Now showing items 140-159 of 230

    Mecanisme d'activació de la Rodopsina i reconeixement molecular de la proteïna Gt 

    Bosch Presegué, Laia (Date of defense: 2007-05-16)

    La rodopsina (Rho) és el receptor visual responsable de la visió a baixa intensitat lumínica. Aquest receptor, que es troba en les cèl·lules bastó de la retina, està constituït per 7 hèlices transmembrana i és el prototip ...

    Mechanochemical preparation of TiO2-based photocatalysts for hydrogen production 

    Chen, Yufen (Date of defense: 2023-05-19)

    (English) Metal clusters and single atoms have been considered as effective cocatalysts for the enhancement of photocatalytic hydrogen production dueto their singular geometric structures, electronic properties and unique ...

    Membranas poliméricas íon seletivas aniônicas e catiônicas para uso em eletrodiálise 

    Müller, Franciélli (Date of defense: 2013-09-27)

    The main objective of this Thesis is the development of anionic and cationic polymeric membranes for treatment of solution containing metallic ions using electrodialysis process. In this work were synthesized cationic ...

    Methodology for the selection and implementation of environmental aspects and performance indicators in ports 

    Puig Durán, Martí (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    It is broadly known that efficient ports are crucial for the economic development of their surrounding area. However, the loading and unloading of goods in the ports, the related ship traffic, and the hinterland distribution ...

    Modelización avanzada de columnas de destilación de operación discontinua 

    Mehlhorn, Arndt (Date of defense: 1998-12-09)

    La tesis doctoral se compone de dos partes fundamentales: El desarrollo teórico de un modelo de simulación para la destilación discontinua y la validación de este mediante experimentos hechos en una planta piloto de ...

    Modification of microbial polyacids for drug delivery systems 

    Lanz Landázuri, Alberto (Date of defense: 2014-04-28)

    Polymers are becoming preferred materials in biomedical applications because of their vast diversity of properties, functionalities and applications. Properties as mechanical strength, stability against degradation, ...

    Modified polymers as electroactive biomaterials 

    Molina García, Brenda Guadalupe (Date of defense: 2020-07-13)

    Development of polymeric biomaterials with tailored properties is essential for expanding biotechnologies and, therefore, proposing novel solutions for diagnostic and treatments in modern medicine. In order to contribute ...

    Molecular dynamics simulations of seven-transmembrane receptors 

    Cordomí Montoya, Arnau (Date of defense: 2008-03-11)

    Seven transmembrane (7-TM) G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) constitute the largest family of integral membrane proteins in eukaryotes with more than 1000 members and encoding more than 2% of the human genome. These ...

    Multifuncional biopolymer-bases materials for modulatig the activites of chromic wound enzymes 

    Francesko, Antonio (Date of defense: 2012-11-29)

    This thesis focuses on the development of active multifunctional dressing materials and nanoparticle formulations with suitable exploitation characteristics for chronic wounds treatment. Chronic wounds a growing clinical ...

    Multifunctional enzymatically-generated hydrogel platforms for chronic wound application 

    Stefanov Stefanov, Ivaylo (Date of defense: 2019-07-23)

    Chronic wounds became burdensome problem of worldwide healthcare systems, along with the increased elderly population, which is the most vulnerable risk group, predisposed to their development. Chronic wounds represent a ...

    Nano-enabled screen-printed electrodes for the determination of trace elements in aqueous environmental samples 

    Torres Rivero Andrade, Karina Victoria Alejandra (Date of defense: 2023-07-12)

    (English) Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a wastewater originated from complex oxidation processes that has become one of the most challenges facing the global mining industry due to its acidity, high content of SO42- and other ...

    Nanoestructuras de TiO2 de baja dimensionalidad para la obtención fotocatalítica de hidrógeno 

    Martínez Martínez, Gabino Lester (Date of defense: 2019-07-11)

    Hydrogen is one of the most promising solutions for the energy future, since its combustion only produces water vapour, so it does not pollute. In addition, it can be obtained from abundant and renewable substances. Fuel ...

    Nanofiltration and hybrid sorption : ultrafiltration processes for improving water quality 

    Pagès i Hernando, Neus (Date of defense: 2016-09-15)

    Reliable access to freshwater is one of the fundamental pillars for our society. Freshwater scarcity has become a major concern in many arid and sem i-arid countries worldwide to s uch an extent that water s upply for ...

    Nanomaterials for controlling bacterial pathogens and resistance occurrence 

    Ivanova, Aleksandra Asenova (Date of defense: 2022-03-11)

    lnfectious diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide while the constantly raising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major concern for the public health. During the infection establishment bacteria! pathogens ...

    Nanostructured coatings for controlling bacterial biofilms and antibiotic resistance 

    Ivanova, Kristina Dimitrova (Date of defense: 2017-01-27)

    The accelerated emergence of drug resistant bacteria is one of the most serious problems in healthcare and the difficulties in finding new antibiotics make it even more challenging. To overcome the action of antibiotics ...

    New trends for conducting hazard & operability (HAZOP) studies in continuous chemical processes 

    Dunjó Denti, Jordi (Date of defense: 2010-02-18)

    Identifying hazards is fundamental for ensuring the safe design and operation of a system in process plants and other facilities. Several techniques are available to identify hazardous situations, all of which require their ...

    Nitrogen recovery from wastewater treatment effluents by liquid-liquid membrane contactor for fertilizers production 

    Sheikh, Mahdi (Date of defense: 2023-11-27)

    (English) Changing wastewater treatment plants into wastewater and resource recovery facilities represents a paradigm shift in wastewater management. Resources such as water, energy, and nutrients are becoming scarcer, ...

    Nutrient recovery from waste water treatment plant by sorption processes : technical and economic analysis 

    You Chen, Xialei (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    In the last years has been performed a huge number of research related to nutrients (mainly N and P) recovery from waste water in order to promote their reuse and also to avoid eutrophication. Recovering nutrient from waste ...

    Obtaining micro- and nanotextured functional surfaces on thermoplastics via injection moulding techniques using laser textured metallic inserts and NIL (nano-imprint lithography) -textured polymeric films 

    Sáez Comet, Carlos (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

    (English) Surfaces with special functionalities owed to their surface topographies or textures are present all around us in nature. Millions of living organisms around us profit from those special functionalities thanks ...

    Optimization strategies for efficient dosage of H2O2 in Fenton and photo-Fenton processes 

    Yu, Xiangwei (Date of defense: 2021-07-07)

    This Thesis work addresses the challenge of designing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) dosage Strategies for improving Fenton and photo-Fenton applications. The determination of the H2O2 dosage scheme that minimizes hydrogen ...