Ara mostrant els elements 2830-2849 de 5496

    Inclusión de las personas con discapacidades sensoriales y físicas en el mercado laboral : el caso de Lima-Perú 

    Velarde Talleri, Andrés (Data de defensa: 2015-11-19)

    The objective of this research is to propose a model of inclusion of people with disabilities (hereby known as PWD) in the labor market of Lima - Peru. Material and Methods: A baseline descriptive, cross-sectional study. ...

    Incorporación de interfaces gráficas a la simulación de tejidos jacquard mediante hardware estándar 

    Ochoa Vives, Manuel (Data de defensa: 1997-12-19)

    Uno de los motivos que promueven la realización de esta tesis doctoral es impulsar el desarrollo de la investigación sobre diseños textiles, mediante ordenadores estándares. A pesar de la existencia de paquetes de diseño ...

    Incorporación de la valoración de los servicios ecosistémicos en las políticas de sostenibilidad de entornos urbano-regionales: Medellín, Valle de Aburrá y la región central de Antioquia 

    González Valencia, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2024-01-24)

    (English) This paper explores the interdependent relationship of cities, as an expression of the process of urbanization and human agglomeration, as well as of all their spatial, political, social, economic and environmental ...

    Incorporación de símbolos tridimensionales en planos tàctiles para la mejora de su usabilidad 

    Gual Ortí, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2013-07-05)

    El estudio que aquí se expone tiene como objetivo principal la mejora de la usabilidad de los planos táctiles orientados a personas con discapacidad visual. Metodología: A partir de una metodología experimental principalmente ...

    INCOTERMS and the legal regime of loading and unloading particular study of traffic in the Black Sea 

    Mihailovici, Cristina Steliana (Data de defensa: 2012-06-22)

    The scope of this thesis is to searching the potential ofthe maritime traffic in the Black Sea, the good application of the INCOTERMS in this region and the opportunities of maritime transport with the others seas. The ...

    Incremental checking and maintenance of UML/OCL integrity constraints 

    Oriol Hilari, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2017-07-11)

    Ensuring the data correctness of some information system is a crucial task. So, software engineers specify sets of integrity constraints that should be satisfied by the system's data. These constraints, however, can be ...

    Indicadors de qualitat bioquímica, relacionats amb el cicle del carboni, en la restauració de sòls amb fang de depuradora sotmès a assecatge tèrmic i a compostatge 

    Jiménez de Ridder, Patrícia (Data de defensa: 2014-07-29)

    In our work we studied some aspects of biochemical quality in the rehabilitation process of degraded soils through the application of sewage sludge. As biochemical quality parameters we focused on the carbon cycle, through ...

    Indisciplina de estacionamiento en entornos urbanos : impacto en la circulación y evaluación de medidas paliativas 

    Morillo Carbonell, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2020-01-16)

    The illegal on-street parking is one of the traffic elements that has more effect in urban environments provoking the presence of bottlenecks in the different roads and, consequently, facilitating the appearance of congestion. ...

    Individual verifiability in electronic voting 

    Guasch Castelló, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    This PhD Thesis is the fruit of the job of the author as a researcher at Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, as well as the collaboration with Paz Morillo, from the Department of Applied Mathematics at UPC and Alex Escala, PhD ...

    Individual-based modeling of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte infection in in vitro cultures 

    Ferrer Savall, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2010-06-21)

    La malària és encara avui en dia una malaltia que causa aproximadament un milió de morts a l'any a tot el món. La seva eradicació suposa un gran repte per a la humanitat i per a la comunitat científica, en particular. El ...

    Individual-based modelling of bacterial cultures in the study of the lag phase 

    Prats Soler, Clara (Data de defensa: 2008-06-13)

    La microbiologia predictiva és una de les parts més importants de la microbiologia dels aliments. En el creixement d'un cultiu bacterià es poden observar quatre fases: latència, exponencial, estacionària i mort. La fase ...

    Individual-based observations and individual-based simulations to study Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures 

    Portell Canal, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2014-12-09)

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the yeasts with major economic, social, and health significance in human culture. Depending on the growth conditions experienced by the cell, S. cerevisiae growth can proceed via fermentative, ...

    Induced seismicity in enhanced geothermal systems : assessment of thermo-hydro-mechanical effects 

    De Simone, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2017-03-29)

    Micro-seismicity, and especially felt seismicity, induced by Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) operations is a matter of scientific interest, not only because of the related risks and concerns, but also because the ...

    Induction heating converter's design, control and modeling applied to continuous wire heating 

    Martín Segura, Guillermo (Data de defensa: 2012-06-22)

    Induction heating is a heating method for electrically conductive materials that takes advantage of the heat generated by the Eddy currents originated by means of a varying magnetic field. Since Michael Faraday discovered ...

    Inductive contactless energy transfer systems for residential areas 

    Momeneh, Arash (Data de defensa: 2016-09-09)

    In recent years, contactless energy transfer systems have been developed and investigated widely. As evident, the transfer energy is performed without physical connection. This technology is classified according to power ...

    Inestabilidades térmicas e hidrodinámicas ligadas a rupturas de simetría en cavidades anulares 

    Pino González, David (Data de defensa: 2001-02-12)

    En esta tesis se estudia, mediante simulación numérica directa de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes, la dinámica de un fluido en el interior de un anillo cilíndrico en rotación con las tapas ligeramente inclinadas y sometido ...

    Inference for a General Class of Models for Recurrent Events with application to cancer data 

    González Ruiz, Juan Ramón (Data de defensa: 2005-12-29)

    La necesidad del análisis de supervivencia aparece cuando necesitamos estudiar las propiedades estadísticas de una variable que describe el tiempo hasta que ocurre un evento único. En algunas ocasiones, podemos observar ...

    Influence of agricultural practices on the microbiome and the antibiotic resistance gene complement in soils, plants, and crops 

    Cerqueira, Francisco Diogo de Almeida (Data de defensa: 2020-06-08)

    Antibiotic (AB) Resistance is an increasing global problem for public health, with multi-resistant bacteria persisting and spreading not only in clinical settings but also in the environment. One of the possible vectors ...

    Influence of ambient temperature on building monitoring in urban areas during the construction of tunnels for transportation 

    Lian, Zengzeng (Data de defensa: 2015-12-14)

    A large number of underground works are under construction in several big cities around the world (London, Paris, Amsterdam, Beijing, Shanghai, Chicago, Caracas, Mexico D.F., and Riad, for instance): railway tunnels, water ...

    Influence of axial compression ratio in building columns 

    Villar Salinas, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2023-12-15)

    (English) Axial forces in columns of moment-resisting frames (MRF) have a paramount role for the seismic performance of these structural systems. Nonetheless, there are significant gaps in the literature entailing the ...