Now showing items 1-20 of 46
Santana Roma, Galdric (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)
The thesis resolves the geometry of and elicits a model for hyperboloid spindle bells, which allows for the creation of the exterior stop for the large organ carillon in the Sagrada Familia that Gaudi designed for placement ...
Pujol i Ferran, Anna (Date of defense: 2006-11-22)
The first objective of this study analyzes the increasing phenomenon of new architectural landmarks. The second objective analyzes some conditions to consider a building or architecture as a mark in XX and XXI centuries. ...
Qian, Liyuan (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)
The process of landscape restoration in highly polluted areas is influenced by complex interactions between a variety of environmental elements; these are interconnected through the comprehensive medium of the landscape ...
Malé Alemany, Marta (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)
Como lo hicieron el PC e Internet en materia de información y comunicación, la Fabricación Aditiva (FA) está revolucionando los procesos de diseño y fabricación, abriendo un nuevo paradigma de producción que genera cambios ...
Font Basté, Glòria (Date of defense: 2015-11-02)
La tesi presenta un projecte poc conegut d'Enric Miralles a partir de l'anàlisi dels documents originals i de la contextualització d'aquest en la renovació dels centres històrics de les ciutats europees i, concretament, ...
Etchegaray Heidrich, Felipe (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)
Los proyectos arquitectónicos académicos, como ejercicios didácticos, tienen su visualización y análisis hechos con base en los medios representativos presentes en su comunicación gráfica. En estas comunicaciones, los ...
Giménez Mateu, Lluís (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)
This thesis focuses on the analysis, the compare, the identification and synthesize different geometric proportions and architectural elements that are common to the Romanian Orthodox Church in the historical region of ...
Altés Arlandis, Alberto (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)
This thesis, as part of a movement towards the degree of PhD (a becoming Doctor of Philosophy), is constructed and approached as a philosophical situation, which is always about an encounter between terms that are foreign ...
Coloma Picó, Eloi (Date of defense: 2011-02-01)
Any current building is the result of a complex process that involved multiple stakeholders. Owners, architects, engineers, consultants, employees, administration functionary and many others have ...
Àvila, Genís (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)
Based on the study and analysis of existing buildings, and using three-dimensional modeling software, we can understand and thus explain the main mechanisms for historic buildings design and construction, making them ...
Zaragoza de Pedro, Isabel (Date of defense: 2015-07-17)
An approach to the Enric Miralies work through his working papers, discovering between the author's life and inteliectual path, the possible linking references with his projects. The investigation is focused on the study ...
Duarte, Rovenir Bertola (Date of defense: 2015-01-20)
This thesis is a reflection of the diagram from the introduction into architectural discussions of a new theoretical "image" of the philosopher Gilles Deleuze in the mid 90s. Following the introduction, a debate around the ...
Valdés Orellana, Fernando (Date of defense: 2014-12-11)
The specific issue that arises is to have an acoustic space characterization of an acoustic environment that is passed through a GIS in a particular city, in this case taken from Barcelona's Eixample. Exposure to noise ...
Peinado Checa, Zaira (Date of defense: 2014-11-21)
El patrimonio cultural está constituido por todos aquellos elementos y manifestaciones de la actividad humana que constituyen un valor esencial para la identidad de un territorio, pueblo o cultura porque están producidos ...
Cifuentes Quin, Camilo Andrés (Date of defense: 2014-10-20)
This dissertation aims to contribute to the understanding of the role accorded to information technology in architecture. For this purpose the dissertation presents a look at some of the dominant models developed in the ...
Fernández Morales, Angélica (Date of defense: 2014-06-16)
Swiss architecture is known for its high level of quality and for being an international leader in innovation and experimentation. This is due, in part, to its close relationship with art. The thesis thematizes this fact ...
Alitany, Ayman (Date of defense: 2014-05-08)
The Roshan represents one of the most characteristic aspects of traditional architecture in Hejaz region in Saudi Arabia and a frequent feature in most of the Historical Jeddah’s heritage buildings. The old city has witnessed ...
Moya Sala, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2013-10-21)
Aquesta tesi tracta de les possibles aplicacions que puguin tenir els sistemes de simulació física en el camp de l'arquitectura. Aquests mecanismes s'han fet servir profusament en la informàtica ja sigui per a generar ...
Ruiz Esteban, Núria (Date of defense: 2013-03-21)
Esta tesis pertenece a la línea de investigación La expresión del proyecto de arquitectura. Análisis y evolución del curso de doctorado de Comunicación Visual en Arquitectura y Diseño de la UPC-ETSAB. La presente investigación ...
Anguita Díaz, Rafael (Date of defense: 2012-11-13)
Since 1960, a modernization process is established in Chile, based on the development of state structures. The rise of mass media and the proximity by which the international event are observed, contribute to the construction ...