Now showing items 21-40 of 104

    Conjugated organic radicals and polyradicals: electronic structure and photophysics 

    Sandoval-Salinas, María Eugenia (Date of defense: 2021-02-15)

    The principal aim of this thesis is the understanding of the electronic structure of organic diradical and polyradical molecules. Unveiling the properties that give them the electronic, magnetic, and optical properties to ...

    Contaminants organoclorats, organobromats i organofosforats en població general 

    Bravo Villarraso, Natalia (Date of defense: 2019-11-21)

    Durant les dècades dels anys 50 i 60 del segle XX es van utilitzar arreu del món diferents tipus de compostos organoclorats i organobromats, que pertanyen als contaminants orgànics persistents (COPs), com a pesticides, ...

    Cosymlib: a Python library for continuous symmetry measures and its application to problems in structural chemistry 

    Bernuz Fito, Efrem (Date of defense: 2021-07-19)

    For many years symmetry has been a useful concept in the study of the spatial organization of atoms in molecules or solids. The presence of symmetry elements in a given molecular structure gives a valuable information about ...

    Crystal Engineering Studies of Squaric Acid Derivatives 

    Portell Bueso, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-11-17)

    This thesis is a multidisciplinary study of the solid state of squaric acid derivatives which combines approaches from areas such as crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry and crystallography. The structural preferences ...

    Deciphering the role of peripheral and central nervous system metabotropic glutamate receptors in neuropathic pain with photoactivable ligands 

    Font Ingles, Joan (Date of defense: 2017-06-09)

    Pain is one of the main medical problems that in several cases results into a chronic disease with limited effective treatment, thus the discovery of new drugs to fight against constitutes a big challenge nowadays. Metabotropic ...

    Deposition of environmentally friendly cermets coatings by thermal spray techniques 

    Bazyaran, Fatemeh (Maryam) (Date of defense: 2019-04-01)

    The main objective of this research work was to produce environmentally friendly cermets coatings, Ni and Co free matrix, alternative to conventional WC- Co, by thermal spray processes. WC-Co cermets has always been one ...

    Desarrollo y caracterización del efecto doble memoria de forma obtenido mediante martensita estabilizada en aleaciones base cobre y de la fenomenología de envejecimiento 

    Fernández González, Javier (Date of defense: 1993-01-01)

    Se han obtenido distintas aleaciones policristalinas de base cobre así como monocristalinas de ZuCnAlCo, las cuales han sido caracterizadas quimícamente, estructural y calorimétricamente. Se ha utilizado un nuevo método ...

    Desarrollo y evaluación de análogos de C75 como potenciales fármacos contra la obesidad y el cáncer 

    Gómez García, Roberto (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    [spa] La presente Tesis de carácter multidisciplinar se centra en el diseño y síntesis de nuevos derivados de C75 como potenciales agentes antitumorales e inhibidores de la ingesta para el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos ...

    Desenvolupament i aplicació de metodologies analítiques i quimiomètriques per a l’estudi de la contaminació atmosfèrica 

    Alier Pedemonte, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-04-11)

    En aquesta Tesi s’han estudiat les fonts d’emissió de diversos contaminants atmosfèrics, principalment a l’àrea de Barcelona. Els contaminants estudiats han estat l’òxid de nitrogen (NO), compost tòxic que s’emet en grans ...

    Design and Synthesis of Bifunctional Compounds for Targeted Protein Degradation and Phosphorylation 

    Loren Parrondo, Guillem (Date of defense: 2023-09-15)

    [eng] In this doctoral thesis, the design and synthesis of bifunctional molecules that induce the degradation of a target protein in cells are described. The synthesis of molecules capable of inducing the phosphorylation ...

    Design of multifunctional polymeric nanoparticles for biomedical applications 

    Leitner, Stefanie (Date of defense: 2013-12-20)

    The general objective of this research was the design of polymeric cationic nanoparticles from nano-emulsions obtained by low-energy methods for biomedical applications. This general objective includes the preparation of ...

    Design of peptides able to modulate Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) in mutated p53 

    Nicolini, Federica (Date of defense: 2022-12-02)

    [eng] Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play a crucial role in the homeostasis of the cells; therefore, they are important therapeutic targets. Typically, the goal in targeting PPIs is to impede them. On the contrary, ...

    Designing Advanced Nanocatalysts: Synthesis of complex CeO2-based Nanostructures 

    Hervés Carrete, Carmen (Date of defense: 2023-05-24)

    [eng] The main objective of this dissertation has been to stablish a bridge between materials science and its fields of application. The scope of this thesis work, under this premise, is aimed towards understanding the ...

    Development and application of analytical and chemometric methodology for environmental metabolomic studies based on one-and two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry 

    Pérez Cova, Miriam Carolina (Date of defense: 2022-09-05)

    Chemical exposure to emerging contaminants (ECs) is a major concern nowadays. These ECs have recently become a global environmental threat, and an in-depth characterization of their occurrence and toxic impact is needed. ...

    Development and application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy and chemometric methods for the analysis of the metabolome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under different growing conditions 

    Puig Castellví, Francesc (Date of defense: 2018-07-10)

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is able to produce by a single direct measurement a very high amount of chemical information. However, this information is not always easy to interpret. In fact, the complexity ...

    Development and applications of photoswitchable muscarinic ligands 

    Riefolo, Fabio (Date of defense: 2020-07-29)

    Modern medical treatments are largely based on the ability of pharmacological drugs to interact with a molecular target in the human body (e.g., receptors) in order to evoke a physiological response. Such targets are ...

    Development and applications of photoswitchable small molecules and peptides to control protein-protein interactions and GPCR activity 

    Prischich, Davia (Date of defense: 2021-02-23)

    Photopharmacology is an emerging field that relies on the development of photosensitive compounds to enable precise spatiotemporal control over endogenous proteins. Photochromic ligands· are designed to respond ...

    Distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances in the environment 

    Colomer Vidal, Pere (Date of defense: 2021-02-12)

    Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a large group of man-made chemicals that are widely used throughout society and found in the environment. These compounds are characterized by perfluorinated carbon chains of varying ...

    Disulfide-based dynamic combinatorial libraries of macrocyclic pseudopeptides as bio-inspired complex chemical systems 

    Atcher Ubiergo, Joan (Date of defense: 2015-07-28)

    Dynamic combinatorial chemistry proposes the creation of a library of compounds (dynamic combinatorial library, DCL) inter-connected through reversible chemical processes. The concentrations in a DCL are determined by ...

    Drogas y psicofármacos: estudio de su presencia en el medio ambiente (aguas residuales, sedimentos y mejillones) y evaluación de su consumo e impacto 

    López García, Ester (Date of defense: 2021-01-27)

    En esta tesis doctoral se han desarrollado tres metodologías analíticas para el análisis de drogas, psicofármacos y sus metabolitos en tres compartimentos medioambientales: aguas residuales, sedimentos y biota. Las ...