Mostrando ítems 9271-9290 de 11246

    Qualitat de l'àrea d'educació física. El cas dels centres que imparteixen l'educació secundària obligatòria de la ciutat de Barcelona, La 

    González Arévalo, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 2006-04-21)

    L'estudi és un diagnòstic de la situació actual de l'educació física a la ciutat de Barcelona amb una doble finalitat: d'una banda, proporcionar una eina per avaluar la qualitat de l'àrea d'educació física i, d'una altra ...

    Qualitat de Vida, Aferrament i Creences de Malaltia del pacient immigrant de la Catalunya Central 

    Figueras, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-10)

    FONAMENT: Actualment, el fet d’immigrar, malgrat ser un fenòmen antiquíssim, posa en compromís la salut general i mental de les persones que emigren per motius econòmics. A l’Estat Espanyol, la migració multicultural, és ...

    Qualitat i estabilitat dels embotits derivats del porc de producció ecològica 

    Magrinyà Navarro, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2013-10-07)

    Els nostres avantpassats conservaven la carn amb sal per tenir disponibilitat de productes carnis durant tot l’any. Les impureses en nitrat que aquesta sal contenia donaven lloc a un producte carni curat amb un color ...

    Qualitat organitzativa en les regates del Circuit Català de Vela Lleugera: Estudi per a la millora contínua 

    Palatzi Fernández, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-24)

    El propòsit d’aquesta recerca va ser conèixer i valorar la percepció de qualitat organitzativa en les regates de vela lleugera al circuit català, per tal de donar eines i fonaments per contribuir a la millora contínua ...

    Qualitative analysis of the anisotropic Kepler problem 

    Casasayas i Mas, Josefa (Fecha de defensa: 1984-01-01)

    The anisotropic Kepler problem was introduced by Gutzwiller as a classical mechanical system which approximates the following quantum mechanical system: the study of bound states of an electron near a donor impurity of a ...

    Quan l'Ajuntament va ser nostre. El primer ajuntament democràtic després de la mort de Franco (1979-1983) 

    Moreno Muñoz, David (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-05)

    Aquesta investigació és una aproximació a la complexa realitat d’una gegantina institució com l’Ajuntament de Barcelona en un període convuls i ple de canvis, englobant des dels darrers anys del franquisme fins la victòria ...

    Quantifying Risk using Copulae and Kernel Estimators 

    Bahraoui, Zuhair (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-19)

    In this Thesis we addressed two very important themes related to quantitative risk management. On one hand, we provided relevant results about the analysis of extreme value distributions; on the other hand, we also presented ...

    Quantitative analyses of molecular and cellular features of brain development in the context of recent human evolution 

    Moriano, Juan (Fecha de defensa: 2024-01-10)

    [eng] In this thesis, we investigate molecular and cellular substrates of derived traits in our species, and do so under the hypothesis of a Homo sapiens species-specific brain ontogenetic trajectory as overarching framework. ...

    Quantitative equidistribution of Galois orbits of points of small height on the algebraic torus 

    Narváez Clauss, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-21)

    El teorema de equidistribución de Bilu establece que, dada una sucesión estricta de puntos en el toro algebraico N-dimensional cuya altura de Weil tiende a cero, las órbitas de Galois de los puntos se equidistribuyen con ...

    Quantitative methods for electron energy loss spectroscopy 

    Eljarrat Ascunce, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-21)

    This thesis explores the analytical capabilities of low-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), applied to disentangle the intimate configuration of advanced semiconductor heterostructures. Modern aberration corrected ...

    Quantitative proteomic approaches for the characterization of bacterial wilt resistance mechanisms in tomato. lnsights on the role of P69 subtilisin-like proteases in defense 

    Planas Marqués, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-30)

    The plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum is the causal agent of the devastating disease known as bacterial wilt. This disease affects more than 200 plant species in over 50 families, including economically important crops ...

    Quantitative risk assessment, aggregation functions and capital allocation problems 

    Belles Sampera, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-30)

    This work is focused on the study of risk measures and solutions to capital allocation problems, their suitability to answer practical questions in the framework of insurance and financial institutions and their connection ...

    Quantum Algorithms: bridging the gap between theory and experiment 

    Ramos Calderer, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-21)

    [eng] As more sophisticated quantum devices are being developed, the scope of what can successfully be executed on them grows. In this period, an essential piece of this process is the hand-in-hand collaboration between ...

    Quantum Aspects of Space and Time 

    Tomasevic, Marija (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-09)

    In this thesis, we explore different ways in which spacetime exhibits peculiar properties when subjected to the rules of quantum mechanics. These rules are naturally implemented at the level of semiclassical physics, where ...

    Quantum Confinement of Gaseous Molecules in Nanostructures: Effects on the Dynamics and Internal Structure 

    Mondelo-Martell, Manel (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-18)

    Quantum confinement effects, understood as the changes on the structure and dynamics of a molecule when it goes from a free environment to a cavity with some characteristic length of the order of the nanometer, represent ...

    Quantum dynamics of physicochemical processes in superfluid (4)He nanodroplets 

    Vilà Casanovas, Arnau (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-30)

    The present thesis presents several theoretical studies on the dynamical processes of physicochemical interest involving superfluid helium (4He) nanodroplets. It has been developed a theoretical approach and computationally ...

    Quantum entanglement and quantum state estimation = Entrelazado cuántico y estimación de estados cuánticos 

    Acín dal Maschio, Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2001-06-01)

    [spa] En esta Tesis se ha realizado en el marco de la Información Cuántica, una nueva disciplina de la Física Teórica en la que se funden la Mecánica Cuántica con la Teoría de la Información. El estudio se ha centrado en ...

    Quasi One Dimensional Antimony Selenide Thin Film Solar Cells for Next Generation Photovoltaics 

    Vidal Fuentes, Pedro (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-04)

    This PhD thesis explores the quasi one dimensional Sb2Se3 absorber material and its application in substrate thin film solar cells in a SLG/Mo/Sb2Se3/CdS/i-ZnO/ITO configuration. The body of the thesis is introduced by a ...

    The Quasi-Persuasive Nature of Disagreement 

    Pietroiusti, Giulio (Fecha de defensa: 2022-06-17)

    This thesis is made up of two papers. Both of them are concerned with the “motive for altering or calling into question the attitude of the other” that Stevenson included in his characterization of disagreement. ...

    Queer terror management: Theory, test and indicators towards a psychosocial intervention in gender stereotypes via death attitudes 

    Stiller, Mel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-05-12)

    Guided by the value of equal opportunities, the present thesis strives to provide indicators for psychosocial intervention that contribute to the eradication of gender stereotypes. For this purpose, a novel theory is ...