Now showing items 149-168 of 209

    Modelado y resolución de variantes del problema de secuenciación de modelos mixtos con minimización de la sobrecarga (MMSP-W), con factores de actividad y regularidad en la producción 

    Alfaro Pozo, Rocío (Date of defense: 2015-01-15)

    In this thesis it is studied the mixed-model sequencing problem with work overload or uncompleted work minimisation (MMSP-W). Indeed, four variants from the original problem are estudied with the aim of leading the problem ...

    Modelo conceptual de proceso de evaluación de factores ergonómicos en tareas con manipulación manual de carga dinámico asimétrica en el sector de la construcción 

    Cerda Díaz, Eduardo Niels (Date of defense: 2013-09-27)

    El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar tareas, analizar variables y desarrollar modelo de evaluación para tareas con Manipulación Manual de Carga Dinámico-Asimétricas en el Sector Construcción. Los resultados describen ...

    Modelo de aceptación de los sistemas e-learning en las Universidades : un enfoque del modelo de aceptación de la tecnología ajustado al Ecuador 

    Ramirez-Anormaliza, Richard (Date of defense: 2017-02-16)

    In the new knowledge economy, the burgeoning and flourishing success of the Internet promotes web-based learning and makes it a meaningful and flexible learning environment. But to achieve all the benefits offered by ...

    Modelo de captación y administración de remesas para generar ahorro e inversión : el caso mexicano 

    Ponce García, Maria Elena Laura (Date of defense: 2013-11-06)

    The thesis includes an overview of the e'.Ciution and current context for two international socioeconomic phenomena: migration and remittances of migrants to their country, its importance and impact on host economies in ...

    Modelo de competencias para microempresarios en entornos deprimidos : la región 5 del Ecuador 

    Fernández Ronquillo, Mario Alfredo (Date of defense: 2018-06-13)

    The main objective of the thesis is to design a model of competences for the micro entrepreneur who develops his activity in depressed environments, adapted to his personal needs and the environment in which he develops, ...

    Modelo de desarrollo local sostenible : el caso del Municipio de São João Del Rei (Brasil) 

    Neves Monteiro, Denisson (Date of defense: 2014-02-14)

    A sustainable local development model is a guide for the development of strategies, it is no longer a single recipe. This includes aspects of the analysis of the region's potential, the diagnosis of the city’s problems, ...

    Modelo de gestión para la integración ciudad-puerto en función a la cadena logística en el puerto del Callao 

    Maratuech Pinzás, José Alfonso (Date of defense: 2016-07-05)

    Since ancient times, the ports have had an irreplaceable role as places of material displacement and cultural contact. First, because there were no means far air transportation, which even today day is teasible only for ...

    Modelo de Indicadores de responsabilidad social empresarial para el sector de la logística y el transporte 

    González Babón, Jesús (Date of defense: 2012-11-30)

    Currently, the concept of Social Responsibility (SR) is in full swing. Society demands for companies to implement social responsibility policies. Today organizations need to demonstrate to its stakeholders transparency. ...

    Modelo de investigación y análisis para mercados químico industriales en los nuevos entornos de globalización y deslocalización 

    Andújar Larios, Agustín (Date of defense: 2012-05-02)

    The present work analyses the double problem that off-shoring gives rise to from the company¿s perspective: the decision making whether to delocalize or not and where. It has to do not only with the decision making according ...

    Modelo de planificación aplicando la Teoría del caos y la complejidad en instituciones de educación superior privadas en Cataluña, España/familiares en Puebla, México 

    Fuentes Guevara, Dario (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    Private and familiar enterprises have taken a huge importance in global economy who talks about a complete line of specialization. In the field of the educative sector of superior levels, exist a type of private educative ...

    Modelo de sistema basado en los factores clave para el diseño e implementación de proyectos de Gestión del Conocimiento. Aplicación al sector de la consultoría 

    Mas Machuca, Marta (Date of defense: 2009-03-05)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral es construir un modelo para el diseño e implementación de proyectos de Gestión del Conocimiento basado en los factores clave en el sector de la consultoría en Catalunya. La ...

    Modelos de estrategia formalizada y eficacia organizativa: el caso de las instituciones de educación superior europeas. 

    Sallán Leyes, José María (Date of defense: 2001-02-16)

    Con esta tesis doctoral, se pretende averiguar la naturaleza del impacto sobre la eficacia organizativa del uso de modelos de estrategia formalizada, concretados en procesos de planificación estratégica, en las instituciones ...

    Modelos de evaluación del aprendizaje en un currículo por competencias : el caso del currículo por competencias destinado a la formación de médicos 

    Champin Michelena, Denisse (Date of defense: 2014-10-23)

    Objectives. Propose a model of management skills during the training through an Outcome based education. Materials and methods. Case study applied to a medical school conducted between 2010 and 2013. Data Collected from ...

    Multi-manned assembly line balancing problem con tiempos de proceso dependientes (MALBP-DTT) 

    Andreu Casas, Enric (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    (English) The proposed PhD thesis consists in solving the Multi-manned Assembly Line Balancing Problem (MALBP). This type of assembly lines is common in the manufacture of large products, such as automobiles, in which ...

    Negotiation capability : a conceptual model and reference practices 

    Oliveira, Heloísa Maria da Apresentação (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    This research studies the topic of negotiation in the business field at a national and international level, and in particular the concept of negotiation capability, understanding that the negotiation processes generally ...

    New forms of entrepreneurship and innovation for developing smart cities 

    Grimaldi, Didier (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    Cities are receiving more and more residents while the natural resources are getting scarce and scarce. As a possible answer, diverse streams of thoughts have emerged declaring that cities need to become intelligent, wired ...

    Nivel de adquisición y transferencia de las tecnologías de la información en el desarrollo global de empresas del sector construcción del Perú 

    Soto Vásquez, Duber Enrique (Date of defense: 2017-06-21)

    This thesis develops a study of two important aspects of the construction companies, first known as are the construction companies inside, organization and functional structure and the second how is the level of acquisition ...

    La nueva agenda diplomática y comercial México-Centroamérica : el Proyecto Mesoamérica 

    Contreras Suárez, Aribel (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on what nowadays is known as the Mesoamerica Project (MP). The Integration and Development Mesoamerica Project arises due to the need not only to the regional integration but also to the ...

    Oaxaca, de "ciudad intermedia" a metrópoli de Los Valles Centrales 

    Madrid Vázquez, Gustavo (Date of defense: 2012-03-28)

    This thesis aims at observing the current situation of Oaxaca city, a medium-size urban area in the southwest of Mexico. After the industrial era, the globalization of economic and cultural issues in the information era ...

    Organización de empresas y responsabilidad penal corporativa 

    Costa Sanjurjo, Pere (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    En la meva tesi, començo exposant una idea general sobre què és el Dret Penal, i en especial el Dret Penal Empresarial. Seguidament desenvolupo unes idees generals envers la organització empresarial. Tenint en compte que ...