Now showing items 5586-5605 of 5621

    Wake-up radio systems : design, development, performance evaluation and comparison to conventional medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks 

    Oller i Bosch, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2015-03-06)

    During the recent years, the research related to Wake-up Radio (WuR) systems has gained noticeable interest. In WuR systems, a node initiating a communication first sends a Wake-up Call (WuC) by means of its Wake-up ...

    Walking with virtual humans : understanding human response to virtual humanoids' appearance and behaviour while navigating in immersive VR 

    Ríos Jerez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-02-17)

    In this thesis, we present a set of studies whose results have allowed us to analyze how to improve the realism, navigation, and behaviour of the avatars in an immersive virtual reality environment. In our simulations, ...

    Wassily kandinsky y la evolución de la forma: fundamentos teóricos para presenciar el espacio y el tiempo 

    Maltas i Mercader, Antoni (Date of defense: 2009-11-09)

    ¿Es posible abordar cuestiones pictóricas en Kandinsky en función del tiempo más bien que del espacio?, ¿cómo puede el tiempo ser la medida de un trabajo de Kandinsky cuando lo pictórico se manifiesta básicamente por una ...

    Water mass variability in the eastern South Pacific and the ventilation of the oxygen minimum zone 

    Llanillo del Río, Pedro José (Date of defense: 2014-10-29)

    This dissertation aims at extending our knowledge of the ESP OMZ through two main approaches. The first approach is based on tracer analysis and inverse modeling techniques. Such techniques are applied to hydrographic ...

    Water resources assessment in cold regions: the Upper Tuul River basin, Mongolia 

    Dandar, Enkhbayar (Date of defense: 2017-06-23)

    Groundwater withdrawals are growing in most developing countries, including Mongolia, where freshwater resources are limited and unevenly distributed, and most surface waters are frozen during winter. Groundwater represents ...

    Water service delivery solutions in rural and peri-urban areas in developing countries : are public-public partnerships a valuable alternative to private sector participation? 

    Avolio, Ciro (Date of defense: 2016-11-18)

    This dissertation will focus on the analysis of water and sanitation service delivery solutions in the context of peri-urban and rural areas. In particular, it will investigate if public-public partnerships (PuPs) can ...

    The water-energy-food nexus to tackle climate change in Morocco 

    Barbarà Mir, Laia (Date of defense: 2020-11-12)

    The water, energy and food nexus is a theoretical approach to better understand and systematically examine the interactions between the natural environment and human activities, and to work towards a more organized management ...

    Wave propagation problems with aeroacoustic applications 

    Espinoza Román, Héctor Gabriel (Date of defense: 2015-05-08)

    The present work is a compilation of the research produced in the field of wave propagation modeling. It contains in-depth analysis of stability, convergence, dispersion and dissipation of spatial, temporal and spatial-temporal ...

    WDM/TDM PON bidirectional networks single-fiber/wavelength RSOA-based ONUs layer 1/2 optimization 

    López Pastor, Eduardo Tommy (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    This Thesis proposes the design and the optimization of a hybrid WDM/TDM PON at the L1 (PHY) and L2 (MAC) layers, in terms of minimum deployment cost and enhanced performance for Greenfield NGPON. The particular case of ...

    Weak value amplification : new insights and applications 

    Salazar Serrano, Luis José (Date of defense: 2016-10-13)

    Weak Value Amplification (WVA) is a signal enhancement technique proposed in 1988 by Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman that has been widely used to measure tiny changes that otherwise cannot be determined because of technical ...

    Wear mechanisms in press hardening of boron steel : identification and laboratory study 

    Pujante Agudo, Jaume (Date of defense: 2015-12-21)

    Press hardening, also known as hot stamping, is a hot sheet metal forming technique which allows producing lightweight components with complex geometry and outstanding mechanical properties. For this reason, use of press ...

    Web 2.0 aplicat a la recuperació de patrimoni històric arquitectònic: una aportació metodològica a la restitució virtual d'edificis històrics 

    Voltas Aguilar, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-02-03)

    El WEB 2.0 ha implicat compartir coneixement a un nivell sense precedents. S'han realitzat diversos models teòrics, i el fet de recollir i guardar el coneixement ha esdevingut quelcom estratègic. Una de les estructures que ...

    Web crippling and local buckling response of stainless steel sections 

    Bock Montero, Marina (Date of defense: 2015-02-06)

    This thesis examines the response of stainless steel members when subjected to transverse and normal forces triggering the instability phenomena called web crippling and local buckling, respectively. Currently, the part ...

    WETWALL : an innovative design concept for the treatment of urban wastewaters 

    Castellar da Cunha, Joana Amèrica (Date of defense: 2020-02-17)

    The development of society has led to a global concern regarding the improvement of resources performance, especially water. The design of nature-based solutions (NBS) for the treatment and reuse of wastewaters, in accordance ...

    What groups of factors do senior executives believe affect their use of executive information systems? 

    Cano Giner, Josep Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-02-18)

    In a highly competitive and turbulent environment, executives need more efficient ways to analyze their companies, markets and competitors. The aim is to help their organizations become more competitive and, as a result, ...

    Whispering gallery microresonator for second harmonic light generation 

    Domínguez Juárez, Jorge Luís (Date of defense: 2014-07-22)

    In recent years, it has been proposed that circular microresonators may become an important element in the core of many photonic devices. The high Q-factors seen in fused silica micro-spheres and micro-toroids for light ...

    White dwarf dynamical interactions 

    Aznar Siguan, Gabriela (Date of defense: 2015-04-30)

    Merging white dwarfs is a promising channel to trigger Type Ia supernovae, known as the double degenerate scenario. Supernovae are stellar explosions that radiate as much energy as any ordinary star is expected to emit ...

    Wideband cognitive radio: monitoring, detection and sparse noise subspace communication 

    Font Segura, Josep (Date of defense: 2014-07-24)

    We are surrounded by electronic devices that take advantage of wireless technologies, from our computer mice, which require little amounts of information, to our cellphones, which demand increasingly higher data rates. ...

    WIM-based modelling of traffic load scenarios for extreme load effects in long-span bridges 

    Wang, Xuejing (Date of defense: 2023-11-28)

    (English) During the lifetime of long-span bridges, the traffic conditions are affected by the surroundings and will typically vary and also unpredictably change. In this thesis, a prior site-specific traffic load spatial ...

    Wind-driven currents in the coastal and equatorial upwelling regions 

    Castellanos Ossa, Paola (Date of defense: 2012-11-12)

    During the last two decades the scientific community has recognised the importance of the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the upwelling regions on the Earth's climate. This recognition has opened new questions such as: ¿What ...