Now showing items 3302-3321 of 5621

    Levels and behaviour of radionuclides in water treatment plants : the case of the Barcelona metropolitan area urban water cycle 

    Mulas, Dani (Date of defense: 2020-02-28)

    The Barcelona metropolitan area (BMA; 3.2 M inhabitants) has an integrated urban water cycle management. Different type of treatment plants are located along the drinking, sewerage and reuse networks where specific treatments ...

    Leveraging disaggregated accelerators and non-volatile memories to improve the efficiency of modern datacenters 

    Call Barreiro, Aaron (Date of defense: 2022-11-07)

    (English) Traditional data centers consist of computing nodes that possess all the resources physically attached. When there was the need to deal with more significant demands, the solution has been to either add more nodes ...

    Leveraging graph neural networks for optimization and traffic compression in network digital twins 

    Almasan Puscas, Felician Paul (Date of defense: 2023-07-17)

    (English) In recent years, several industry sectors have adapted the Digital Twin (DT) paradigm to improve the performance of physical systems. This paradigm consists of leveraging computational methods to build high-fidelity ...

    Leveraging performance of 3D finite difference schemes in large scientific computing simulations 

    De la Cruz, Raúl (Date of defense: 2015-11-30)

    Gone are the days when engineers and scientists conducted most of their experiments empirically. During these decades, actual tests were carried out in order to assess the robustness and reliability of forthcoming product ...

    Levitation and control of particles with internal degrees of freedom 

    Planes Conangla, Gerard (Date of defense: 2020-06-30)

    Levitodynamics is a fast growing field that studies the levitation and manipulation of micro- and nanoobjects, fuelled by both fundamental physics questions and technological applications. Due to the isolated nature of ...

    Levitodynamics on-a-chip: from planar Paul traps to near-field optical nanocavities 

    Alda, Irene (Date of defense: 2020-07-09)

    The field of levitation optomechanics---or levitodynamics---studies the manipulation and control of small trapped objects in an isolated environment, providing a gateway to answer fundamental questions in physics and ...

    Levitodynamics toward force nano-sensors in vacuum 

    Ricci, Francesco, 1987- (Date of defense: 2019-02-22)

    Levitodynamics addresses the levitation and manipulation of micro- and nanoresonators with the purpose of studying their dynamics. This emerging field has attracted much attention over the last few years owing to unprecedented ...

    Lidar and S-band radar profiling of the atmosphere : adaptive processing for boundary-layer monitoring, optical-parameter error estimation, and application cases 

    Lange Vega, Diego (Date of defense: 2014-07-17)

    This Ph.D. thesis addresses remote sensing of the atmosphere by means of lidar and S-band clear-air weather radar, and related data signal processing. Active remote sensing by means of these instruments offers unprecedented ...

    Lidar remote sensing and co-operative observations: Processing methods and aerosol radiative transfer 

    Barragán Cuesta, Rubén (Date of defense: 2019-07-05)

    This Ph.D. thesis focuses on: (i) the design and integration of a polarimetric channel for the multi-spectral Raman lidar station of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Remote Sensing, Antennas, Microwaves and ...

    Lidar sensing of the atmosphere: receiver design and inversion algorithms for an elastic system 

    Rocadenbosch Burillo, Francesc (Date of defense: 1996-12-16)

    LIDAR es un acrónimo de LIght Detection And Ranging. En la presente tesis, se usan técnicas basadas en lidar elástico para monitorizar la atmósfera remotamente y derivar información cuantitativa acerca de sus parámetros ...

    Lidar-based scene understanding for autonomous driving using deep learning 

    Vaquero Gómez, Víctor (Date of defense: 2020-02-25)

    With over 1.35 million fatalities related to traffic accidents worldwide, autonomous driving was foreseen at the beginning of this century as a feasible solution to improve security in our roads. Nevertheless, it is meant ...

    Liderazgo biomimético para las organizaciones del siglo XXI 

    Olaizola, Edita (Date of defense: 2020-11-12)

    Among the better-known approaches are Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, the Circular Economy and the Collaborative Economy. All of these drive value for organisations, and all share this common characteristic: ...

    Liderazgo y clima organizativo como antecedentes distales de los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizativa orientados al cambio: el papel mediador de los estados cognitivo-motivacionales 

    López Domínguez, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2013-05-24)

    El constructo Comportamiento de Ciudadanía Organizativa (CCO) ha recibido una gran atención en las tres últimas décadas (Podsakoff, Mackenzie, Paine y Bachrach, 2000). En la actualidad la ciudadanía organizativa está ...

    Life cycle assessment of the cabin waste management in the aviation sector 

    Blanca Alcubilla, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2021-11-26)

    Air transport, in 2018, was the means of transport chosen by 8.8 billion people around the world. This is a sector that expected continued passenger growth in the following years, but due to the current effects of the ...

    Life cycle document management system for construction 

    Forcada Matheu, Núria (Date of defense: 2005-04-29)

    La industria de la construcción está fragmentada debido a la gran cantidad de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMEs) y la multitud de fases que forman parte de un proyecto. Desde siempre, esta situación ha provocado una serie ...

    Life cycle thinking and general modelling contribution to chemical process sustainable design and operation 

    Bojarski, Aaron David (Date of defense: 2010-10-07)

    La industria es comúnmente vista como una fuente de degradación ambiental y de consumo de recursos, a pesar de ello es una parte vital del desarrollo social y de la creación de riqueza. Del mismo modo, los sistemas ...

    Lifelong AI-driven zero-touch network slicing 

    Rezazadeh, Farhad (Date of defense: 2023-11-13)

    (English) The sixth-generation (6G) network's evolution necessitates advancements in algorithms and architecture to transition from an AI-native to an intrinsic trustworthy automation-native system. Network slicing creates ...

    Light absorption and ergodicity in systems that transform light into other forms of energy 

    Ferreira, Catarina Gonçalves (Date of defense: 2023-09-27)

    (English) To mitigate the present environmental crisis, caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels and associated release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it is necessary to significantly reduce worldwide energy ...

    Light and taste : third plane side‐view combined with complex fenestration system atmospheres under midday clear sky at restaurants 

    Uriarte Otazua, Urtza (Date of defense: 2016-12-22)

    This thesis deals with sunny side-lit indoor atmospheres, in which an outdoor view is required and a calm environment to enhance concentration. Different window systems were compared: a single fully glazed façade and complex ...

    Light beam propagation in complex crystals 

    Kumar, Nikhil P. (Date of defense: 2017-07-13)

    Recent advancement in Photonics have brought about a new era of miniaturisation. Along came a need for technology to allow the manipulation of light at the micrometer scale, with precise control over beam propagation. The ...