Diffuse optical monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics in experimental and clinical neurology 

    Blanco Núñez, Igor D. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-31)

    The study of the brain using diffuse optical methods has progressed rapidly in the recent years. The possibility of studying the cerebral microvasculature in addition to the portability and low cost of these devices, opens ...

    Plasmonic hot-carrier optoelectronics 

    García de Arquer, Francisco Pelayo (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-18)

    The detection of light is of central importance in both fundamental science and applied technology. Photodetectors, which aim at transducing optical stimulus into measurable electrical signals, are ubiquitous to modern ...

    Polarized super-resolution fluorescence microscopy 

    Valadés Cruz, César Augusto (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-12)

    While super-resolution microscopy has brought a significant improvement in nano-scale imaging of molecular assemblies in biological media, its extension to imaging molecular orientation using fluorescence anisotropy has ...

    Whispering gallery microresonator for second harmonic light generation 

    Domínguez Juárez, Jorge Luís (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-22)

    In recent years, it has been proposed that circular microresonators may become an important element in the core of many photonic devices. The high Q-factors seen in fused silica micro-spheres and micro-toroids for light ...