Now showing items 21-40 of 230

    Bio-based polyesters from cyclic monomers derived from carbohydrates 

    Lavilla Aguilar, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)

    Polyesters are extremely versatile polymers which can be used in a wide variety of applications ranging from high performance materials to recyclable and degradable polymers. The preparation of polyesters from renewable ...

    Biomedical applications of hybrid polymer-based materials 

    Enshaei, Hamidreza (Date of defense: 2022-04-24)

    Polymers have been widely used in biomedical applications for drug delivery purposes in the last decades. However, ordinary long­ term drug delivery systems are sometimes associated with undesired side effects if the ...

    Caracterització estructural de la proteïna P4, un regulador de la transcripció en el bacteriòfag phi29. 

    Badia Martínez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2005-07-22)

    En aquest treball es descriu la determinació estructural mitjançant cristal·lografia de raigs X de la proteïna p4 del bacteriòfag phi29 en la seva forma lliure i en complex amb DNA.<br/>La proteïna p4 és essencial en el ...

    Caracterización estructural de fibras lyocell y su comportamiento frente a procesos de degradación 

    Carrillo Navarrete, Fernando (Date of defense: 2002-06-03)

    Durante estas últimas décadas ha habido un gran interés científico y tecnológico en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas para la obtención e hilatura de fibras de celulosa regenerada. Las tecnologías aplicadas en este campo ...

    Carbohydrate-based Polyurethanes and Polyamides: Synthesis, Characterization and Stereocomplex Formation 

    Marín Bernabé, Romina (Date of defense: 2009-05-07)

    Esta tesis doctoral está dirigida al desarrollo de poliuretanos a partir de dioles derivados de carbohidratos. Los poliuretanos son polímeros muy versátiles que pueden ser usados en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones que ...

    Carencia de nucleoplasmina en los ovocitos de Holothuria tubulosa.Otra posible actividad que remodela la cromatina del espermatozoide 

    del Valle Mendoza, Luís Javier (Date of defense: 2000-01-14)

    Durante la fertilización el núcleo del espermatozoide queda inmerso en el citoplasma del ovocito, y seguidamente, se transforma en el pronúcleo masculino. La formación del pronúcleo masculino se refiere al proceso de ...

    CFD studies of reactive flow with thermal and mass diffusional effects in a supercritical packed bed catalytic reactor 

    Mekala, Samuel J. (Date of defense: 2017-03-20)

    Packed bed reactors are widely used in various chemical processes. Fundamental understanding of the heat and mass transfer phenomena in the packed beds is essential for better modelling of these processes. Theoretical ...

    Characteristics of bioactive molecules with antioxidant and biological activities of some medicinal and edible plants 

    Ouerfelli, Manel (Date of defense: 2021-11-24)

    The present work has focused on the study of two edible plants, with attributable medicinal values, named Anthyllis vulneraria L. (A.vulneraria) and Azadirachta indica L. (A.indica) collected in Tunisia and India, ...

    Characterization and modelling of micro and nanofluidic systems 

    Licon Bernal, Edxon Eduardo (Date of defense: 2015-03-13)

    Lab-on-a-chip arrangements are ever more frequently used for the miniaturization of chemical and biochemical analysis. In these arrangements, all the manipulations of analyte transport, separation, mixing with reactants ...

    Characterization of amino acid changes in visual pigment evolution and interaction with associated proteins 

    Fernández Sampedro, Miguel Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-06-11)

    Visual opsins are G protein-coupled receptors that function as light photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina. Rhodopsin is the visual pigment located in the rod photoreceptor cells specialized in scotopic vision. Bovine ...

    Chromatographic separations for fission products and actinides determination by different analytical techniques: mass spectrometry and radiometry 

    Perna, Lorenzo (Date of defense: 2003-06-26)

    Due to the nuclear testing, reentry and disintegration of nuclear powered satellites, nuclear reactor accidents, uranium nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear weapons production, actinides have been introduced into the environment. ...

    Cinética, Equilibrio y Transporte de materia en la hidratación Catalítica directa de Isobuteno a Ter-Butanol 

    Velo García, Enrique (Date of defense: 1992-12-17)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral és la modelització matemàtica del procés d'hidratació catalítica directa de isobutè a ter butanol sobre Amberlyst-15 en un reactor de llit fix escorregut en equicorrent descendent. La ...

    Combined heat and power generation systems for optimum environmental and economic performance : a case study in Catalonia 

    González Juncà, Arnau (Date of defense: 2016-06-21)

    In the current energy conjunction, with an expected growth of energy consumption in a context of fossil fuel depletion, more focus is being placed on renewable energy sources (RES) for electricity generation. To enhance ...

    Complexation of Th(IV) and U(VI) by polyhydroxy and polyamino carboxylic acids 

    Colàs Anguita, Elisenda (Date of defense: 2014-05-05)

    Els residus radioactius procedeixen de gairebé totes les activitats (indústria nuclear i no nuclear, investigació, activitats militars, aplicacions mèdiques) que impliquen la manipulació de materials radioactius. Existeix ...

    Computational fluid dynamics indicators to improve cardiovascular pathologies 

    Soudah Prieto, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    In recent years, the study of computational hemodynamics within anatomically complex vascular regions has generated great interest among clinicians. The progress in computational fluid dynamics, image processing and ...

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies in Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in Packed Bed Extraction and Reaction Equipment: Special Attention to Supercritical Fluids Technology 

    Guardo Zabaleta, Alfredo (Date of defense: 2007-03-01)

    El entendimiento de los fenómenos de transferencia de calor y de masa en medios porosos implica el estudio de modelos de transporte de fluidos en la fracción vacía del medio; este hecho es de fundamental importancia en ...

    Computational Studies on the Structure and Dynamics of Bioactive Peptides. 

    Corcho Sánchez, Francisco José (Date of defense: 2004-01-26)

    The present work focuses on the exploration of the conformational space of biological active peptides in different conditions with the aim of characterizing their conformational profile. Different techniques have been used ...

    Concepts, perspectives and implications of a hybrid system made of nucleic acids biopolymers and hydroxyapatite mineral 

    Turon Dols, Pau (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    The origin of building blocks of life and how life thrived on Earth remains a topic of high interest for researchers of the Origin of Life. In this thesis, we deal with concepts, perspectives and implications of the system ...

    Conceptual design of alternative energy systems from biomass 

    Pérez Fortes, Maria del Mar (Date of defense: 2011-06-27)

    El sector energético se está dirigiendo hacia un nuevo paradigma, favoreciendo la aparición de procesos de conversión más eficientes, el uso de las fuentes de energía renovables y la micro-generación. La bioenergía es una ...

    Conceptual modelling for integrated decision-making in process systems 

    Dombayci, Canan (Date of defense: 2019-05-27)

    This Thesis addresses the systematic construction of Decision Making Models (DMMs) from the conceptualization stage to its application in specific situations, with special emphasis on !he treatment of scenarios where there ...