Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 21

    Calidad óptica ocular en ojos sometidos a cirugía refractiva y afecciones patológicas 

    Ondategui Parra, Juan Carlos (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    This dissertation deals with the evaluation of ocular optical quality in two types of patients. First, are patients who have undergone different surgical techniques of refractive surgery to correct different degrees of ...

    Calidad visual en pacientes con implante bilateral y simétrico de lentes intraoculares multifocales 

    Varón, Ma. Consuelo (María Consuelo) (Data de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    PURPOSE: This thesis presents the results of a prospective, double-blind and randomized clinical trial conducted at the Hospital de Sant Pau i la Santa Creu ofBarcelona.lts main objective was to assess and compare visual ...

    Caracterització dels paràmetres corneals per a l'adaptació de lents de contacte en casos de queratocon 

    Mas Aixalà, Enric (Data de defensa: 2019-07-12)

    Introduction: The characterization of the corneal surface and the classification of keratoconus into diverse severity stages is a field of research in constant evolution, not only because of technology advances, but also ...

    Caracterización de la regresión diurna en ortoqueratología 

    Pérez Corral, Juan Enrique (Data de defensa: 2021-11-09)

    The first papers on the fitting of ortho-k lenses in ametropic individuals, treatment that allows them to enjoy good vision without the need to wear glasses or contact lenses, were published almost 60 years ago. Both the ...

    Caracterización óptica de lentes intraoculares = Optical characterization of intraocular lenses 

    Alba Bueno, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2014-06-27)

    The optical characterization of an intraocular lens (IOL) provides objective and quantitative information that is essential to fully understand its performance as an implant that replaces the crystalline lens in the human ...

    Comprehensive retinal image analysis: image processing and feature extraction techniques oriented to the clinical task 

    Marrugo Hernández, Andrés G. (Andrés Guillermo) (Data de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    Medical digital imaging has become a key element of modern health care procedures. It provides a visual documentation, a permanent record for the patients, and most importantly the ability to extract information about many ...

    Development and clinical applications of a whole anterior segment and retinal SS-OCT 

    Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana (Data de defensa: 2023-03-24)

    (English) Vision is central to human perception. It emanates from a complex organ, the human eye, starting from photodetection in the retina. However, the quality of the visual experience depends on the anatomical integrity ...

    Diseño e implementación de un laboratorio destinado a la validación clinica de ayudas para la percepción y movilidad en pacientes con limitación de campo periférico 

    Sánchez Herrero, Eulalia (Data de defensa: 2022-01-21)

    People with peripheral visual field loss perceive limited information about the environment and present severe problems in achieving successful orientation and mobility. In recent years, virtual and augmented reality systems ...

    Diseño, estudio y validación de una lente de contacto de gradiente de potencia para controlar la miopía = Design, study and validation of a radial refractive gradient contact lens for myopia control 

    Pauné i Fabré, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2015-11-18)

    Myopia is the main cause of vision loss worlwide, with associated ocular pathology risks related to myopia amount. Therefore, interventions directed towards limiting or preventing the progression of myopia are of high ...

    Estudi del parpelleig en usuaris/es de pantalles digitals : anàlisi d'estratègies pel condicionament del parpelleig i la distància de manera no intrusiva 

    Argilés Sans, Marc (Data de defensa: 2018-07-09)

    Intoduction: There is an agreement in the scientific community, which indicates that excessive exposure to digital displays poses implications at a visual level, being ocular dryness and visual fatigue those of greater ...

    Estudi i desenvolupament d'un nou sistema d'inspecció de stents basat en tècniques de metrologia òptica 

    Bermúdez Porras, Carlos (Data de defensa: 2017-04-22)

    Stent quality control is a critical process. Coronary stents have to be inspected 100% so no defective stent is implanted into a human body. We have developed an optical non-contact measurement instrument that provides ...

    Hemianopsias homónimas completas: estudio de las técnicas de rehabilitación y calidad de vida 

    Palomar Mascaró, Fernando-José (Data de defensa: 2013-03-04)

    Las hemianopsias homónimas se pueden definir como la pérdida absoluta o parcial de la visión en las mitades derechas o izquierdas de los campos visuales de ambos ojos. Los pacientes que sufren un defecto hemianópsico ...

    Hyperspectral imaging system for the fast recording of the ocular fundus 

    Alterini, Tommaso (Data de defensa: 2021-06-25)

    Vision loss affects physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing and social life as well. High life expectancy and health policies are translated into an aging population worldwide, which has higher risk of eye’s ...

    Influencia del comportamiento cromático de las lentes intraoculares en la función visual 

    Clavé Cerezo, Laura (Data de defensa: 2023-04-27)

    (English) Diffractive multifocal intraocular lens typically uses a hybrid refractive-diffractive design that consist of a high-power refractive base lens and a low-power diffractive profile engraved on one of its surfaces. ...

    Lens-based technologies to study accommodation and refraction 

    Otero Molins, Carles (Data de defensa: 2018-01-19)

    A visual stimulus can be presented in free space or through lens-based systems. Interestingly, it has been reported many times in the past that some subjects have poorer accommodative responses when optically stimulated, ...

    Meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye symptoms of fitted and over the counter contact lens wearers compared with non-contact lens wearing controls 

    Ifrah, Reut (Data de defensa: 2023-06-26)

    (English) Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic and diffuse abnormality of the meibomian glands (MGs) that occurs in 38% of contact lens (CL) wearers, though the influence of CLs on MGD is equivocal. A topical ...

    Novel system for measuring the scattering of the cornea and the lens 

    Santos Vives, Pau (Data de defensa: 2018-07-13)

    Spatial vision features play a key role in human vision quality, which in turn depends on the retinal image quality and posterior neural processing. The retinal image is affected by three optical phenomena: diffraction, ...

    Nuevas contribuciones para la medida objetiva de la difusión intraocular y su aplicación clínica 

    Martínez Roda, Joan A. (Joan Antoni) (Data de defensa: 2017-04-27)

    Image formation in the retina is the first stage in the visual process (optical stage), which is completed with photoreceptor stimulation and distribution of the generated signals (retinal stage), transmission to the visual ...

    Optical and visual characterization of multifocal contact lenses and multifocal intraocular lenses 

    Giner Tort, Anna (Data de defensa: 2018-10-08)

    Vision is presented and universally accepted as the most precious of the human is structured in three main parts: the optical system {eye), the photo-sensor {eye's retina), and the data processor (brain). If one ...

    Structural and functional macular inter-ocular asymmetry in patients with high myopia 

    Alzaben, Zeyad A. (Data de defensa: 2018-06-25)

    BACKGROUND: Retinal evaluation performed in the optometry clinic allows optometrists to track the prognosis of retinal disease and to assess anatomical and functional changes related to age and pathological and non-pathological ...