Now showing items 10267-10286 of 11179

    Surface plasmon resonance as a tool in the functional analysis of an immunodominant site in foot-and-mouth disease virus 

    Gomes, Paula Alexandra de Carvalho (Date of defense: 2000-11-23)

    A fast and direct surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method for the kinetic analysis of the interactions between peptide antigens and immobilised monoclonal antibodies (mAb) has been established. Protocols have been developed ...

    Surface Properties of Hard Fluorinated Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited by Pulsed-DC Discharges 

    Rubio Roy, Miguel (Date of defense: 2010-02-26)

    New Generation Lithographic (NGL) techniques have been recently investigated in order to overcome the limitations of the long-used UV lithography. Several techniques have been proposed during the last decades, but the ...

    Surgical Assessment of Insular Gliomas: Operative Technique and Clinical Outcomes 

    Benet Cabero, Arnau (Date of defense: 2020-11-09)

    BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment of Insular gliomas is technically challenging and may lead to high postoperative morbidity. However, previous research has proven that maximal safe resection is critical for ...

    Surrealismo y saberes mágicos en la obra de Remedios Varo 

    González Madrid, María José (Date of defense: 2014-02-10)

    En muchos estudios sobre la obra de Remedios Varo (Anglés, 1908 – Ciudad de México, 1963) se destacan las inclinaciones de la pintora por los saberes mágicos y herméticos, por lo oculto y lo místico. Sin embargo no se ha ...

    Survival methods for the analysis of customer lifetime duration in insurance 

    Pérez Marín, Ana María (Date of defense: 2006-03-06)

    El tema central de esta tesis es la fidelización de clientes y la gestión del riesgo de negocio en entidades aseguradoras.<br/><br/>En la tesis se analiza el tiempo de permanencia del asegurado como cliente de la compañía ...

    Susceptibilidad a Melanoma: nuevos aspectos clínico-patológicos, desarrollo de herramientas y modelos de estudio y evaluación de medidas preventivas 

    Aguilera Peiró, Paula (Date of defense: 2015-09-23)

    El trabajo contenido en esta Tesis Doctoral ha ido encaminado a mejorar el conocimiento del Melanoma Familiar con el fin de mejorar su prevención y tratamiento. En el primero de los trabajos publicados se han descrito y ...

    Susceptibilidad genética al cáncer gástrico y lesiones precursoras, y mecanismos moleculares que intervienen en la progresión de la metaplasia intestinal 

    Companioni Nápoles, Osmel (Date of defense: 2015-10-26)

    El cáncer gástrico es el resultado de sucesivos cambios histológicos en la mucosa gástrica conocidos como lesiones preneoplásicas y cuya sucesión es conocida como la Cascada de Correa, constituyendo el mecanismo de ...

    Suspect screening of natural toxins in surface water reservoirs 

    Picardo, Massimo (Date of defense: 2021-02-04)

    Natural toxins include a multitude of toxic secondary metabolites produced by animals, bacteria, fungi algae, and plants that are generally not intended as environmental contaminants of concern for water quality. However, ...

    Suspended Micro/nanogenerators for cell stimulation 

    Vargas Estevez, Carolina (Date of defense: 2019-01-17)

    Our bodies are complex machines whose functioning depends on multiple electrical signals controlled mainly by the nervous system. Afterwards, it is not illogical to think that one day artificial electrical impulses would ...

    Suspended particulate matter and wet deposition fluxes in regional background stations of the Iberian Peninsula : a detailed study of african dust outbreaks 

    Escudero Tellechea, Miguel (Date of defense: 2006-06-22)

    [spa] La presencia de partículas sólidas y/o líquidas en la atmósfera (aerosol atmosférico) tiene diversas implicaciones sobre el clima, la visibilidad, la salud de los humanos y diversos ciclos biogeoquímicos. Debido a ...

    Suspended sediment dynamics and yield in the Mediterranean Anoia river basin under different land uses = Dinàmica i producció de sediment en suspensió a la conca mediterrània del riu Anoia sota diferents usos del sòl 

    Farguell Pérez, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2005-03-15)

    La producción de sedimento en suspensión es la más importante que acarrean los ríos a los océanos y mares del mundo. El estudio en el que se basa la presente tesis se ha llevado a cabo en la cuenca del río Anoia, afluente ...

    La suspensión del juicio ejecutivo 

    Pérez Gordo, Alfonso (Date of defense: 1970-01-01)

    [spa] El objeto de nuestro estudio es la suspensión e interrupción del juicio ejecutivo. Pero es imposible desarrollar dicho tema sin que antes dediquemos parte de nuestro trabajo a considerar aquellas nociones generales ...

    Sustancias naturales de moluscos opistobranquios: estudio de su estructura, origen y función en ecosistemas bentónicos 

    Ávila Escartín, Conxita (Date of defense: 1993-05-10)

    Los Moluscos Opistobranquios, en relación a la reducción o incluso pérdida de la concha, han desarrollado múltiples y sofisticados métodos de defensa (incluyendo la defensa química) que les han permitido sobrevivir sin ...

    SutteARIMA is a New Approach to Forecast Economics, Business, and Actuarial Data 

    Ahmar, Ansari Saleh (Date of defense: 2022-05-11)

    The main objective of this study was to develop a new forecasting method i.e. SutteARIMA method. SutteARIMA was developed by using a combination and/or weaknesses of some forecasting methods that already exist (α-Sutte ...

    Synaptic and circuit mechanisms of working memory and their dysfunction in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis and schizophrenia 

    Stein, Heike (Date of defense: 2020-11-13)

    [eng] In this thesis, I investigate different synaptic and circuit mechanisms of working memory, how their interaction produces specific working memory biases, and how their disruption in psychiatric or neurological disease ...

    Synaptic and non-synaptic propagation of slow waves and their modulation by endogenous electric fields 

    Rebollo González, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2017-06-14)

    The cerebral cortex is organized in complex circuits of neurons strongly interconnected in a conductive medium. During deep sleep stage, this neuronal connectivity generates recurrent synchronized synaptic activity leading ...

    Synaptic transmission in autaptic circuits: presynaptic homeostatic plasticity and microtubule dynamics 

    Velasco Domínguez, Cecilia (Date of defense: 2022-04-22)

    Synapses are the contact sites where the transfer of information from the presynaptic to the postsynaptic site occurs. Correct processing of information requires that synapses continuously adapt their properties to an ...

    Syntaxin-1A, a synaptic-related protein in breast and head and neck cancer progression and prognosis 

    Noguera-Castells, Aleix (Date of defense: 2022-01-31)

    Modern oncology conceives solid tumours as organs by themselves, meaning that not only should the behaviour of cancer cells to be considered and evaluated therapeutically, but also the so-called tumour microenvironment. ...

    Syntheses and applications of 3-bromo-1,2,4,5-tetrazines as novel tools for chemical biology 

    Ros Simó, Enric (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    The present doctoral thesis has been devoted to the use of 1,2,4,5-tetrazines as potential tools for chemical biology. Tetrazines have become extremely interesting functionalities due to their ability ...

    Syntheses of (S)-Bicalutamide and Somatostatin analogs, and development of Green procedures for Peptide synthesis 

    Matarín Morales, Joan Antoni (Date of defense: 2021-12-15)

    Peptides are defined as compounds that contain between two and fifty amino acids connected together by amide bonds. Inside our body, peptides are natural biological messengers that play critical roles in human physiology ...