Now showing items 3953-3972 of 5566

    Novel pulsed optical parametric sources in the mid-infrared and the application towards high-resolution molecular spectroscopy 

    Ye, Hanyu (Date of defense: 2019-05-03)

    The mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region coincides with fundamental rotational-vibrational transitions of a large number of molecules in the gas phase. The strong interaction between mid-IR light sources and these gaseous ...

    Novel regimes of quantum optomechanics 

    Neumeier, Lukas (Date of defense: 2018-07-02)

    In everyday life the impact of light on the motion of mechanical objects is negligible. However, modern experiments making use of high quality optical resonators are able to observe significant effects originating from the ...

    A novel soft computing approach based on FIR to model and predict energy dynamic systems 

    Jurado Gómez, Sergio (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

    We are facing a global climate crisis that is demanding a change in the status quo of how we produce, distribute and consume energy. In the last decades, this is being redefined through Smart Grids(SG), an intelligent ...

    Novel system for measuring the scattering of the cornea and the lens 

    Santos Vives, Pau (Date of defense: 2018-07-13)

    Spatial vision features play a key role in human vision quality, which in turn depends on the retinal image quality and posterior neural processing. The retinal image is affected by three optical phenomena: diffraction, ...

    Novel techniques to improve the performance and the energy of vector architectures 

    Barredo Ferreira, Adrián (Date of defense: 2021-07-19)

    The rate of annual data generation grows exponentially. At the same time, there is a high demand to analyze that information quickly. In the past, every processor generation came with a substantial frequency increase, ...

    Novel tools for port environmental management systems 

    Morell Villalonga, Mariano Nicolás (Date of defense: 2023-11-24)

    (English) This thesis addresses the development and evaluation of novel tools and strategies for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) implementation in ports for water quality. Integrating computer vision-based systems ...

    Novel transversal topologies and coupled resonator configurations for acoustic wave filters 

    Perea Robles, Rafael (Date of defense: 2023-06-09)

    (English) During the last years, electro-acoustic technology has been a key factor in the development of portable devices thanks to its high performance and very compact filtering structures. Such a technology has enabled ...

    Novel vector architectures for data management 

    Hayes, Timothy (Date of defense: 2015-07-08)

    As the rate of annual data generation grows exponentially, there is a demand to manage, query and summarise vast amounts of information quickly. In the past, frequency scaling was relied upon to push application throughput. ...

    Noves aplicacions de la trompa d'aigua o trompa dels pirineus: elevació d'aigua, aire comprimit i generació d'electricitat. 

    Fuses Navarra, Victor (Date of defense: 2010-07-22)

    La trompa d'aigua o trompa dels Pirineus és el giny hidropneumàtic pel qual s'introduïa aire al forn en el procediment català d'obtenció directa del ferro a partir dels seus minerals, o de la Farga Catalana. En aquest ...

    Noves aportacions al desenvolupament de motors elèctrics sense coixinets. 

    Prat Ayats, Josep (Date of defense: 1997-12-12)

    Ens proposem fer girar tubs de material conductor (coure o alumini) de diferents llargades i diàmetres. Aquest tub que hom vol fer girar és el secundari d'una màquina elèctrica d'inducció, i actua de rotor o part ...

    Noves estratègies per la millora de les característiques biològiques dels implants dentals 

    Hoyos Nogués, Mireia (Date of defense: 2018-07-23)

    Titanium (Ti) and its alloys are currently the materials chosen for many dental applications, mainly due to their optimum biocompatibility and excellent mechanical properties. Despite the success rates of dental implants, ...

    Noves técniques en l'análisi del senyal electrocardiogràfic. Aplicació a l'ECA d'alta revolució 

    Jané Campos, Raimon (Date of defense: 1989-07-10)

    L'estudi del senyal electrocardiogràfic (ECG) obtingut mitjançant elèctrodes de superfície és una prova mèdica freqüent que té una gran significació en el diagnòstic de l'activitat cardíaca. <br/>Des de la incorporació ...

    Nowcasting probabilísitico basado en observaciones de lluvia con radar meteorológico 

    Buil Martínez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2017-07-05)

    The nowcasting of rainfall based on the extrapolation of the radar precipitation field is a common technique used in different operational and research centers. However, this deterministic forecasting technique is subject ...

    La nueva agenda diplomática y comercial México-Centroamérica : el Proyecto Mesoamérica 

    Contreras Suárez, Aribel (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on what nowadays is known as the Mesoamerica Project (MP). The Integration and Development Mesoamerica Project arises due to the need not only to the regional integration but also to the ...

    Nueva metodología basada en un sistema experto para la selección de cimentaciones-contenciones de edificios entre medianeras 

    Huidobro Alberich, David (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    The impact of work when constructing a building between party walls is always a concern for the adjoining residents. The buildings are subject to more than just the impact of the vibrations caused by the use of machinery. ...

    Nueva metodología para el diseño de tubos de hormigón estructural 

    Fuente Antequera, Albert de la . (Date of defense: 2011-10-14)

    The technical and economic suitability of using fibers has been proved in reinforced concrete pipes.However, the use of fibers in concrete pipe is slow, on the one hand due to the inertia to change in the construction ...

    Una nueva perspectiva del modelado y control de microrredes eléctricas y convertidores de potencia 

    Alfaro Aragón, Carlos Arturo (Date of defense: 2022-06-28)

    (English) This doctoral thesis focuses on the modeling and control of electrical microgrids and triphasic converters. The starting points of this research work are based on previous work on modeling electrical microgrids ...

    Nueva York. Torres que rematan manzanas 

    Cattani, Rudivan Luiz (Date of defense: 2013-06-13)

    La falta de luz y ventilación naturales provocada por las inmensas sombras de los nuevos edificios elevados del Downtown dio lugar a la ley de zonificación de 1916. La normativa reguló alturas, retrocesos aéreos de las ...

    Nuevas aportaciones al motor eléctrico de flujo axial con rotor conductor sin material ferromagnético 

    López López, José (Date of defense: 2000-12-20)

    En la tesis, se estudian máquinas eléctricas de flujo axial con rotor conductor sin elementos ferromagnéticos. Se pretende construir un motor de flujo axial, que se alimente con densidades de corriente elevadas para arrastrar ...

    Nuevas aproximaciones al estudio de la dinámica de la relajación dieléctrica en ferroeléctricos ordinarios y relajadores 

    Levit Valenzuela, Rafael (Date of defense: 2019-12-10)

    Ferroelectric materials are endowed with fascinating functional properties from the technological point of view. Consequently, they have promoted the design of ferroelectric-based devices with applications in a vast range ...