Actividad del eje hipotalámico-hipofisario-adrenal y antecedente de maltrato infantil: efectos sobre el rendimiento cognitivo, la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida en pacientes con trastorno depresivo mayor 

    Salvat Pujol, Neus (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    [spa] INTRODUCCIÓN: El trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) es altamente prevalente y se asocia a una elevada carga de enfermedad. Se han descrito frecuentemente alteraciones de la función del eje hipotalámico-hipofisario-adrenal ...

    Characterization of Counterfactual Reasoning Deficits in Schizophrenia Patients and Non-Psychotic First-Degree Relatives in Comparison with Healthy Control Subjects 

    Albacete Belzunces, Àuria (Date of defense: 2017-07-14)

    Schizophrenia is one of the most serious and complex psychiatric illnesses supposing a great negative impact on the life of the individuals who suffer from it. Cognitive impairment is a core feature of the illness and is ...

    Comorbiditat i predictors de resposta al tractament en el Joc Patològic 

    Aragay Vicente, Núria (Date of defense: 2015-09-21)

    El trastorn per Joc Patològic (JP), definit com una conducta de joc desadaptativa, persistent i recurrent que altera el funcionament personal, familiar i/o laboral de la persona i el seu entorn, està classificat com a ...

    Correlatos neurobiológicos de la Terapia Electroconvulsiva en pacientes con Trastorno Depresivo Mayor: estudio de neuroimagen multimodal 

    Cano Català, Marta (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    La depresión se caracteriza por la persistencia de pensamientos y emociones negativas que perturban el estado de ánimo, la cognición, la motivación y la conducta del paciente. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha apuntado ...

    Emotions in Eating Disorders: The Interplay of Emotion Regulation and Inhibitory Control in Appetite and Eating Behaviour 

    Wolz, Ines (Date of defense: 2016-11-18)

    OBJECTIVES: The main goals of this thesis were to examine the link between the regulation of emotions and disordered eating to obtain insights into the processes underlying ED psychopathology. More specifically, this work ...

    Estratègies de control del tabaquisme i polítiques de fum ambiental del tabac en l’àmbit de la salut mental 

    Ballbè i Gibernau, Montse (Date of defense: 2014-07-02)

    ANTECEDENTS La prevalença de tabaquisme en els pacients ingressats en unitats hospitalàries de salut mental pot arribar fins a un 80% i poden arribar a morir uns 25-30 anys de mitjana abans que la població general, ...

    Estudi mitjançant ressonància magnètica de les bases neurals del trastorn depressiu major: aspectes clínics, evolutius i de resposta al tractament 

    Hernàndez Ribas, Rosa (Date of defense: 2012-03-16)

    Aquesta tesi es planteja com a objectiu principal identificar, en pacients amb trastorn depressiu major (TDM), característiques neuroanatòmiques, tant a nivell neuroestructural com neurofuncional, que es puguin relacionar ...

    Impulsivity and compulsivity as transdiagnostic clinical features in gambling and eating disorders 

    Mestre-Bach, Gemma (Date of defense: 2019-03-04)

    Dimensional theoretical models suggest that gambling disorder and eating disorders have two essential shared risk factors: impulsivity and compulsivity. In order to delve into the association between these factors, the ...

    Multimodal Neuroimaging of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Clinical and Healthy Control Samples 

    Picó Pérez, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-10-11)

    Emotion regulation is a critical process for dealing appropriately with emotions in our daily lives. An important part of adaptively regulating emotions is being able to maintain a balance between short-term and long-term ...