Mostrando ítems 46-65 de 207

    Nivel de adquisición y transferencia de las tecnologías de la información en el desarrollo global de empresas del sector construcción del Perú 

    Soto Vásquez, Duber Enrique (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-21)

    This thesis develops a study of two important aspects of the construction companies, first known as are the construction companies inside, organization and functional structure and the second how is the level of acquisition ...

    Desempeño de las oficinas de transferencia universitarias como intermediarias para la transferencia de conocimiento : percepción del investigador 

    Olaya Escobar, Erika Sofía (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-28)

    The contemporary university is a combination of teaching, research and business interests that offers innovative solutions through knowledge and technology transfer mechanisms (KTT) and enhances the links with the industrial ...

    La gestión de los recursos humanos del personal expatriado : el caso de los expatriados de las filiales de empresas chinas en España 

    Xue, Qiaoshan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    Effective management of expatriates can provide a competitive advantage in a company's internationalisation process and is vital to the success of the organisation. This thesis investigates the procedures that should be ...

    La gestión por procesos en su papel de estrategia generadora de ventaja competitiva aplicada a los enfoques de asociatividad de las MyPE's : caso peruano 

    Sotelo Raffo, Juan Luis Fernando (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-10)

    In order to carry out this research, the development of six processes as per the importance given to each by entrepreneurs is proposed. These processes are: Total Quality Management, Standardization of Productive Processes, ...

    El perfil de la mujer emprendedora en la microempresa en el subsector alimentos 

    García Vences, Delia Esperanza (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-27)

    Business activity has shown fundamental changes compared with women's micro-enterprises entrepreneurship due to their importance in the economy. This doctoral thesis come up from the particular interest to investigate ...

    Modelo de aceptación de los sistemas e-learning en las Universidades : un enfoque del modelo de aceptación de la tecnología ajustado al Ecuador 

    Ramirez-Anormaliza, Richard (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-16)

    In the new knowledge economy, the burgeoning and flourishing success of the Internet promotes web-based learning and makes it a meaningful and flexible learning environment. But to achieve all the benefits offered by ...

    En busca de un entorno virtual de formación flexible y capaz de adaptarse a distintos contextos organizacionales 

    Talavera Pedrol, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-23)

    Today's organizations are embedded in highly demanding and changing markets, where knowledge and learning has become a key asset to remain competitive. Technology advances modify products and processes at high speed, ...

    Propuesta de una metodología para evaluar el flujo de conocimiento tácito 

    Rosa, Conrado Pereira (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-23)

    Competitiveness requires a self-sustaining growth process in specific skills, training and levels of knowledge. Individuals are the main actors of this process, as they are responsible for the knowledge creation. This study ...

    Roadmap para la organización de estructuras departamentales de innovación : el caso de los hospitales del sector sanitario en España 

    Feghali, Liliana (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-20)

    lnnovation management has different approaches for implementation. depending on the type of company and industry in which it is applied. In spite of existing organizational models for innovation management in companies and ...

    Capability development and well-being : analysis of the relevance of investments in territorial capital in marginal rural areas of Mexico 

    Aguilera Fierro, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-24)

    Since 2007 the Mexican Govemment introduced the fight against poverty as a top priority in its agenda,thus increasing the amount of resources allocated to minimize this social condition. Nevertheless, poverty levels in ...

    Caracterització i evolució dels sistemes de producció basats en el Lean Management 

    Cuatrecasas Castellsagués, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-26)

    Production systems based on lean philosophy have been gaining importance as a frequent and successful path to business improvement. Adopting a lean production system in the most appropriate way is a key decision given that ...

    Procediments heurístics de disseny de sistemes d'electrificació rural amb energies renovables 

    Triadó Aymerich, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-21)

    Electrification hybrid systems (wind-photovoltaic systems) are a suitable option to supply electricity independently in isolated communities. To design these systems, there are recent mathematical models that provide the ...

    Siniestralidad laboral i OSHAS 18001 : evidencia empírica de un estudio de campo internacional en el sector de la construcción 

    Tarín Martínez, Francisco Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-19)

    Background: Currently there is no history, no studies analyzing accidents in the construction sector, proving empirically that the implementation of a management system of prevention of occupational hazards (SGPRL), whatever ...

    Economía social y solidaria : el cambio del consumidor hacia la energía verde 

    Saura Agel, Ma. José (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    In this dissertation, I propose a theoretical model to rate enterprises in the context of social, solidarity or popular economics . The model defines a model of three dimensions to classify these organizations, going from ...

    New forms of entrepreneurship and innovation for developing smart cities 

    Grimaldi, Didier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-11)

    Cities are receiving more and more residents while the natural resources are getting scarce and scarce. As a possible answer, diverse streams of thoughts have emerged declaring that cities need to become intelligent, wired ...

    Utilidad del estado de flujos de efectivo en la detección de la manipulación contable 

    Villaescusa Serrano, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-14)

    This Thesis analyses the predictive ability of the Cash Flow Statement with respect to earnings management. Using case method research, we define a model based on incentives and opportunities together with the Cash flow ...

    El arquitecto : formación, competencias y ejercicio profesional 

    Puig-Pey Clavería, Ana (Fecha de defensa: 2011-02-02)

    The thesis "The architect: training, competences and professional practice" study and analyze the relationships between the professional competences acquired during the training period and the professional competences ...

    Comportamiento innovador y compromiso de los empleados en las empresas del sector servicios : el caso de una PYME familiar en España 

    Guzman Pedraza, Tulia Carolina (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-29)

    Innovative behaviour is presented as a concept to analyse the employees¿ active participation. There is no agreement regarding the innovative behaviour definition, though it refers to an employee's intentional introduction ...

    Factores que determinan la licencia social para operar en el Perú : el caso de la gran minería 

    Sícoli Pósleman, Claudia Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)

    This thesis has been developed within the framework of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) concept, due to analyze the importance of the Social License to Operate (SLO) in the context of extractive mining sector of Peru, ...

    Identificación de patrones de innovación estratégica a través de nuevos modelos de negocio en una economía en desarrollo : casos de Business Innovation en Perú con impacto global 

    Quiroga Persivale, Guillermo Tomás (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)

    This thesis addresses new business models that allow firms in emerging economies to be globally competitive through strategic innovations. lt also seeks far the strategic nucleus of these firms in these economies to reflect ...