Now showing items 1-20 of 64
Atashkhooei, Reza (Date of defense: 2013-11-04)
Among the laser based techniques proposed for metrology applications, classical interferometers offer the highest precision measurements. However, the cost of some of the elements involved and the number of optical components ...
Ondategui Parra, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)
This dissertation deals with the evaluation of ocular optical quality in two types of patients. First, are patients who have undergone different surgical techniques of refractive surgery to correct different degrees of ...
Varón, Ma. Consuelo (María Consuelo) (Date of defense: 2016-12-15)
PURPOSE: This thesis presents the results of a prospective, double-blind and randomized clinical trial conducted at the Hospital de Sant Pau i la Santa Creu ofBarcelona.lts main objective was to assess and compare visual ...
Mas Aixalà, Enric (Date of defense: 2019-07-12)
Introduction: The characterization of the corneal surface and the classification of keratoconus into diverse severity stages is a field of research in constant evolution, not only because of technology advances, but also ...
Escofet Soteras, Jaume (Date of defense: 1999-09-23)
La forta exigència de qualitat a que són sotmesos els productes actuals fa que els processos d'inspecció i control industrial ocupin, cada vegada més, un lloc destacat en la seva fabricació. La indústria relacionada amb ...
Pérez Corral, Juan Enrique (Date of defense: 2021-11-09)
The first papers on the fitting of ortho-k lenses in ametropic individuals, treatment that allows them to enjoy good vision without the need to wear glasses or contact lenses, were published almost 60 years ago. Both the ...
Alba Bueno, Francisco (Date of defense: 2014-06-27)
The optical characterization of an intraocular lens (IOL) provides objective and quantitative information that is essential to fully understand its performance as an implant that replaces the crystalline lens in the human ...
Marqués Calvo, Ma. Soledad (María Soledad) (Date of defense: 1998-07-13)
En la presente tesis doctoral se han estudiado los factores implicados en el proceso de colonización fúngica (adhesión e invasión) de lentes de contacto nuevas y procedentes de usuarios.<br/><br/>Para ello se ha diseñado ...
Marrugo Hernández, Andrés G. (Andrés Guillermo) (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)
Medical digital imaging has become a key element of modern health care procedures. It provides a visual documentation, a permanent record for the patients, and most importantly the ability to extract information about many ...
Jha, Ajit (Date of defense: 2016-11-25)
Diese Arbeit soll einen Beitrag leisten zur Entwicklung neuer Sensorstrategien, basierend auf Phänomenen der optischer Rückkopplung, in Kombination mit die Intensitätsmodulation des Lasers. Optische Rückkopplung, ein ...
Esser, Gregor (Date of defense: 2012-06-25)
Derivation of analytical refraction, propagation and reflection equations for Higher Order Aberrations of wavefronts From literature the analytical calculation of Lower Order Aberrations (LOA) of a wavefront after refraction, ...
Fernández Dorado, José (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)
Esta tesis doctoral aborda el desarrollo de un algoritmo de propagación del flujo luminoso que permite a un dispositivo fotométrico realizar las medidas de la distribución de iluminación en grandes áreas, entre las cuales ...
Sanabria, Ferran (Date of defense: 2015-12-02)
The purpose of this PhD thesis was to design, implement and validate a low cost compact system based on the double-pass I technique in order to evaluate the viability of its use in the future in optical instrumentation ...
Peña Gutiérrez, Sara (Date of defense: 2023-02-24)
(English) Polarization is one of the properties of light and it is often put aside. Human beings receive light beams and process only the intensity and wavelength information. Our optical system lacks the capability of ...
Hertog, Wim (Date of defense: 2017-06-07)
Rising population numbers place ever increasing demands on energy resources. A large percentage of the worldwide energy production is reserved for the generation of electricity and a significant portion of the electrical ...
Suc, Vincent (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)
In this thesis, we synthesize the development of a new concept of operation of small robotic telescopes operated over the Internet. Our design includes a set of improvements in control algorithmic and hardware of several ...
Tàpias Anton, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2012-06-08)
In this thesis we applied, in a complementary way, techniques of digital image processing and reflectance spectroscopy to perform cover factor (CF) measurements in monochrome openwork fabrics. To evaluate the results ...
Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana (Date of defense: 2023-03-24)
(English) Vision is central to human perception. It emanates from a complex organ, the human eye, starting from photodetection in the retina. However, the quality of the visual experience depends on the anatomical integrity ...
García Gómez, Pablo (Date of defense: 2021-12-02)
(English) Perception of the environment is an essential requirement for the fields of autonomous vehicles and robotics, that claim for high amounts of data to make reliable decisions. With this aim, many different sensors ...
Delpueyo Español, Xana (Date of defense: 2017-11-06)
The incidence of skin cancer in Europe, US and Australia has been rising rapidly. Skin cancer accounts for one in three cancers worldwide and a person has 1:25 chance to develop a melanoma, the most aggressive form. Visual ...