Ara mostrant els elements 501-520 de 5604

    Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms and molecules: exact dynamics and machine learning 

    Dawid Lekowska, Anna Maria (Data de defensa: 2022-09-20)

    (English) Quantum many-body physics poses a substantial computational challenge resulting from the exponential growth of the wave function complexity and many non-trivial correlations encoded in it. Studying many-body ...

    Gender bias in natural language processing 

    Basta, Christine Raouf Saad (Data de defensa: 2022-10-14)

    (English) Gender bias is a dangerous form of social bias impacting an essential group of people. The effect of gender bias is propagated to our data, causing the accuracy of the predictions in models to be different depending ...

    Atles d'arquitectura teatral de Palma: ciutat, arquitectura i espai escènic 

    Aloy Bibiloni, Guillermo (Data de defensa: 2022-10-18)

    The research of the place of theatre in Palma explores the existing, disappeared and closed spaces throughout the history of the city. This catalog includes 113 performance spaces, some with ostentatious will, but most of ...

    Conformal n-dimensional bisection for local refinement of unstructured simplicial meshes 

    Belda Ferrín, Guillem (Data de defensa: 2022-10-28)

    [English] In n-dimensional adaptive applications, conformal simplicial meshes must be lo cally modified. One systematic local modification is to bisect the prescribed simplices while surrounding simplices are bisected ...

    Optimización de los tratamientos fitosanitarios en plantaciones frutales 

    Planas de Martí, Santiago (Data de defensa: 1990-07-9)

    La tesis doctoral realizada se basa en el estudio Sistematizado de los fenómenos ligados a la distribución De productos fitosanitarios por pulverización en Plantaciones frutales adultas y de sus efectos de control sobre ...

    Synthetic quantum matter using atoms and light 

    Argüello-Luengo, Javier (Data de defensa: 2022-10-21)

    Atomic and optical physics are two fields closely connected by a shared range of energy scales, and the interactions between them. Atoms represent the most fundamental components of matter, and interactions with electromagnetic ...

    La modernidad cultivada. Los empresarios agrícolas en la arquitectura y el urbanismo de Culiacán (1940-1960) 

    Amaral Ibarra, Vicente Armando (Data de defensa: 2021-10-11)

    From the end of the 19th century, mining production began to decline, and agriculture became more important for the economy of the state of Sinaloa. With the projects of the post-revolutionary governments of the first half ...

    A high-performance electromagnetic vibration energy harvester based on ring magnets with Halbach configuration: design, optimization, and applications 

    Ordóñez Izquierdo, Víctor Hugo (Data de defensa: 2022-09-22)

    Electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting is a relatively modern technology that has received relevant attention in the last decade from the research community and industry as a potential complement or alternative to the ...

    Laser-induced electron interferences from atoms and molecules 

    Sánchez, Aurelien (Data de defensa: 2022-07-25)

    Since discovering wave-particle duality, science has changed our perception of light and matter, especially at the subatomic level. Thanks to such discoveries, we have been able to develop and expand our scientific knowledge ...

    Advanced methods for earth observation data synergy for geophysical parameter retrieval 

    Herbert, Christoph Josef (Data de defensa: 2022-07-15)

    The first part of the thesis focuses on the analysis of relevant factors to estimate the response time between satellite-based and in-situ soil moisture (SM) using a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). DTW was applied to the SMOS ...

    Sustainability assessment model of mass housing's interior rehabilitation. Economic, environmental, and social impacts of interior rehabilitation scenarios in Iranian MHs. The case of Ekbatan, Tehran, Iran 

    Zolfaghari, Seyyed Mohammadreza (Data de defensa: 2022-07-15)

    The construction of mass housings (MHs) solved high demands for housing in urban areas in the 1960s and 1970s worldwide. After decades of continuous use and inadequate maintenance, these MHs have been censured due to their ...

    Passive mosaic energy optimization: toward free-running school buildings 

    Ledesma Hidalgo, Maria Gabriela (Data de defensa: 2022-07-28)

    Technic, economic, environmental, and architectural constraints in existing building stocks set an energy renovation framework not always compatible with passive strategies. In deep energy renovations, the first line of ...

    Development of novel multimodal light-sheet fluorescence microscopes for in-vivo imaging of vertebrate organisms 

    Bernardello, Matteo (Data de defensa: 2022-06-14)

    The observation of biological processes in their native environments is of critical importance for life science. While substantial information can be derived from the examination of in-vitro biological samples, in-vivo ...

    ECO-DWOR: ECOlogical finishing agents for Durable Water & Oil-Repellent textiles with advanced functionalities 

    Lacruz Cruz, Amado (Data de defensa: 2022-07-18)

    Fluorinated chemicals, commonly known as per- and polyfluoroalkyt substances (PFASs), are widely used to obtain water-, oil- and stain-repellent texUles. The constant development and optimization of fluorochemicals for ...

    Incisión de ríos por extracción aluvial y retirada de presas. Estudio matemático y experimental. 

    Ferrer Boix, Carles (Data de defensa: 2011-03-23)

    This Thesis deals with incision (bed degradation or general bed scouring) in rivers. More specifically it deals with the incision caused by gravel mining and by dam removal. The main goal of the research is to know ...

    Development and interactions of surfzone morphological patterns 

    de Swart, Rinse Leendert (Data de defensa: 2022-07-19)

    A variety of morphodynamic patterns are typically present in the nearshore zone of sandy beaches that develop due to the interactions between waves, currents and the morphology. The most common are one or several nearshore ...

    Caracterització optoelectrònica de materials bidimensionals a altes freqüencies 

    Arcos Gutiérrez, David (Data de defensa: 2022-07-19)

    Two-dimensional materials have a lot of applications in the electronic and photonic device design field, especially when they need to be flexible and transparent. In particular, high frequency applications, above 100MHz, ...

    Numerical modeling of geological carbon sequestration : enhanced dissolution in randomly heterogeneous media 

    Wang, Yufei (Data de defensa: 2022-07-11)

    Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS) plays a major role in mitigating the global warming due to the increasing concentration of CO2 in atmosphere. It is important to understand the GCS process to analyze and predict its ...

    Monitoring and analysis of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interactions at slope and catchment scale : Implications for mass-wasting in natural and man-made slopes 

    Oorthuis Gómez, Raül (Data de defensa: 2022-07-19)

    Slope mass-wasting (SMW) due to shallow landslides or debris flows is one of the most important erosional processes in many mountainous regions together with surficial erosion by rainfall runoff. These erosive processes ...

    Physical database design in document stores 

    Hewasinghage, Moditha Lakshan Dharmasir (Data de defensa: 2022-07-12)

    NoSQL is an umbrella term used to classify alternate storage systems to the traditional Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs). Among these, Document stores have gained popularity mainly due to the semi-structured ...