HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit in modern u-processors 

    Deb, Abhishek (Fecha de defensa: 2012-05-03)

    In this thesis we have explored the co-designed paradigm to show alternative processor design points. Specifically, we have provided HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit for modern processors. We have ...

    Identifying and combating cyber-threats in the field of online banking 

    Aguilà Vilà, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-18)

    This thesis has been carried out in the industrial environment external to the University, as an industrial PhD. The results of this PhD have been tested, validated, and implemented in the production environment of Caixabank ...

    Identifying and diagnosing video streaming performance issues 

    Dimopoulos, Georgios (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-27)

    On-line video streaming is an ever evolving ecosystem of services and technologies, where content providers are on a constant race to satisfy the users' demand for richer content and higher bitrate streams, updated set of ...

    Image and video object segmentation in low supervision scenarios 

    Bellver Bueno, Míriam (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-26)

    Computer vision plays a key role in Artificial Intelligence because of the rich semantic information contained in pixels and the ubiquity of cameras nowadays. Multimedia content is on a rise since social networks have such ...

    Improved self-management of datacenter systems applying machine learning 

    Berral García, Josep Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-22)

    Autonomic Computing is a Computer Science and Technologies research area, originated during mid 2000's. It focuses on optimization and improvement of complex distributed computing systems through self-control and ...

    Improving cache Behavior in CMP architectures throug cache partitioning techniques 

    Moretó Planas, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2010-03-19)

    The evolution of microprocessor design in the last few decades has changed significantly, moving from simple inorder single core architectures to superscalar and vector architectures in order to extract the maximum available ...

    Improving decision tree and neural network learning for evolving data-streams 

    Marrón Vida, Diego (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-19)

    High-throughput real-time Big Data stream processing requires fast incremental algorithms that keep models consistent with most recent data. In this scenario, Hoeffding Trees are considered the state-of-the-art single ...

    Improving heterogeneous system efficiency : architecture, scheduling, and machine learning 

    Nemirovsky, Daniel A. (Fecha de defensa: 2017-10-30)

    Computer architects are beginning to embrace heterogeneous systems as an effective method to utilize increases in transistor densities for executing a diverse range of workloads under varying performance and energy ...

    Improving multithreading performance for clustered VLIW architectures. 

    Gupta, Manoj (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-14)

    Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are very popular in embedded and mobile computing domain. Use of VLIW processors range from Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) found in a plethora of communication and multimedia ...

    Improving prefetching mechanisms for tiled CMP platforms 

    Torrents Lapuerta, Martí (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-28)

    Recently, high performance processor designs have evolved toward Chip-Multiprocessor (CMP) architectures to deal with instruction level parallelism limitations and, more important, to manage the power consumption that is ...

    Improving resource efficiency in virtualized datacenters 

    Amaral, Marcelo (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-29)

    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its protocols. The increasing diffusion of electronic devices with identification, computing and communication capabilities is ...

    Improving the effective use of multithreaded architectures : implications on compilation, thread assignment, and timing analysis 

    Radojković, Petar (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-19)

    This thesis presents cross-domain approaches that improve the effective use of multithreaded architectures. The contributions of the thesis can be classified in three groups. First, we propose several methods for thread ...

    Improving the efficiency of multicore systems through software and hardware cooperation 

    Jiménez Pérez, Víctor Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-20)

    Increasing processors' clock frequency has traditionally been one of the largest drivers of performance improvements for computing systems. In the first half of the 2000s, however, it became clear that continuing to increase ...

    Improving the performance and energy-efficiency of virtual memory 

    Karakostas, Vasileios (Fecha de defensa: 2016-04-18)

    Virtual memory improves programmer productivity, enhances process security, and increases memory utilization. However, virtual memory requires an address translation from the virtual to the physical address space on every ...

    Improving time predictability of shared hardware resources in real-time multicore systems : emphasis on the space domain 

    Jalle Ibarra, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-18)

    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) follow a verification and validation process on the timing and functional correctness. This process includes the timing analysis that provides Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) ...

    Improving web server efficiency on commodity hardware 

    Beltrán Querol, Vicenç (Fecha de defensa: 2008-10-03)

    El ràpid creixement de la Web requereix una gran quantitat de recursos computacionals que han de ser utilitzats eficientment. Avui en dia, els servidors basats en hardware estendard son les plataformes preferides per ...

    In-operation planning in flexgrid optical core networks 

    Gifre Renom, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-03)

    New generation applications, such as cloud computing or video distribution, can run in a telecom cloud infrastructure where the datacenters (DCs) of telecom operators are integrated in their networks thus, increasing ...

    Incentives for sharing heterogeneous resources in distributed systems : a participatory approach 

    Vega D'Aurelio, Davide (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-21)

    Contributory and volunteer computing ecosystems built around a community of participants need, like any other common-pool resources, an adaptive governance mechanism to guarantee the sustainability of the ecosystem. ...

    Information dissemination in mobile networks 

    Trullols Cruces, Oscar (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-17)

    This thesis proposes some solutions to relieve, using Wi-Fi wireless networks, the data consumption of cellular networks using cooperation between nodes, studies how to make a good deployment of access points to optimize ...

    Intelligent instrumentation techniques to improve the traces information-volume ratio 

    Llort Sánchez, Germán M. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-03)

    With ever more powerful machines being constantly deployed, it is crucial to manage the computational resources efficiently. This is important both from the point of view of the individual user, who expects fast results; ...