Ara mostrant els elements 5276-5295 de 5540

    Traçat de perspectiva curvilinea de pantalla cilíndrica mitjançant sistemas informàtics 

    Font Comas, Joan (Data de defensa: 1987-05-28)

    L'objectiu bàsic del present treball és, el de, partint de l'estudi de Martínez-Quintanilla, plantejar un sistema informatitzat per al traçat de la perspectiva curvilínia de pantalla cilíndrica, capaç de poder representar, ...

    Trade-off among timeliness, messages and accuracy for large-Ssale information management 

    Brunner, René (Data de defensa: 2011-11-18)

    The increasing amount of data and the number of nodes in large-scale environments require new techniques for information management. Examples of such environments are the decentralized infrastructures of Computational ...

    Traffic and mobility management in large-scale networks of small cells 

    Ferragut Martínez-Vara de Rey, Jaime (Data de defensa: 2014-07-29)

    The growth in user demand for higher mobile data rates is driving Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and network infrastructure vendors towards the adoption of innovative solutions in areas that span from physical layer ...

    Traffic control for energy harvesting virtual small cells via reinforcement learning 

    Temesgene, Dagnachew Azene (Data de defensa: 2020-07-21)

    Due to the rapid growth of mobile data traffic, future mobile networks are expected to support at least 1000 times more capacity than 4G systems. This trend leads to an increasing energy demand from mobile networks which ...

    Traffic Management of the ABR. Service Category in ATM Networks 

    Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç (Data de defensa: 2000-01-13)

    Data traffic has emerged as a big challenge for the standardization of traffic management mechanisms in ATM networks. In April 1996 the ATM Forum published the first version of the Available Bit Rate Service Category (ABR) ...

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks 

    Trakas, Panagiotis (Data de defensa: 2019-05-31)

    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators ...

    Traffic synchronization with controlled time of arrival for cost-efficient trajectories in high-density terminal airspace 

    Sáez García, Raúl (Data de defensa: 2021-10-01)

    The growth in air traffic has led to a continuously growing environmental sensitivity in aviation, encouraging the research into methods for achieving a greener air transportation. In this context, continuous descent ...

    Transdisciplinarity for sustainability in engineering education 

    Tejedor Papell, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2019-11-21)

    This research aims to improve engineering education in sustainability (EESD) through transdisciplinarity (td) learning approaches. The research comprised 3 phases. The first consisted of the analysis of how sustainability ...

    Transferability assessment of railway infrastructure charges: contribution to a conceptual framework. 

    Fernández Belmonte, Diego (Data de defensa: 2009-02-25)

    La evaluación preliminar de los resultados de la Reforma Ferroviaria Europea muestra la lentitud de su implementación y la existencia de insuficiencias en el nivel de competencia introducido en el mercado y en la consecución ...

    La transferencia del conocimiento dentro de las spin-offs universitarias 

    Gouza, Assia (Data de defensa: 2016-02-04)

    The knowledge transfer in traditional enterprises has been deeply studied, although there are no articles to be treated within the university spin-off companies, which often operate in dynamic environments. In this paper ...

    Transformación escalar de la interfaz de operador en teleoperación asistida 

    Muñoz Morgado, Luis Miguel (Data de defensa: 2012-02-03)

    Human-machine interaction in teleoperation, through the adequate user interface, allows achieving the level of intelligence necessary to execute complex tasks that cannot be executed by machines or robots alone neither ...

    Transformada de fourier en processament no lineal del senyal 

    Pagès Zamora, Alba Maria (Data de defensa: 1996-12-13)

    La tesis presenta un modelo no recursivo de sistemas no lineales (SNLS) basado en las series de fourier, estableciendo una comparación con el modelo de volterra en términos de coste computacional y diseño. <br/><br/>Del ...

    Transformational leadership and organizational commitment : mediating role of leader-member exchange 

    Keskes, Imen (Data de defensa: 2014-10-01)

    In the present thesis a theoretical and empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) styles and organizational commitment (OC) is performed. These two concepts are examined as multidimensional ...

    Transient and stochastic dynamics in cellular processes 

    Rué Queralt, Pau (Data de defensa: 2013-07-25)

    This Thesis studies different cellular and cell population processes driven by non-linear and stochastic dynamics. The problems addressed here gravitate around the concepts of transient dynamics and relaxation from a ...

    Transitional coherent structures in shear and centrifugally driven flows 

    Wang, Baoying (Data de defensa: 2023-09-21)

    (English) Turbulence is not only omnipresent in our daily lives but also in engineering applications. However, not until the middle of the XXth century researchers began to realize that simple, relatively large-scale ...

    Transitional periods of the atmospheric boundary layer 

    Blay Carreras, Estel (Data de defensa: 2014-07-21)

    The atmospheric boundary layer is the part of the troposphere influenced by the presence of the surface, and where most weather phenomena occur. During the day, with fair weather conditions, a convective boundary layer ...

    Translation of non-invasive optical measurements of hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism to the clinic 

    Lindner, Claus (Data de defensa: 2017-03-24)

    Several clinical studies for non-invasive estimation of tissue hemodynamics by the combination of two diffuse optical techniques, time-resolved and diffuse correlation spectroscopy, were carried out in collaboration with ...

    Transmission impairments mitigation in next generation coherent optical access networks 

    Tabares Giraldo, Jeison (Data de defensa: 2021-09-08)

    Worldwide, the coherent technologies have revolutionized the optical communication systems, significantly increasing the capacity of the fiber channel owing to transmission of advanced modulation formats and effective ...

    Transmission strategies for interfering networks with finite rate and outdated channel feedback 

    Torrellas Socastro, Marc (Data de defensa: 2016-02-10)

    The emergence of very capable mobile terminals, e.g. smartphones or tablets, has dramatically increased the demand of wireless data traffic in recent years. Current growth forecasts elucidate that wireless communication ...

    Transmission strategies for wireless energy harvesting nodes 

    Gregori Casas, Maria (Data de defensa: 2014-07-24)

    Over the last few decades, transistor miniaturization has enabled a tremendous increase in the processing capability of commercial electronic devices, which, combined with the reduction of production costs, has tremendously ...