Mostrando ítems 2976-2995 de 11231

    Dual role of CDK5 on cognitive deficits and striatal vulnerability in Huntington’s disease 

    Alvarez Periel, Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-06)

    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an autosomic mutation on the Huntingtin (HTT) coding gene. HD is mainly characterized by the appearance of motor symptoms or choreas, which are associated ...

    El dualisme natura/cultura en ecologia. Anàlisi del pensament ecològic margalefià i de les pràctiques de les cooperatives de consum ecològic 

    Homs Ramírez de la Piscina, Patricia (Fecha de defensa: 2013-03-22)

    Ens trobem en una crisi ecològica entesa en el sentit més ampli. Oîkos com a llar: crisi econòmica, política, alimentària, ambiental, social… La interpretació del planeta en situació de crisi ecològica resulta del ...

    Duality Theory and Abstract Algebraic Logic 

    Esteban, María (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-04)

    In this thesis we present the results of our research on duality theory for non-classical logics under the point of view of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL). Firstly, we propose an abstract Spectral-like duality and an ...

    Duda y dialéctica en "De suis tentationibus" de Otloh de San Emeramo 

    Violante, Susana Beatriz (Fecha de defensa: 2010-01-15)

    La presente tesis doctoral se inscribe en la valoración del pensamiento de Otloh de San Emeramo, siglo XI. Un autor poco estudiado en el entorno de la Filosofía del Medioevo. A nuestro estudio lo hemos dividido en cuatro ...

    Duelo anticipado en familiares cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer y otras demencias 

    Vilajoana Celaya, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-28)

    El objetivo de la presente investigación es verificar la existencia de la entidad duelo anticipado en los cuidadores familiares de personas con deterioro cognitivo e identificar las variables que intervienen en estos ...

    Duelo y creación artística. Propuestas de recuperación y continuidad de la memoria autobiográfica a través de la experimentación plástica 

    Martínez Rodríguez, Pamela (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    La investigación que se propone nace de una experiencia autobiográfica y se ocupa de la creación artística originada en el dolor de la pérdida. Específicamente se trata de indagar en las fuentes culturales más relevantes, ...

    Dugong-Seagrass Interactions in the Arabian Peninsula: Dugong Feeding Grounds as a Conservation Management Unit 

    Khamis, Abdulqader (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-24)

    [eng] The principal challenge of conserving marine megaherbivores is that they typically range over extensive areas that far exceed the spatial scales of conventional management, transcending protected areas, and often ...

    Duplicaciones génicas y virulencia en Escherichia coli 

    Bernabeu Lorenzo, Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-08)

    The pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli can be divided into two large groups: those that cause intestinal infections and those that cause extra- intestinal infections. The strains that belong to the first group are ...

    Dynamic force spectroscopy and folding kinetics in molecular systems 

    Alemany i Arias, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-04)

    Codification of genetic information; regulation of gene expression; transport of nutrients inside cells; immune protection against infectious agents; transduction of external signals... These are some of the crucial processes ...

    Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Colloidal Particles and Holes 

    Miguel López, María del Carmen (Fecha de defensa: 1985-10-06)

    Our main goal is to study certain aspects of the dynamics of fluids with magnetic particles in suspension, based on their promising practical applications as new materials as welI as on its fundamental scientific interest. In ...

    Dynamical and Mechanical Characterisation of Bi- and Tri-dimensional Neuronal Cultures: from Health to Disease 

    Fernández López, Clara (Fecha de defensa: 2024-01-12)

    [eng] In this PhD thesis, we leverage the well established foundations of complex systems physics and integrate insights from medicine and materials engineering to advance our understanding of neuroscience. Our primary ...

    Dynamical characterisation of the Magellanic Clouds with Gaia data and the KRATOS simulations 

    Jiménez Arranz, Óscar (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-08)

    [eng] The more clearly visible galaxies to the naked eye in the night sky are the Magellanic Clouds (MC), the biggest galaxies in the Milky Way (MW) neighbourhood. Because they are so close, the Large and Small Magellanic ...

    The Dynamical State of Star-forming Regions, from Molecular Clouds to Massive Clumps 

    Lu, Zujia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-26)

    Star formation is a fundamental and still largely unsolved problem of astrophysics and cosmology. Its complexity stems from the complex interaction of turbulence, magnetic fields and gravity, and from the onset of different ...

    Dynamical transport mechanisms in celestial mechanics and astrodynamics problems 

    Pérez Palau, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-30)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és afegir una petita fulla a l’arbre del coneixement. En particular a la branca del sistemes dinàmics. La teoria de sistemes dinàmics és la branca de les matemàtiques que estudia l’evolució del ...

    Dynamics and Effective Connectivity in Bi- and Three–dimensional Neuronal Cultures: from Self–organization to Engineering 

    Estévez Priego, Estefanía (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-22)

    This thesis was part of the European consortium MESOBRAIN, a team of 5 organizations that joined efforts in nanofabrication, cell culturing, imaging and data analysis to build tailored human 3D networks. The thesis timing ...

    Dynamics and structural evolution of collapse calderas: A comparison between field evidence, analogue and mathematical models 

    Geyer Traver, Adelina (Fecha de defensa: 2007-03-28)

    Collapse calderas are defined as the volcanic depression that result from the disruption of the geometry of the magma chamber roof due to down faulting during the course of an eruption. These structures have received ...

    Dynamics of cellular decision making processes 

    Palau Ortin, David (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-02)

    Cells, either as unicellular organisms or as part of a tissue of a multicellular organism, can acquire different functions thanks to their capability of changing their expression state. The enzyme synthesis, cell division ...

    Dynamics of Isotopically Pure He Droplets Doped with Atomic Impurities 

    Leal Martín, Antonio Jesús (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-05)

    Helium is the second lightest element and the second most abundant element in the universe. It is named for the Greek god of the sun, Helios, and it was first discovered by French astronomer Jules Janssen as an unknown ...

    Dynamics of nanoparticles in 3D tumor models 

    Olea, Rodica-Alis (Fecha de defensa: 2024-01-15)

    [eng] In the last decades, great research effort was focused towards designing nanocarriers for cancer therapy. However, nanoparticle translation from basic research to the clininc has proven to be a challenging task, with ...

    Dynamics of spontaneous activity in the cerebral cortex across brain states 

    Jercog, Daniel Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2013-10-24)

    Spontaneous activity in the cerebral cortex changes in different brain states. During desynchronized brain states (e.g. wakefulness, REM sleep), populations of neurons in the cerebral cortex fire action potentials in a ...