Performance and power optimizations in chip multiprocessors for throughput-aware computation 

    Vega, Augusto J. (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-30)

    The so-called "power (or power density) wall" has caused core frequency (and single-thread performance) to slow down, giving rise to the era of multi-core/multi-thread processors. For example, the IBM POWER4 processor, ...

    Performance characterization and optimization of in-memory data analytics on a scale-up server 

    Awan, Ahsan Javed (Fecha de defensa: 2017-12-15)

    The sheer increase in volume of data over the last decade has triggered research in cluster computing frameworks that enable web enterprises to extract big insights from big data. While Apache Spark defines the state of ...

    Performance Improvement of Multithreaded Java Applications Execution on Multiprocessor Systems 

    Guitart Fernández, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2005-11-02)

    El disseny del llenguatge Java, que inclou aspectes importants com són la seva portabilitat i neutralitat envers l'arquitectura, les seves capacitats multithreading, la seva familiaritat (degut a la seva semblança amb ...

    Performance Prediction and Evaluation Tools 

    Girona Turell, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2003-07-24)

    La predicció és un concepte de recerca molt interessant. No es només predir el resultat futur, sinó que també cal predir el resultat conegut, a vegades anomenat validació. <br/><br/>L'aplicació de tècniques de predicció ...

    Performance simulation methodologies for hardware/software co-designed processors 

    Brankovic, Aleksandar (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-17)

    Recently the community started looking into Hardware/Software (HW/SW) co-designed processors as potential solutions to move towards the less power consuming and the less complex designs. Unlike other solutions, they reduce ...

    Performance-aware energy optimizations in networks for HPC 

    Saravanan, Karthikeyan P. (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-02)

    Energy efficiency is an important challenge in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). High energy requirements not only limit the potential to realize next-generation machines but are also an increasing part of the ...

    Planificación global en sistemas multiprocesador de tiempo real 

    Banús Alsina, Josep María (Fecha de defensa: 2008-05-29)

    Esta tesis afronta el problema de la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real utilizando sistemas multiprocesador con memoria compartida. Según laliteratura este problema es NP-Hard. En las aplicaciones de sistemas de ...

    Power- and Performance - Aware Architectures 

    Canal Corretger, Ramon (Fecha de defensa: 2004-06-14)

    The scaling of silicon technology has been ongoing for over forty years. We are on the way to commercializing devices having a minimum feature size of one-tenth of a micron. The push for miniaturization comes from the ...

    Power-constrained aware and latency-aware microarchitectural optimizations in many-core processors 

    Jha, Sudhanshu S. (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-05)

    As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and microarchitectural techniques are needed to improve, or at least maintain, the power efficiency of next-generation processors. ...

    Practical strategies to monitor and control contention in shared resources of critical real-time embedded systems 

    Cardona Nadal, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-03)

    (English) In the last decade performance needs in Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) domains like automotive, avionics, railway or space have been steadily on the rise due to the unprecedented computational power ...

    Predicated execution and register windows for out-of-order processors 

    Quiñones Moreno, Eduardo (Fecha de defensa: 2008-11-18)

    ISA extensions are a very powerful approach to implement new hardware techniques that require or benefit from compiler support: decisions made at compile time can be complemented at runtime, achieving a synergistic effect ...

    Priority realloc : a threefold mechanism for route and resources allocation in EONs 

    Dantas, Joana Sócrates (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    Backbone networks are responsible for long-haul data transport serving many clients with a large volume of data. Since long-haul data transport service must rely on a robust high capacity network the current technology ...

    Proactive software rejuvenation solution for web enviroments on virtualized platforms 

    Alonso López, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2011-02-21)

    The availability of the Information Technologies for everything, from everywhere, at all times is a growing requirement. We use information Technologies from common and social tasks to critical tasks like managing nuclear ...

    Probabilistically time-analyzable complex processor designs 

    Slijepcevic, Mladen (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-13)

    Industry developing Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES), such as Aerospace, Space, Automotive and Railways, faces relentless demands for increased guaranteed processor performance to support new advanced functionalities ...

    Programming and parallelising applications for distributed infrastructures 

    Tejedor Saavedra, Enric (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-15)

    The last decade has witnessed unprecedented changes in parallel and distributed infrastructures. Due to the diminished gains in processor performance from increasing clock frequency, manufacturers have moved from uniprocessor ...

    Programming model abstractions for optimizing I/O intensive applications 

    Elshazly, Hatem Mohamed Abdelfattah Eid (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-28)

    This thesis contributes from the perspective of task-based programming models to the efforts of optimizing I/O intensive applications. Throughout this thesis, we propose programming model abstractions and mechanisms that ...

    Programming models and scheduling techniques for heterogeneous architectures 

    Planas Carbonell, Judit (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-03)

    There is a clear trend nowadays to use heterogeneous high-performance computers, as they offer considerably greater computing power than homogeneous CPU systems. Extending traditional CPU systems with specialized units ...

    Programming models for mobile environments 

    Lordan Gomis, Francesc-Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    For the last decade, mobile devices have grown in popularity and became the best-selling computing devices. Despite their high capabilities for user interactions and network connectivity, the computing power of mobile ...

    Programming models to support data science workflows 

    Ramón-Cortés Vilarrodona, Cristián (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-21)

    Data Science workflows have become a must to progress in many scientific areas such as life, health, and earth sciences. In contrast to traditional HPC workflows, they are more heterogeneous; combining binary executions, ...

    Programming, debugging, profiling and optimizing transactional memory programs 

    Hasanov Zyulkyarov, Ferard (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-19)

    Transactional memory (TM) is a new optimistic synchronization technique which has the potential of making shared memory parallel programming easier compared to locks without giving up from the performance. This thesis ...