Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Departament d'Enginyeria Química
The goal of this thesis is to provide a systematic mathematical decision-support tool for the design of energy systems. Nowadays the society is becoming increasingly conscious about ecological problems originated by anthropogenic factors. In response to this situation, the authorities are taking measures with the purpose to restrict the actual and further environmental load related to human activity. Here, energy efficiency and renewable energies play an important role. Particularly, one of the measures with considerable potential is the retrofit of standard industrial processes through the incorporation of renewable energies in order to reduce the environmental impact related to the use of natural fossil fuels. The general problem we aim to solve in this thesis is the design of environmentally friendly energy systems with the lowest possible cost. To illustrate the capabilities of our approach, we consider a case study: a desalination plant located in the Tarragona region. Our methodology is general enough to be applied to other energy systems, and aims to guide decisions-makers towards the adoption of alternatives with less environmental impact.
Multi-objective optimization; Desalination; Non linear progamming; Life Cycle Assessment; Renewable energy
504 – Environmental sciences; 66 - Chemical technology. Chemical and related industries. Metallurgy
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