Ara mostrant els elements 741-760 de 5606

    Tractament d'emissions gasoses amb altes càrregues d'amoníac mitjançant tecnologies biològiques avançades 

    Morral Molto, Eloi (Data de defensa: 2021-12-03)

    The growth in world population has led to a significant increase in the generation of wastes (solid, liquid and gaseous). Waste gas is probably the major issue in the case of waste treatment, due to the fact that once the ...

    Microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems at demonstrative scale : gravity harvesting and thickening of biomass, and advanced design of bioreactors 

    Ortiz Ruiz, Antonio (Data de defensa: 2021-12-17)

    Microalgae culture is currently receiving considerable attention for its potential in wastewater treatment and production of algal biomass from which high-value bioproducts and bioenergy can be obtained, as well as the ...

    Geometrical aspects of contact mechanical systems and field theories 

    Rivas Guijarro, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2021-12-17)

    Many important theories in modern physics can be stated using the tools of differential geometry. It is well known that symplectic geometry is the natural framework to deal with autonomous Hamiltonian mechanics. This admits ...

    Análisis composicional del acceso a servicios de agua, saneamiento e higiene y medida de sus desigualdades 

    Quispe Coica, Filimon Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2021-12-14)

    Access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is closely linked to public health. The benefits of having safe WASH are vast. The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) estimates of the population accessing ...

    Reconstrucción de la variabilidad climática para el oeste de Chihuahua, México, empleando un enfoque dendrocronológico 

    Miranda Briones, Ricardo (Data de defensa: 2021-12-01)

    Tree rings play a relevant role for the reconstruction of climatic variables on centuries or millennia-scale. In the presence of anthropogenic climate change, and in the absence of extensive meteorological records, ...

    Control adaptativo por modelo de referencia con síntesis de controlador mínima en sistemas con incertidumbre y sujetos a perturbaciones 

    Larco Barros, Ciro Mauricio (Data de defensa: 2021-12-15)

    In this research work, a non-linear technique called Minimum Controller Synthesis (MCS) is presented. This is a variant of the Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC), which has the main advantage of requiring very little ...

    Seismic design of steel beam-to-column joints with reduced beam section using European hotrolled 

    Jiménez Torres, Adrià (Data de defensa: 2021-12-22)

    The design rules on Reduced Beam Sections (RBS) are covered in the Eurocodes in EN1998-3 as a possible solution to improve rotation capacity of beams for the retrofit of existing structures. The design rules are very similar ...

    Models of stellar winds from X-ray bursts 

    Herrera, Yago (Data de defensa: 2021-12-15)

    The study of stellar winds (SW) in the context of X-ray bursts (XRB) performed in this thesis has two main motivating issues. The first is whether or not the heavy elements produced from nucleosynthesis in XRBs can escape ...

    Study on the shear and punching-shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to point loads and in-plane tensile forces 

    Fernández Sánchez, Pablo Gonzalo (Data de defensa: 2021-12-20)

    Reinforced concrete members, especially when subjected to concentrated loads, can fail in shear. This is an undesirable and brittle failure mode preventing the structure from deforming and reaching higher load levels. It ...

    Threshold phenomena involving the connected components of random graphs and digraphs 

    Coulson, Matthew John (Data de defensa: 2021-12-13)

    We consider some models of random graphs and directed graphs and investigate their behavior near thresholds for the appearance of certain types of connected components. Firstly, we look at the critical window for the ...

    Software development for the optimization of the influence of wind flows within energy applications and sustainable town planning 

    Germano, Nicola (Data de defensa: 2021-12-14)

    This thesis aims to propose and validate an innovative, fully open-source framework capable of performing multiscale analysis for the assessment of local wind flows within the urban fabric. Each part of the framework is ...

    Implementation and evaluation of the circular economy model in the construction and demolition waste sector 

    López Ruiz, Luis Alberto (Data de defensa: 2021-12-02)

    Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a major environmental concern that requires immediate attention. The large volumes of CDW produced and its associated environmental effects have led to explore new alternatives ...

    El proyecto de las relaciones : la forma del espacio libre en la propuesta de Ernst May 

    Sotoca García, Adolfo (Data de defensa: 2006-06-07)

    The dissertation focuses on the study of the morphology of modern city from the analysis of the free space. This research aims to provide original and unpublished elements in this issue. The following work finds its ...

    Integration and electrical manipulation of single-photon sources in 2-dimensional devices 

    Ciancico, Carlotta (Data de defensa: 2021-12-09)

    Quantum nanophotonics aims at studying the interaction between matter and single photons at the nanoscale. Nanoscopic solid state light sources can be placed in near proximity to other photonic elements to engineer their ...

    Netzero de alta densidad : análisis de ciclo de vida y energías renovables aplicado a vivienda colectiva en Colombia 

    Ballén Zamora, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2021-12-10)

    NetZero Energy Buildings or buildings with almost zero energy consumption, are buildings with high energy performance in terms of operational energy, and which also seek to reduce their CO2 emissions in addition to other ...

    Measuring review report quality in health research : development and validation of ARCADIA 

    Superchi, Cecilia (Data de defensa: 2021-01-21)

    Editorial peer review is the gateway to scientific publication. It was established to ensure that research papers were vetted by independent experts before they are published. Despite the importance of this process, its ...

    A census for curves and surfaces with diophantine stability over finite fields 

    Vrioni, Brikena (Data de defensa: 2021-10-29)

    An algebraic variety defined over a field is said to have Diophantine stability for an extension of this field if the variety does not acquire new points in the extension. Diophantine stability has a growing interest due ...

    Bridging the gap between reconstruction and synthesis 

    Pumarola Peris, Albert (Data de defensa: 2021-10-13)

    3D reconstruction and image synthesis are two of the main pillars in computer vision. Early works focused on simple tasks such as multi-view reconstruction and texture synthesis. With the spur of Deep Learning, the field ...

    Retroflections in the tropical Atlantic Ocean 

    Vallès Casanova, Ignasi (Data de defensa: 2021-10-19)

    The upper ocean circulation is the area of confluence of two major vertical cells: the large-scale overturning Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the regional relatively shallow Subtropical Cells (STCs). ...

    Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) and how to accelerate the development and commercialization of carbon capture technologies and carbon-based products in the European and United States markets 

    Soto, Alicia (Data de defensa: 2021-11-04)

    The main theme of this work revolves around the CO2 molecule, a stable waste gas of low value, low energy and often available in large quantities in different places. This work examines some viable avenues for capturing, ...