Adaptive self-mixing interferometry for metrology applications 

    Atashkhooei, Reza (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-4)

    Among the laser based techniques proposed for metrology applications, classical interferometers offer the highest precision measurements. However, the cost of some of the elements involved and the number of optical components ...

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema multiespectral en el rango ultravioleta, visible e infrarrojo : aplicación al estudio y conservación de obras de arte 

    Herrera Ramírez, Jorge A. (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-25)

    Multispectral systems have several applications and there are different possible configurations in which they can be implemented. Different characteristics make them useful, but the basic one is the access to spectral ...

    Caracterización óptica de lentes intraoculares = Optical characterization of intraocular lenses 

    Alba Bueno, Francisco (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-27)

    The optical characterization of an intraocular lens (IOL) provides objective and quantitative information that is essential to fully understand its performance as an implant that replaces the crystalline lens in the human ...

    Una metodología de selección de iluminantes y diseño de la distribución espectral de fuentes lumínicas para la adecuada exhibición y preservación de obras de arte en museos 

    Arana S., Fernando F. (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-17)

    In this study a new methodology of evaluation and design of light spectral composition for use in museums is presented. The hypothesis under this doctoral thesis is explained in three parts: a) it is factible to obtain a ...

    Generalized ray tracing method for the calculation of the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens 

    Rojo Badenas, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-21)

    This thesis proposes a method to evaluate and quantify in a precise way the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens. The motivation for this work stems from the progression of myopia and its possible causes; ...

    Estratègia 2D per al disseny de reflectors amb facetes de forma lliure 

    Tomàs Corominas, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-11)

    This work can be framed in the field of computer-aided optical systems design and it is a part of a larger project in which automated processes are studied and implemented aiming to reduce the time span that stands between ...

    Diseño, estudio y validación de una lente de contacto de gradiente de potencia para controlar la miopía = Design, study and validation of a radial refractive gradient contact lens for myopia control 

    Pauné i Fabré, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-18)

    Myopia is the main cause of vision loss worlwide, with associated ocular pathology risks related to myopia amount. Therefore, interventions directed towards limiting or preventing the progression of myopia are of high ...

    Desarrollo de un sistema de doble paso compacto y de bajo coste para la evaluación de la calidad óptica y la difusión intraocular 

    Sanabria, Ferran (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-02)

    The purpose of this PhD thesis was to design, implement and validate a low cost compact system based on the double-pass I technique in order to evaluate the viability of its use in the future in optical instrumentation ...

    Calidad óptica ocular en ojos sometidos a cirugía refractiva y afecciones patológicas 

    Ondategui Parra, Juan Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    This dissertation deals with the evaluation of ocular optical quality in two types of patients. First, are patients who have undergone different surgical techniques of refractive surgery to correct different degrees of ...

    Multimodal eye's optical quality (MEOQ) 

    García Guerra, Carlos Enrique (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-29)

    Within the visual system, the optics of the eye is responsible for forming images of external objects on the ocular fundus for its photo-reception and neural interpretation. However, the eye is not perfect and its capabilities ...

    Continuous wave frequency modulated optical feedback (CWFM-OF) : theory and applications 

    Jha, Ajit (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-25)

    Diese Arbeit soll einen Beitrag leisten zur Entwicklung neuer Sensorstrategien, basierend auf Phänomenen der optischer Rückkopplung, in Kombination mit die Intensitätsmodulation des Lasers. Optische Rückkopplung, ein ...

    Calidad visual en pacientes con implante bilateral y simétrico de lentes intraoculares multifocales 

    Varón, Ma. Consuelo (María Consuelo) (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    PURPOSE: This thesis presents the results of a prospective, double-blind and randomized clinical trial conducted at the Hospital de Sant Pau i la Santa Creu ofBarcelona.lts main objective was to assess and compare visual ...

    Gonio-hyperspectral imaging system based on light-emitting diodes for the analysis of automotive coatings 

    Burgos Fernandez, Francisco Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-19)

    Goniochromatic pigments, such as automotive coatings, are known by their appearance changes - especially of colour and visual texture - as a function of the angles of illumination and observation; they are classified as ...

    Estudi i desenvolupament d'un nou sistema d'inspecció de stents basat en tècniques de metrologia òptica 

    Bermúdez Porras, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2017-04-22)

    Stent quality control is a critical process. Coronary stents have to be inspected 100% so no defective stent is implanted into a human body. We have developed an optical non-contact measurement instrument that provides ...

    Nuevas contribuciones para la medida objetiva de la difusión intraocular y su aplicación clínica 

    Martínez Roda, Joan A. (Joan Antoni) (Fecha de defensa: 2017-04-27)

    Image formation in the retina is the first stage in the visual process (optical stage), which is completed with photoreceptor stimulation and distribution of the generated signals (retinal stage), transmission to the visual ...

    The design and implementation of a spectrally tuneable LED-based light sourde : towards a new era of intelligent illumination 

    Hertog, Wim (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-07)

    Rising population numbers place ever increasing demands on energy resources. A large percentage of the worldwide energy production is reserved for the generation of electricity and a significant portion of the electrical ...

    Development of a new spectral imaging system for the diagnosis of skin cancer 

    Delpueyo Español, Xana (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-06)

    The incidence of skin cancer in Europe, US and Australia has been rising rapidly. Skin cancer accounts for one in three cancers worldwide and a person has 1:25 chance to develop a melanoma, the most aggressive form. Visual ...

    Lens-based technologies to study accommodation and refraction 

    Otero Molins, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-19)

    A visual stimulus can be presented in free space or through lens-based systems. Interestingly, it has been reported many times in the past that some subjects have poorer accommodative responses when optically stimulated, ...

    Device and strategy for surface energy measurement 

    Domínguez Álvarez, Noemí (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-15)

    In this Ph.D. Thesis, we have developed a new measurement method to measure the contact angle and the surface energy in hydrophobic samples with a device based on confocal technology. This new measurement method incorporates ...

    Structural and functional macular inter-ocular asymmetry in patients with high myopia 

    Alzaben, Zeyad A. (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-25)

    BACKGROUND: Retinal evaluation performed in the optometry clinic allows optometrists to track the prognosis of retinal disease and to assess anatomical and functional changes related to age and pathological and non-pathological ...