Ara mostrant els elements 307-326 de 364

    Runtime-assisted coherent caching 

    Caheny, Paul (Data de defensa: 2020-12-22)

    In the middle of the 2000s a fundamental change of course occurred in computer architecture because techniques such as frequency scaling and instruction level parallelism were providing rapidly diminishing returns. Since ...

    Runtime-assisted optimizations in the on-chip memory hierarchy 

    Dimić, Vladimir (Data de defensa: 2020-11-27)

    Following Moore's Law, the number of transistors on chip has been increasing exponentially, which has led to the increasing complexity of modern processors. As a result, the efficient programming of such systems has become ...

    Scalability in extensible and heterogeneous storage systems 

    Miranda Bueno, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2014-09-26)

    The evolution of computer systems has brought an exponential growth in data volumes, which pushes the capabilities of current storage architectures to organize and access this information effectively: as the unending ...

    Scalable community detection for social networks 

    Prat Pérez, Arnau (Data de defensa: 2016-03-03)

    Many applications can be modeled intuitively as graphs, where nodes represent the entities and the edges the relationships between them. This way, we are able to better understand them and how they interact. One particularity ...

    Scalable processing of aggregate functions for data streams in resource-constrained environments 

    Villalba Navarro, Álvaro (Data de defensa: 2019-09-05)

    The fast evolution of data analytics platforms has resulted in an increasing demand for real-time data stream processing. From Internet of Things applications to the monitoring of telemetry generated in large datacenters, ...

    Scalable system software for high performance large-scale applications 

    Morari, Alessadro (Data de defensa: 2014-05-27)

    In the last decades, high-performance large-scale systems have been a fundamental tool for scientific discovery and engineering advances. The sustained growth of supercomputing performance and the concurrent reduction in ...

    Scaling deep learning workloads. Applications in computer vision and seismology 

    Cruz de la Cruz, Stalin Leonel (Data de defensa: 2023-07-06)

    (English) Deep learning techniques have an enormous impact on the state-of-the-art in many fields, such as computer vision, natural language processing, audio analysis and synthesis, and many others. The increasing computing ...

    Scheduling and resource management solutions for the scalable and efficient design of today's and tomorrow's HPC machines 

    D'Amico, Marco (Data de defensa: 2021-06-10)

    In recent years, high-performance computing research became essential in pushing the boundaries of what men can know, predict, achieve, and understand in the experimented reality. HPC Workloads grow in size and complexity ...

    Securing and enhancing routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks 

    Guerrero Zapata, Manel (Data de defensa: 2006-07-14)

    1. CONTEXTO<br/><br/>1.1. MANET<br/><br/>MANET (Mobile and Ad hoc NETworks) (Redes móviles sin cables) son redes formadas por nodos móviles. Se comunican sin cables i lo hacen de manera 'ad hoc'. En este tipo de redes, los ...

    Securing group based peer-to-peer systems 

    Arnedo-Moreno, Joan (Data de defensa: 2009-07-07)

    Peer-to-peer applications enable a group of users to create a communications framework from scratch without the need of a central service provider. This is achievable via the aggregation of resources each one of them ...

    Security architecture for Fog-To-Cloud continuum system 

    Kahvazadeh, Sarang (Data de defensa: 2019-11-12)

    Nowadays, by increasing the number of connected devices to Internet rapidly, cloud computing cannot handle the real-time processing. Therefore, fog computing was emerged for providing data processing, filtering, aggregating, ...

    Security strategies in genomic files 

    Naro, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2020-05-15)

    There are new mechanisms to sequence and process the genomic code, discovering thus diagnostic tools and treatments. The file for a sequenced genome can reach hundreds of gigabytes. Thus, for further studies, we need new ...

    Self-organized backpressure routing for the wireless mesh backhaul of small cells 

    Núñez Martínez, José (Data de defensa: 2014-07-16)

    The ever increasing demand for wireless data services has given a starring role to dense small cell (SC) deployments for mobile networks, as increasing frequency re-use by reducing cell size has historically been the most ...

    Self-tuned parallel runtimes: a case of study for OpenMP 

    Duran González, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2008-10-22)

    In recent years parallel computing has become ubiquitous. Lead by the spread of commodity multicore processors, parallel programming is not anymore an obscure discipline only mastered by a few.<br/>Unfortunately, the amount ...

    Semantic resource management and interoperability between distributed computing platforms 

    Ejarque Artigas, Jorge (Data de defensa: 2015-12-14)

    Distributed Computing is the paradigm where the application execution is distributed across different computers connected by a communication network. Distributed Computing platforms have evolved very fast during the las ...

    SIMD@OpenMP : a programming model approach to leverage SIMD features 

    Caballero de Gea, Diego Luis (Data de defensa: 2015-12-11)

    SIMD instruction sets are a key feature in current general purpose and high performance architectures. SIMD instructions apply in parallel the same operation to a group of data, commonly known as vector. A single SIMD/vector ...

    Simulation methodologies for future large-scale parallel systems 

    Grass, Thomas (Data de defensa: 2017-10-09)

    Since the early 2000s, computer systems have seen a transition from single-core to multi-core systems. While single-core systems included only one processor core on a chip, current multi-core processors include up to tens ...

    Síntesi d'alt nivell de circuits asíncrons 

    Badia Sala, Rosa Maria (Data de defensa: 1994-07-20)

    (Català) A mesura que augmenta el nombre de transistors integrables en un xip, problemes com el desfasament del senyal de rellotge esdevenen cada cop més crítics. Altres avantatges com un consum més baix, una velocitat ...

    Smart and efficient sensor networks operation for 5G and beyond ecosystems 

    El Sayed, Ahmad Mohammad (Data de defensa: 2024-01-30)

    (English) Sensor Networks (SN) will play an integral role in Beyond 5G (B5G) ecosystems, especially for highly-distributed use cases and services such as Digital Twins (DT). Thus, the underlying transport network needs to ...

    Smart hardware designs for probabilistically-analyzable processor architectures 

    Benedicte Illescas, Pedro (Data de defensa: 2022-04-07)

    Future Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES), like those is planes, cars or trains, require more and more guaranteed performance in order to satisfy the increasing performance demands of advanced complex software ...