Interaction-based nonlinear quantum metrology with a cold atomic ensemble 

    Napolitano, Mario (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-07)

    In this manuscript we present an experimental and theoretical investigation of quantum-noise-limited measurement by nonlinear interferometry, or from another perspective, quantum-noise-limited interaction-based measurement. ...

    Interactions between titanium surfaces and biological components 

    Pegueroles Neyra, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2009-09-16)

    El conocimiento de las interacciones entre célula/proteína/biomaterial es fundamental para la ingeniería de superficies debido a las numerosas aplicaciones biomédicas y biotecnológicas que se están desarrollando así como ...

    Interactive effects of vertical mixing, solar radiation and microbial activity on oceanic dimethylated sulfur cycling 

    Galí Tàpias, Martí (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-18)

    The production and subsequent emission of volatile compounds is one of the numerous ways by which microbial plankton participate in the cycling of elements and influence the Earth's climate. Dimethylsulfide (DMS), produced ...

    Interactive inspection of segmented volume data 

    Surinyac i Albareda, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Present systems for the acquisition of medical images are providing better and better resolution images which end up in bigger amounts of data, even in scenarios with learning or training purposes. Interactive inspection ...

    Intercalation mechanism of polycarboxylate-based superplasticizers into montmorillonite clays 

    Borralleras Mas, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-15)

    The presence of clays in the sands used for concrete production interferes with the development of the fluidity of concrete, producing an instantaneous slump loss just after batching and the premature loss of fluidity. ...

    Interconnection of IP/MPLS Networks Through ATM and Optical Backbones using PNNI Protocols 

    Sánchez López, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2003-10-07)

    Las redes de transporte se mueven hacia un modelo de redes formadas por routers IP/MPLS (Internet Protocol/Multiprotocol Laebel Switching) de altas prestaciones interconectadas a través redes troncales inteligentes. ...

    Interdigitated back contacts solar cell based on thin crystalline silicon substrates 

    Jin, Chen (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-31)

    This thesis contributes to the fabrication technology of c-Si solar cells on thin substrates based on Interdigitated Back-Contacted (IBC) structures. The potential of this structure to obtain high efficiencies is well-known. ...

    Interdigitated back-contacted(IBC) c-Si solar cells based on laser processed dielectric layers 

    López Rodríguez, Gema (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-05)

    The goal of this thesis is the fabrication of high-efficiency interdigitated back-contact (IBC) c-Si solar cell at low temperature and low-cost manufacturing technology. This thesis proposes a new concept and at the same ...

    Interferometric GNSS-R processing : modeling and analysis of advanced processing concepts for altimetry 

    Martín Alemany, Francisco (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-14)

    This PhD dissertation is focused on the use of the opportunity signals from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), that scatter-off the Earth's surface for perform ocean mesoscale altimetry (the so called GNSS-R ...

    Interferometric orbit determination for geosynchronous earth sensing missions 

    Nicolás Álvarez, Jorge (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-16)

    (English) Future Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar (GEOSAR) missions will provide permanent monitoring of continental areas of the planet with revisit times of less than 24 h. Several GEOSAR missions have been studied ...

    INTERFICIES DE LAS COMUNIDADES VIRTUALES.Formulación de métodos de análisis y desarrollo de los espacios en las comunidades en red. 

    Londoño López, Felipe César (Fecha de defensa: 2002-07-22)

    La tesis "Interficies de las Comunidades Virtuales", tiene el doble objetivo de explorar dos conceptos nuevos que surgen a partir de las conexiones en red: las interficies como lugar de comunicación entre dos o más personas ...

    Intergenerational redistributive effects due to the financing formula of investments in transport infrastructure : a microeconomic analysis 

    Peñalver Rojo, Domingo (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-31)

    Investments in major transport infrastructure projects involve a significant mobilisation of economic resources both for construction and operation. In these projects, to assess the efficiency of the resources used, ...

    Interior-exterior en arquitectura 

    Castillo Fuentealba, Carlos Ignacio (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-13)

    (English) The purpose of the doctoral thesis is to study interior spaces - built in the old tradition of closed and contrasted architecture – relativized in their interior condition. In the classical opacity and the ...

    International project teams as innovation hubs: power and politics in the knowledge change process 

    Marques de Araújo, Luciano (Fecha de defensa: 2013-10-25)

    The aim of this investigation is to understand how international project teams enable mature multinational enterprises (MNEs) to cope with knowledge diversity and political activity, two well-known disruptive organizational ...

    Internet sharing in community networks 

    Dimogerontakis, Emmanouil (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-26)

    The majority of the world's population does not have any or adequate Internet access. This implies that the Internet cannot provide universal service, reaching everyone without discrimination. Global access to the Internet ...

    Intertwining the city : the in-between spaces of Caracas as scenarios to achieve urban togetherness 

    García Alcaraz, Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-17)

    This thesis explores the in-between spaces of the contemporary city, and the role they have in promoting urban togetherness through interstitial practice. By looking at different processes that take place in the borderlands ...

    Interval-censored semi-competing risks data: a novel approach for modelling bladder cancer 

    Porta Bleda, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2010-07-27)

    Aquesta tesi tracta sobre tècniques d'anàlisi de supervivència en situacions amb múltiples esdeveniments i patrons complexes de censura. Proposem una nova metodologia per tractar la situació de riscos semi-competitius quan ...

    Intervals habitats: aproximacions a l'espai de transició de l'habitatge col·lectiu (1990-2007) 

    Salvadó Aragonés, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2013-02-21)

    "Inhabited intervals" is a research about the transition space in collective housing, specifically about the intermediate space located on the way from home to the street. After the work done by Team 10 between the fifties ...

    Intervenciones contemporáneas en los mercados municipales representativos de Cataluña y Valencia, construidos a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX 

    Zavala Sánchez, María Dolores (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-18)

    This PhD thesis is a deep research on the architectural evolution of the most representative municipal markets in Catalonia and Valencia , from its origins to the present day. It includes an extensive comparison of all the ...

    Intervenciones en edificaciones objeto de cambio de uso. Bibliotecas públicas de la provincia de Barcelona : análisis de los edificios ubicados en Barcelona 1994-2004 

    Simancas Alarcón, Leiris (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-04)

    There has been interest over the last few decades in Barcelona for buildings in urban cores that have outlived their original purpose. To take advantage of the heritage of these buildings, both public and private sectors ...