidiren successivament Ferran I i l’infant Alfons, s’aprovà una Constitució, intitulada «Per tal que les leys», que determinava la recopilació en llatí i en traducció catalana ...

    Compensation schemes in collective decision making 

    Perote Peña, Juan (Date of defense: 2001-03-30)

    La presente memoria consiste en cuatro artículos independientes de la Teoría de la Elección Social y el diseño de mecanismos. Los dos primeros capítulos están especialmente relacionados, pues comparten el objetivo común ...

    Compensation schemes when workers have different characteristics: three experimental essays. 

    Ortiz Gómez, José M. (Date of defense: 2017-07-27)

    Esta tesis está compuesta por tres capítulos que pueden resumirse como sigue: En el primer capítulo de la tesis presentamos resultados de un experimento con tres jugadores cuyo objetivo es estudiar cómo los empresarios ...

    Competence development in a project and problem based learning professional practice module in engineering education based on ill-structured problem solving: action research and its implications for sustainability education 

    Božić, Marija (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    El propósito de esta investigación es desarrollar un módulo de aprendizaje basado en la práctica profesional para que los estudiantes de ingeniería fomenten las competencias propias de su profesión. Por otra parte, se ...