Now showing items 1192-1211 of 11199

    Brain mechanisms of executive control: Event-related potentials and oscillations in schizophrenic patients and healthy controls during task-switching 

    Finke, Mareike (Date of defense: 2013-01-18)

    The brain's ability to represent, maintain and update contextual (task-set) information enables us to alternate successfully between different tasks. Task-set reconfiguration is required when task demands change, as goal ...

    Brain mechanisms underlying the tracking and localization of dynamic cues 

    López Pigozzi, Diego (Date of defense: 2013-04-02)

    Since the discovery of the place cells in 1971 by John O’Keefe and colleagues an extensive work over the hippocampus has been developed as the mammal model of spatial navigation. Place cells are rodents’ hippocampal neurons ...

    Brain reorganization in an experimental model of intrauterine growth restriction 

    Eixarch Roca, Elisenda (Date of defense: 2011-11-03)

    1.- INTRODUCTION Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) due to placental insufficiency affects 5-10% of all pregnancies. This condition is a risk factor for brain damage after birth and cognitive disorders later in ...

    Brain structural predispositions for music and language processing 

    Vaquero Zamora, Lucía (Date of defense: 2016-12-14)

    It has been shown that music and language training can elicit plastic changes on brain structure and function bringing along behavioural benefits. For instance, musicians have been reported to have better auditory ...

    Braquiterapia en cáncer de próstata localizado e impacto en calidad de vida 

    Martínez Pérez, Evelyn (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    La hipótesis principal de esta tesis doctoral es que la braquiterapia es un tratamiento eficaz y de baja toxicidad que no impacta negativamente en la calidad de vida de los pacientes con cáncer de próstata. Una segunda ...

    Brassinosteroids role in arabidopsis root development : theoretical and experimental approaches 

    Pavelescu, Irina (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    This PhD thesis represents an advance in the present understanding of the spatiotemporal control of model plant Arabidopsis thaliana root growth and development. The size and structure of a living organism are tightly ...

    Breaking the Cycle of Perpetration: Longitudinal and Diary Studies on How Bullying is Triggered and How Perpetrators are Impacted 

    Özer, Gülüm (Date of defense: 2023-06-02)

    [eng] Workplace bullying (WB) remains a serious psychosocial risk at workplaces. However, research examining WB from the perspective of perpetrators remains limited, and interventions designed for perpetrators are non-existent. ...

    Breviari d’amor: text, còdex, obra 

    Capdevila Arrizabalaga, Irene (Date of defense: 2022-05-30)

    L’objectiu principal de la present recerca és aproximar-se a l’obra de Matfre Ermengaud, Breviari d’amor (s. XIII), a partir del conjunt de la seva tradició romànica: occitana, catalana i castellana. S’utilitza el mètode ...

    Broadband emission from high energy processes in microquasars 

    Bosch i Ramon, Valentí (Date of defense: 2006-04-27)

    Microquasars are X-ray binary systems that present relativistic radio jets.<br/>These systems consist on a normal star and a compact object, where the latter accretes matter from the former powering the mentioned relativistic ...

    Broadening Adenoviral Oncolysis in PDAC: Interrogation of Patient-Derived Organoids for personalized virotherapy and modulation of miRNA content to boost adenoviral potency 

    Raimondi, Giulia (Date of defense: 2020-06-08)

    The general goal of this thesis has been to progress oncolytic adenovirus therapy for PDAC, by the incorporation of novel preclinical models to test for patient-specific responses and the generation of oncolytic adenoviruses ...

    Bronquiolitis aguda: validació d’una escala de gravetat i ús de biomarcadors per a la optimització del tractament 

    Alejandre Galobardes, Carme (Date of defense: 2020-06-19)

    INTRODUCCIÓ: La bronquiolitis és la infecció més comú del tracte respiratori inferior en lactants i principal causa d'ingrés hospitalari en els menors d'1 any. El diagnòstic és fonamentalment clínic. Actualment no hi ha ...

    Brujería, dominación y libertad en el Caribe neogranadino y la Cuba de entre siglos a partir de Los cortejos del Diablo, de Germán Espinosa, y Biografía de un cimarrón, de Miguel Barnet 

    Salazar Carreño, Ronald (Date of defense: 2023-01-18)

    [spa] La magia, como un elemento disruptivo, que ensancha el marco perceptivo, epistémico o cognoscitivo del hombre, ha estado presente también en sus manifestaciones artísticas. Por ejemplo, durante siglos, la literatura ...

    El buen hacer. El respeto al oficio desde los valores tradicionales como propuesta metodológica para una práctica fotográfica actual 

    Martín Fernández, Diego (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    La ruta propuesta en esta investigación comienza con una introducción en la que se analiza la idea básica del “buen hacer” en la praxis del fotógrafo. Para ello, se empieza con una breve panorámica sobre el interés que ...

    Building a Scenario of Physics Beyond the Standard Model in the Flavor Sector 

    Arnan Vendrell, Pere (Date of defense: 2020-09-04)

    Recently lepton flavor universality tests in colliders have reported tensions with the Standard Model, providing an experimental hint at low energies of the effect of a new high energy theory. These tensions are known as ...

    Building Human Spinal Cord Organoids (huSpineOrg) biomodels to study neural tube defects 

    Blanco Ameijeiras, Jose Manuel (Date of defense: 2023-03-24)

    [eng] The Central nervous system (CNS) originates from the coordinated events that result into neural specification and the morphogenic events that shape the neural tube (NT). Then, the embryonic NT should grow and generate ...

    Building knowledge in performance measurement and management: A critical realist approach 

    Armstrong, Ryan (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    Within management and organizational studies, researchers and practitioners alike have maintained a constant interest in the topic performance management as a means of improving individual and organizational performance. ...

    Bullionism, Specie-Point Mechanism and Bullion Flows in the Early 18th-century Europe 

    Nogués Marco, Pilar (Date of defense: 2010-01-22)

    The discovery of America was followed by a flow of precious metals to Spain and Portugal, and from there throughout the world. Historiography has reconstructed the quantities of gold and silver transferred from the New ...

    El bullying a l’esport i a l’Educació Física. Una aproximació des de la perspectiva de les víctimes de bullying en el context esportiu, dels entrenadors i les entrenadores, i del futur personal docent d'Educació Física 

    Ríos Sisó, Xènia (Date of defense: 2023-02-24)

    [cat] El bullying, una problemàtica social d’abast mundial, es va començar a estudiar als anys 70. La investigació, centrada principalment en el context escolar, ha posat de manifest la necessitat d’abordar el fenomen degut ...

    Buscando la autorrealización: análisis sociológico y audiovisual de los napolitanos en Barcelona 

    Rossano, Marco (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    El trabajo doctoral que presentamos tiene como objetivo observar y analizar la vida de algunos napolitanos que viven en Barcelona dentro del fenómeno más amplio de circulación de personas en Europa. De hecho, la investigación ...

    Business Innovation: measurement, treatment and decision making in uncertain environments 

    Alfaro-García, Víctor G. (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    It is generally accepted that innovation is a source of competitiveness for companies and nations. The impact of innovation activities on business performance ranges from the effect on sales and market share to the improvement ...