Now showing items 5068-5087 of 5566

    Study, evaluation and contributions to new algorithms for the embedding problem in a network virtualization environment 

    Botero Vega, Juan Felipe (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    Network virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the future Internet. It aims to overcome the resistance of the current Internet to architectural change and to enable a new business model decoupling the ...

    Subenfriadores criogénicos nitrógeno: aportación a la metodología para el diseño 

    Ruiz Mansilla, Rafael (Date of defense: 1994-10-24)

    Se establece la metodología, incluyendo la formulación necesaria, para el diseño térmico de subenfriadores criogénicos n2(i)-n2(i), observando en todo momento criterios de optimización para con los diferentes parámetros y ...

    Subespacios hiperinvariantes y característicos : una aproximación geométrica 

    Montoro López, Ma. Eulàlia (Date of defense: 2015-05-12)

    The aim of this thesis is to study the hyperinvariant and characteristic subspaces of a matrix, or equivalently, of an endomorphism of a finite dimensional vector space. We restrict ourselves to the case of matrices A with ...

    Subgrid scale stabilized finite elements for low speed flows 

    Príncipe, Ricardo Javier (Date of defense: 2008-04-21)

    La descripción del flujo de fluidos involucra la solución de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes compresible, un problema muy complejo cuya estructura matemática no es del todo comprendida. Por lo tanto, mediante análisis ...

    Subirana : la conexión alemana del G.A.T.C.P.A.C. 

    Heredero Esteban, Javier (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)

    La figura de Subirana ha ido siempre ligada al trio de Arquitectos que formó con Sert y Torres Clavé dentro del GATCPAC. Su nombre ha quedado ligado a obras tan importantes como el conjunto residencial de la Casa Bloc, al ...

    Subjective experience gathering techniques for interaction design: subjective psychological exploration techniques based in the constructivism paradigm for informational and inspirational purposes 

    Tomico Plasencia, Oscar (Date of defense: 2007-06-26)

    El camp d'Experiència d'Usuari consta d'una àmplia gamma d'aspectes diferents sobre la interacció amb productes o serveis. L'experiència d'usuari difereix del paradigma objectiu basat en el rendiment, centrant-se en un ...

    Submerged vanes turbulence : experimental analysis 

    Hamad Mohamed, Khaled M. A. (Date of defense: 2015-12-14)

    Experimental study was conducted to analyze the physical flow turbulence and sediment distribution with submerged vane. The objectives behind the investigation were verified and compare results with the Odgaard theory, ...

    Subset selection in signal processing using sparsity-inducing norms 

    Blanco Botana, Luis (Date of defense: 2017-07-22)

    This dissertation deals with different subset selection problems in wireless communications systems. These type of problems have a combinatorial nature, which makes them computationally intractable for medium and large-scale ...

    Substitution of conventional pre-treatment units by membrane based processes in drinking water treatment 

    Ferrer Mallén, Olga (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    This thesis focused on the feasibility of substituting, partially or totally, drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) conventional pre-treatment by membrane based units, in particular by ultrafiltration (UF). For such purpose, ...

    Subsurface as a bioreactor : interaction between physical heterogeneity and microbial processes 

    Perujo Buxeda, Núria (Date of defense: 2018-07-12)

    Infiltration systems are water treatment technologies where water vertically percolates through porous media while several biogeochemical processes occur. Biofilms are the main responsible for those biogeochemical processes ...

    Suelo rural metropolitano : estudios, planes y proyectos en tres regiones del Sur de Europa 

    Orduña Giró, Paula (Date of defense: 2020-07-15)

    This research deals with rural land treatment in the urban planning of three metropolitan regions of southern Europe from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, focusing on how it has contributed to ...

    Suitability of different RANS models in the description of turbulent forced convection flows: application to air curtains 

    Jaramillo Ibarra, Julián Ernesto (Date of defense: 2008-10-17)

    The main motivation of this thesis is the analysis of turbulent flows. Turbulence plays an important role in engineering applications due to the fact that most flows in industrial equipment and surroundings are in turbulent ...

    Sunlight and glare : the impact of sun patches on the light balance of indoor spaces 

    Aguilar Sánchez, Alexis (Date of defense: 2014-12-02)

    The overall aim of the thesis is to encourage the presence of sunlight into indoor spaces. The specific objective is to show that, from the lighting point of view, a good design can harness the solar reflection on the ...

    Super-resolution and semantic segmentation of remote sensing images using deep learning techniques 

    Salgueiro Romero, Luis Fernando (Date of defense: 2022-10-27)

    (English) Remote sensing for Earth observation is a growing scientific field essential for many human activities. Among the different applications in the Remote Sensing domain, the production of thematic maps, such as Land ...

    Superficies adaptables a puntos en el espacio 

    Hernández Abad, Francisco, 1952- (Date of defense: 1985-07-05)

    Es cada día más frecuente la representación de superficies mediante modelos de alambre utilizando ordenador. Una de las dificultades que presentan estos modelos es la obtención de las coordenadas de los puntos de la malla, ...

    Supernovas, constelaciones y nebulosas : algunas singularidades del turismo urbano en Barcelona 

    Pérez Bazán, Cynthia Cecilia (Date of defense: 2022-03-09)

    Tourist attractions are an essential part of urban tourism. It is often thought that attractions are comparable to each other and that their impacts can be limited as if cities could manage their tourist flows as theme ...

    Superposición de realidades. Colectivos minoritarios en el espacio público de Ciutat Vella. Barcelona 

    Tapia Gómez, Mari Carmen (Date of defense: 2007-06-19)

    La presente tesis estudia el uso que realizan los habitantes de los colectivos minoritarios en los espacios públicos del casco antiguo de Barcelona identificando las principales transformaciones de tipo funcional, significados, ...

    Superresolution fluorescence microscopy with structured illumination 

    Negash, Awoke (Date of defense: 2017-11-29)

    The resolution of a conventional fluorescence microscope image is diffraction limited which achieves a spatial resolution of 200nm lateral and 500nm axial. Recently, many superresolution fluorescence microscopy techniques ...

    Supervisió Intel.ligent de processos dinàmics basada en esdeveniments 

    Sarrate Estruch, Ramon (Date of defense: 2002-04-15)

    En la darrera dècada, el disseny de sistemes de supervisió per a processos industrials ha rebut força atenció. Aquest fet s'explica per l'augment de la demanda en prestacions, flexibilitat i seguretat causada per la creixent ...

    Support tools for groundwater management in the proximity of a mine site 

    Scheiber Pagès, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-06-09)

    The natural environment in which we live, is subjected, to a greater or lesser extent, to the pressure of human activity, with water being one of the most sensitive elements. For this reason, aware of this situation, from ...