Now showing items 83-102 of 143

    Genetic association analysis of complex diseases through information theoretic metrics and linear pleiotropy 

    Brunel Montaner, Helena (Date of defense: 2013-11-14)

    The main goal of this thesis was to help in the identification of genetic variants that are responsible for complex traits, combining both linear and nonlinear approaches. First, two one-locus approaches were proposed. The ...

    Gestión energética de vehículos hibridos usando control predictivo económico 

    Sampietro Saquicela, José Luis (Date of defense: 2019-07-15)

    Every method of energy generation and transmission affects the environment. Under this principle, conventional generation options based on fossil fuels, such as coal, gasoline, diesel, among others, are progressively ...

    Guidance, navigation and control of multirotors 

    Rubí Perelló, Bertomeu (Date of defense: 2020-12-11)

    This thesis presents contributions to the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) systems for multirotor vehicles by applying and developing diverse control techniques and machine learning theory with innovative results. ...

    Heat pump controls to exploit the energy flexibility of building thermal loads 

    Péan, Thibault Q. (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    Smart controls for heat pumps are required to harness the full energy flexibility potential of building thermal loads. A literature review revealed that most strategies used for this purpose can be classified in two ...

    Human activity recognition using a wearable camera 

    Tadesse, Girmaw Abebe (Date of defense: 2018-04-26)

    Advances in wearable technologies are facilitating the understanding of human activities using first-person vision (FPV) for a wide range of assistive applications. In this thesis, we propose robust multiple motion features ...

    Identifiability and calibration of water network models 

    Pérez Magrané, Ramon (Date of defense: 2003-07-21)

    El control i supervisió de processos es basa generalment en la utilització de models. Models que han de ser tan acurats com sigui possible. Processos complexes com les xarxes de distribució d'aigua no escapen d'aquesta ...

    Identification, synchronisation and composition of user-generated videos 

    Bano, Sophia (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    The increasing availability of smartphones is facilitating people to capture videos of their experience when attending events such as concerts, sports competitions and public rallies. Smartphones are equipped with inertial ...

    Implicaciones del calcio extracelular y su receptor en mebrana (CaSR) en la angiogénesis y la osteogénesis. Relevancia en ingeniería tisular. 

    González Vázquez, Arlyng Gyveth (Date of defense: 2013-09-26)

    Bone injury is a major health problem nowadays. Bone tissue engineering is a promising strategy to solve it. In this field many reports pointed out the role of scaffolds containing a calcium phosphate glass, such as G5, ...

    Improvements in the registration of multimodal medical imaging : application to intensity inhomogeneity and partial volume corrections 

    Jiménez González, Xavier (Date of defense: 2016-12-23)

    Alignment or registration of medical images has a relevant role on clinical diagnostic and treatment decisions as well as in research settings. With the advent of new technologies for multimodal imaging, robust registration ...

    Injectable biodegradable carriers for the delivery of therapeutic agents and tissue engineering 

    Levato, Riccardo (Date of defense: 2015-01-09)

    The design of smart biomaterial devices plays a key role to improve the way conventional therapies are being delivered, and to promote the development of new approaches for advanced therapies, such as regenerative medicine ...

    Interacción en sistemas biológicos mediante nuevos índices basados en la dinámica no lineal 

    Alonso López, Joan Francesc (Date of defense: 2011-09-29)

    Most biological systems are complex and consist of several interconnected parts whose links can contain additional information which can be hidden from the observer. As a result of the interactions between elements, emergent ...

    Intrinsic osteoinduction and osteogenesis of biomimetic calcium phosphate scaffolds with different nano-, micro- and macroporosities : ectopic and orthotopic implantation in a canine model 

    Barba Serrahima, Albert (Date of defense: 2018-11-28)

    The development of synthetic bone substitutes with enhanced osteogenic properties is urged by the global ageing population. Sintered calcium-phosphate (CaP) ceramics are the most widely used synthetic biomaterials for bone ...

    Invasive and non-invasive assessment of upper airway obstruction and respiratory effort with nasal airflow and esophageal pressure analysis during sleep 

    Morgenstern de Muller, Christian Rudolf (Date of defense: 2010-02-25)

    La estimación del esfuerzo respiratorio durante el sueño es de una importancia crítica para la identificación correcta de eventos respiratorios en los trastornos respiratorios del sueño (TRS), el diagnóstico correcto de ...

    Lactate-releasing PLA scaffolds for brain regeneration 

    Álvarez Pinto, Zaida (Date of defense: 2014-07-25)

    Stroke and traumatic brain injuries are common causes of disability, with loss of nerve tissue due to secondary degeneration, gliosis, and often the formation of cavities that inhibit neural cell growth. Recent attempts ...

    Leak detection and localization in pipeline networks using machine learning and principal component analysis 

    Santos Ruiz, Ildeberto de los (Date of defense: 2021-06-11)

    (English) This thesis presents a methodology to locate leaks in pipeline networks, with a focus on water distribution networks. Leak localization techniques using classifiers are proposed by associating the different classes ...

    Machine learning methods for the analysis of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry datasets in metabolomics 

    Fernández Albert, Francesc (Date of defense: 2014-10-30)

    Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) instruments are widely used in Metabolomics. To analyse their output, it is necessary to use computational tools and algorithms to extract meaningful biological information. ...

    Mathematical models and multiscale simulations of cellular secretion processes 

    González-Vélez, Virginia (Date of defense: 2011-07-26)

    Exocytosis is the cellular process whereby a product such as a hormone or a neurotransmitter is released as a response to stimulation. There are a lot of exocytotic cells in mammals, and each cell type has their specific ...

    Methodologies for hybrid systems diagnosis based on the hybrid automaton framework 

    Vento, Jorge (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    Hybrid systems play an important role in the modeling of complex systems since they take into account the interaction between both continuous dynamics and discrete events. Complex systems are subject to changes in the ...

    Methodology for automatic classification of atypical lymphoid cells from peripheral blood cell images 

    Alférez Baquero, Edwin Santiago (Date of defense: 2015-06-26)

    Morphological analysis is the starting point for the diagnostic approach of more than 80% of the hematological diseases. However, the morphological differentiation among different types of abnormal lymphoid cells in ...

    Methods and models in signal processing for gait analysis using waist-worn accelerometer : a contribution to Parkinson’s disease 

    Sayeed, Taufique (Date of defense: 2015-07-16)

    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that predominantly alters patients' motor performance and compromises the speed, the automaticity and fluidity of natural movements. After some years, patients fluctuate ...