Now showing items 41-60 of 154

    Ecotoxicological risk of pollutants in Iberian rivers 

    Kuzmanović, Maja (Date of defense: 2017-06-23)

    More than one-third of Earths available freshwater is used for anthropogenic purposes, which has led to its contamination by numerous chemical compounds. Their presence in the environment might have negative consequences ...

    Effects of climate change on wave climate and consequent coastal impacts : application to the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea) 

    Casas Prat, Mercè (Date of defense: 2014-01-20)

    Climate change is a hot research topic due to the consequent impacts on our environment in the near future. The last report of the International Panel on Climate Change' the leading international body for assessment of ...

    El règim tèrmic del tram inferior de l'Ebre i les seues alteracions. 

    Prats Rodríguez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2011-09-27)

    This thesis deals with the study of the thermal regime of the lower Ebro River (Spain), between the towns of Escatrón and Miravet, at different time scales (multiannual, annual, monthly, diel), as well as the alterations ...

    Eliminación biológica de nutrientes en un ARU de baja carga orgánica mediante el proceso VIP 

    Knobelsdorf Miranda, Juliana (Date of defense: 2005-07-14)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es profundizar en el conocimiento de los procesos biológicos responsables de la eliminación simultánea de nitrógeno y fósforo en un ARU de baja carga orgánica, mediante un reactor ...

    Eliminación biológica de nutrientes en un reactor biológico secuencial.- Caracterización y estimulación de las fuentes de carbono del agua residual urbana. 

    Barajas López, María Guadalupe (Date of defense: 2002-04-05)

    Los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral son la caracterización de un agua residual urbana, la prefermentación del agua residual y la optimización de la eliminación biológica de nutrientes en el tratamiento del agua residual ...

    Error assessment and adaptivity for structural transient dynamics 

    Verdugo Rojano, Francesc (Date of defense: 2013-10-15)

    The finite element method is a valuable tool for simulating complex physical phenomena. However, any finite element based simulation has an intrinsic amount of error with respect to the exact solution of the selected ...

    Essays on second-best pricing schemes for transport infrastructure 

    Pons i Rigat, Aleix (Date of defense: 2021-07-26)

    Pricing has been advocated for a long time as a suitable policy instrument to deal with transport externalities. Recent technological developments enable the implementation of more sophisticated pricing schemes at affordable ...

    Estimación de la producción y transporte de sedimentos en cuencas urbanas pequeñas a escala de evento mediante un modelo de base física basado en SIG 

    Zambrano Nájera, Jeannette (Date of defense: 2015-04-09)

    Huge modifications have been made to landscape or urban watersheds, especially in twentieth century, caused by increases in urbanization have led to progressive increases in runoff flows and therefore sediment production. ...

    Estudi de la dinàmica del transport de dilucions salines d'alta concentració en canonades a pressió 

    Triadú Galí, Arnau (Date of defense: 2018-11-15)

    The mining area in the Bages district, in Catalonia (Spain), is located between the villages of Cardona, Súria, Sallent and Balsareny. It contains the most important salt deposit in Europe, which has been exploited since ...

    Estudio del anclaje por adherencia y el comportamiento a flexión de refuerzos con laminados de fibras de carbono en elementos estructurales de hormigón armado 

    Cruz Solís, Juan José (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    External reinforcement techniques with CFRP laminate adhered to concrete elements have advanced greatly over the past decade, obtaining a more effective method further lightweight and reliable. These advances have resulted ...

    Estudio del comportamiento de mezclas bituminosas recicladas en caliente en planta 

    Alarcón Ibarra, Jorge (Date of defense: 2003-01-23)

    El reciclado de los pavimentos asfálticos deteriorados no es una idea nueva, no obstante, con el aumento de las exigencias medioambientales y económicas se ha convertido en una alternativa cada vez más utilizada por ...

    Evaluación de proyectos de infraestructuras de transporte en dos etapas con impactos de no directa monetización 

    Regalado López, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2022-06-22)

    The constant and rapid population growth goes hand in hand with an increased demand for services that governments have the duty to satisfy with the problem of limited financial resources. Transport infrastructure is one ...

    Evaluación del impacto del Cambio Climático (escenarios B1 y A2) en las aportaciones futuras generadas para el horizonte de proyección 2000-2050 en las cuencas del Fluvià y la Tordera en Catalunya 

    Olivares Cerpa, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2021-07-29)

    The results presented in this doctoral thesis aims to evaluate the possible Climate Change effects on the water resources yield by the Fluvià river basin and the Tordera river basin, both located in the autonomous region ...

    Evaluación y análisis de sus propiedades de su durabilidad y de la aplicación de los morteros reciclados que utilizan materiales secundarios 

    Cabrera Covarrubias, Francisca Guadalupe (Date of defense: 2017-07-07)

    In recent years the increase in waste generated by various sectors has caused problems of waste management that mostly have as final destination the landfills; however, this option it is unacceptable for the economic and ...

    Evolución de las áreas productivas y sus requerimientos de insfraestructuras de urbanización 

    Turón Rodriguez, Carlos (Date of defense: 2013-03-20)

    Las transformaciones que se han venido produciendo en el sistema productivo, a lo largo de los últimos cincuenta años en España, con la pérdida de peso de la actividad propiamente manufacturera en beneficio de los servicios, ...

    Evolución temporal de la vegetación en el Sahel mediante el NDVI y su relación con la precipitación en el periodo 1983-2012 

    Puig i Polo, Càrol (Date of defense: 2015-04-28)

    The development and population prosperity in the transition zone between the Sahara desert in the north and the tropical humid savannah in the south, known as Sahel, depends to a great extent on the rainfall regime. The ...

    Experimental analysis of soil cracking due to environmental conditions 

    Cordero Arias, Josbel Andreina (Date of defense: 2019-09-09)

    This thesis presents an experimental approach on the subject of cracking in soils due to changes in environmental conditions, where research is mainly directed to the soil-air interface and the effect of boundary conditions. ...

    Experimental and theoretical analysis of cracking in drying soils 

    Lakshmikantha, M.R. (Date of defense: 2009-06-12)

    The thesis focuses on the experimental and theoretical aspects of the process of cracking in drying soils. The results and conclusions were drawn from an exhaustive experimental campaign characterised by innovative ...

    Experimental and theoretical analysis of flow and sediment transport in 90-degree fluvial diversions. 

    Herrero Casas, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-06-07)

    Fluvial bifurcations are systems that have a great influence on human society. Their formation and evolution can affect to activities as agriculture or industry and a good knowledge of the mechanisms that affect the processes ...