Linguistic Study of the Magic in Disney Lyrics


Rierola Puigderajols, Ana Maria


Ribé i Queralt, Ramon

Date of defense




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Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya


Since 1994, and for the first time in Spain, the Disney dealer Buenavista Pictures has been providing the videotapes Welcome to Disney Classics. They contain the original versions with subtitles in English. This paper focuses on forty-seven songs from sixteen Disney animated films and analyses them from the perspective of English discourse. The choice of songs under analysis was unsystematic. When the project of this study was begun, there were sixteen issues available. This researcher considers that the material - both in quantity and quality - is highly significant and represents the development of Disney lyrics from their beginnings to this day.<br/> The words of these songs are, according to this researcher, a unique source of magic inspiration. They bring hope, fantasy and patterns of behaviour to children and teenagers, as well as humour and entertainment to adults. This collection of the most famous songs conveys an image of the man - Walt Disney, whom many consider as el "Mago de las cintas de los dibujos animados" (Universitas 1949: 395-405) or el "Mago de Burbank" (Fonte & Mataix, 2000) - and whose films have had an incalculable influence on our generations (1937-1996), merchandising and culture. Disney Lyrics are "magic words" that continue to attract, astonish or enchant the audience.


Música; Discurs; Anàlisi; Walt Disney; Dibuixos animats


77 – Photography. Cinematography; 78 - Music

Knowledge Area

Ciències Humanes i Socials












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