Now showing items 21-40 of 143

    Aportació a la identificació paramètrica de sistemes dinàmics 

    Escobet, Teresa (Date of defense: 1997-11-24)

    Aportació als criteris de disseny ergonomic de les interfícies persona-màquina (HMI) per a vehicles submarins teleoperats. 

    Bonyuet Lee, David (Date of defense: 2002-09-27)

    El creixement de la robòtica (especialment en l'àrea dels sistemes intel·ligents) continua a grans passos, malgrat que encara no hi ha sistemes totalment autònoms per treballar en entorns complexos i desconeguts. Consideracions ...

    Aportación a la generación de umbrales adaptativos a partir de envolventes de sistemas con modelos aproximados : aplicación a la detección y diagnosis robusta de fallos en procesos industriales 

    Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (Date of defense: 1999-02-10)

    El objetivo de la presente tesis es desarrollar un nuevo método de generación de umbrales adaptativos mediante la obtención de las respuestas temporales máxima y mínima a cada instante de tiempo, denominadas envolventes, ...

    Application of multibody dynamics techniques to the analysis of human gait 

    Pàmies Vilà, Rosa (Date of defense: 2012-12-21)

    La tesi que es presenta tracta l’estudi cinemàtic i dinàmic de la marxa humana mitjançant tècniques de dinàmica de sistemes multisòlid. Per a aquest propòsit, s’utilitzen dos models biomecànics: un model pla format per 11 ...

    Aprendizaje con máquinas núcleo en entornos de multiclasificación 

    Angulo Bahón, Cecilio (Date of defense: 2001-05-23)

    La propiedad de generalización de una máquina de aprendizaje, es decir su capacidad para emitir una respuesta correcta ante una nueva entrada semejante a aquellas con las que ha sido entrenada, es la característica principal ...

    Aprendizaje de particiones difusas para razonamiento inductivo 

    Acosta Sarmiento, Jesús Antonio (Date of defense: 2006-12-22)

    Existe consenso entre los investigadores en que se pueden obtener sistemas más inteligentes por medio de la hibridación de metodologías de Soft Computing haciendo de este modo que las debilidades de unos sistemas se ...

    Automatic hands-free visualization of a six degrees of freedom agent within a complex anatomical space 

    Finocchiaro, Martina (Date of defense: 2023-03-28)

    (English) Over the years, a continuous development of intraluminal procedures resulted in strong benefits for the patients. Reduced blood loss, lower risk of infections, diminished scaring impact and quicker recovery time ...

    Bioinformatics methods for the genomics and metabolomics analysis of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases 

    Alonso, Arnald (Date of defense: 2015-09-28)

    During the last decade, genomics have been widely used to the characterization of the molecular basis of common diseases. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been highly successful in characterizing the genetic ...

    Biointerfaces based on the combination of synthetic polymers and biomolecules 

    Puiggalí Jou, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-03-04)

    During the last decades, research focused on the preparation of highly selective and smart materials has increased considerably. For instances, it has been possible to achieve intelligent drug nano-carriers, biomolecular ...

    Biological response to structured and functionalized substrates for nerve tissue regeneration 

    Mattotti, Marta (Date of defense: 2012-10-29)

    After a lesion in the CNS, glial cells play a fundamental role, being the mediators of both the inhibitory and the beneficial response for neural regeneration. The tissue engineering approach consists in the use of ...

    Biomimetic hydrogels for in situ bone tissue engineering : nature-inspired crosslinking methods as a tool to tune scaffold physical properties 

    Sánchez Ferrero, Aitor (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The global incidence of bone fractures, and subsequently that of non-healing ones, is expected to rise in the coming decades, mostly due to an increased risk of age-related conditions. Currently, the biomaterials field is ...

    Biomimetic set up for chemosensor-based machine olfaction 

    Ziyatdinov, Andrey (Date of defense: 2014-12-04)

    The thesis falls into the field of machine olfaction and accompanying experimental set up for chemical gas sensing. Perhaps more than any other sensory modality, chemical sensing faces with major technical and conceptual ...

    Breathing pattern characterization in patients with respiratory and cardiac failure 

    Garde Martínez, Ainara (Date of defense: 2010-07-21)

    El objetivo principal de la tesis es estudiar los patrones respiratorios de pacientes en proceso de extubación y pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica (CHF), a partirde la señal de flujo respiratorio. La información ...

    Caracterització morfològica de cèl·lules limfoides normals, reactives, anormals i blàstiques de sang perifèrica mitjançant processament digital d'imatges 

    Puigví Fernández, Laura (Date of defense: 2019-10-20)

    The main objective of the present Doctoral Thesis is to obtain new quantitative features by means of digital image processing and machine learning for the differentiation of normal, reactive and malignant lymphoid cells ...

    Caracterització multiescala de dades fisiològiques en la cardiologia translacional 

    Marimon Serra, Xavier (Date of defense: 2023-12-22)

    (English) This thesis aims to explore cardiac cell physiology across various scales, also known as translational cardiology. The research employs novel computational techniques from Biomedical engineering and utilizes ...

    Caracterización de tejidos cardíacos mediante métodos mínimamente invasivos y no invasivos basados en espectroscopia de impedancia eléctrica 

    Salazar Muñoz, Yolocuauhtli (Date of defense: 2004-10-15)

    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la viabilidad de utilizar, en la práctica clínica, métodos de medida mínimamente invasivos y no invasivos para contribuir al diagnóstico del infarto de miocardio y del rechazo de ...

    Caracterización y optimización de superfícies biomimétricas pra regeneración de Ttjido óseo 

    Paredes Méndez, Virginia Nathaly (Date of defense: 2012-10-26)

    Este proyecto se propone caracterizar y optimizar superficies biofuncionalizadas con diferentes secuencias peptídicas, para lograr la regeneración ósea (oseointegración) y por ende la disminución de los problemas de ...

    Cell derived-extracellular matrix scaffolds with polylactic acid microcarriers for tissue engineering and cell therapy 

    Cano Torres, Irene (Date of defense: 2019-04-05)

    Organ shortage for transplantation and the need for new therapies for the treatment of tissular damages have driven the development of an exciting field in research, called tissue engineering (TE). Its potential entails ...

    Characterization of a novel HgCdTe focal plane array for ground and space astronomy through innovative infrared setups 

    Jiménez Rojas, Jorge Iván (Date of defense: 2023-06-14)

    (English) Nowadays, mercury-cadmium-telluride (MCT) short-wave infrared (SWIR) detectors are widely used in cutting-edge space missions and ground-based telescopes. They take advantage of the fact that the dust and gases ...