Now showing items 1-20 of 277

    Introducing tools to quantify the performance of quantum computing algorithms and their applications 

    Gratsea, Katerina (Date of defense: 2024-07-23)

    (English) In this thesis, I focused on introducing tools to quantify the performance of quantum computing algorithms and their applications. The main focus is on two of the most popular application areas of quantum computing, ...

    Interactions and optical properties of microorganisms on surfaces 

    Sibilo, Rafaël Naomi (Date of defense: 2021-11-12)

    (English) Controlling microbial growth is essential to industries such as healthcare, food, pharmacy but also for ship hulls and water systems. Interactions of bacteria with surfaces are highly dynamic and complex. Once a ...

    Bell nonlocality and causal networks 

    Boghiu Crihan, Emanuel-Cristian (Date of defense: 2024-07-09)

    (English) Understanding the cause and effect relationships behind observed correlations is central to how we reason and interact with the world. Causal relationships help us make sense of the patterns we observe and predict ...

    Classical and quantum simulation of quantum matter beyond symmetry breaking 

    Baldelli, Niccolò (Date of defense: 2024-07-05)

    (English) When matter is cooled to temperatures near absolute zero, its quantum nature begins to emerge. The interactions between its microscopic constituents can then lead to the emergence of fascinating physical properties. ...

    New multi-modal neuroimaging approaches combining photonics and electrophysiology to study the basics of neurovascular coupling 

    Chetia, Sumana (Date of defense: 2024-06-10)

    (English) Brain is a crucial organ that controls all body functions. Its health is influenced by multiple factors, and any abnormality in them can negatively impact its smooth and seamless functioning, causing pathological ...

    Probing magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene with monolithic gate-defined Josephson junctions 

    Díez Mérida, Jaime (Date of defense: 2024-05-23)

    (English) In 2018, following a theoretical prediction from 2011, it was found that stacking two layers of graphene with a relative twist angle of 1.1° between them leads to multiple new properties. At this so-called magic ...

    A strontium quantum-gas microscope 

    Höschele, Jonatan (Date of defense: 2024-04-29)

    (English) The development of quantum-gas microscopes has revolutionized the field of quantum simulation with ultracold atoms. More specifically, their ability of direct observation and manipulation of degenerate quantum ...

    Quantum many-body approaches to non-conventional topological phases of matter 

    Fraxanet Morales, Joana (Date of defense: 2024-04-12)

    (English) In recent years, the evolution of quantum technologies has resulted in an unprecedented control over individual quantum particles and many-body systems. This remarkable progress has given rise to a new era, marked ...

    Transcranial diffuse optical measurements of pulsatility derived parameters for neuromonitoring applications 

    Fischer, Jonas (Date of defense: 2021-10-26)

    (English) Diffuse optics are non-invasive and continuous techniques using near-infrared light which allow for comfortable bed-site monitoring of microvascular cerebral hemodynamics, oxygenation and metabolism. Here, diffuse ...

    Imaging and analytical tools to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of protein export 

    Angulo Capel, Jessica (Date of defense: 2024-10-18)

    (English) Intracellular trafficking, particularly protein secretion, faces numerous unresolved challenges. This thesis aims to provide and evaluate tools for quantitative investigation of these processes using fluorescent ...

    Optimization with spin glass models 

    Cirauqui Garcia, David (Date of defense: 2024-09-27)

    (English) With applicability on almost every aspect of our lives, optimization problems are ubiquitous to a broad range of fields within both scientific research and industrial environments. As such, these are growing in ...

    Nonlocal and nonlinear effects in nanophotonics 

    Rodríguez Echarri, Álvaro (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)

    (English) The fundamental science and technological applications of light-matter interactions on nanometer length scales form the field of study known as nanophotonics. Explorations in nanophotonics expand our understanding ...

    Fundamentals of nonlinear interferometers and its use for optical coherence tomography 

    Jiménez Machado, Gerard (Date of defense: 2022-12-02)

    (English) This thesis, mostly experimental, is based on two fundamental pillars: nonlinear interferometers and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Nonlinear interferometers are a class of interferometers that exhibit ...

    Nanoscale manipulation of optical fields 

    Dias, Eduardo José Machado Correia Brioso (Date of defense: 2022-11-18)

    (English) Besides its relevant fundamental interest, the in-depth understanding of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale has a profound impact on modern technological applications in diverse areas including ...

    Novel quantum interactions between light and dense atomic media 

    Grava, Stefano (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)

    (English) The interface between light and cold atomic ensembles is a fundamental platform to unravel the quantum world and develop quantum technological applications. Its success relies on the simple idea that the efficiency ...

    Multifunctional optical surfaces for optoelectronic devices 

    Rombaut Segarra, Juan (Date of defense: 2022-07-12)

    (English) Highly transparent optical surfaces with anti-reflection (AR) and self-cleaning properties have the potential to increase performance in a wide range of applications, such as display screens, photovoltaic cells ...

    Comprehensive monitoring of the injured brain by hybrid diffuse optics: towards brain-oriented theranostics 

    Tagliabue, Susanna (Date of defense: 2022-04-29)

    (English) In the intensive care, the multimodal monitoring of the patient is crucial. The systemic physiology is routinely and comprehensively monitored but the practical monitoring of the brain is lacking. Hybrid diffuse ...

    Optimization and geometry for quantum information tasks 

    Abiuso, Paolo (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)

    (English) In this thesis, we study the optimization of operational tasks that involve the manipulation of quantum resources. In most cases, such optimizations are aided by understanding the geometric properties of the ...

    Information and thermodynamics 

    Scandi, Matteo (Date of defense: 2023-07-13)

    (English) The modern understanding of physics is deeply linked with the concept of information. The revival of the study of quantum mechanics in the form of quantum information is just an example of a more general trend ...

    Cavity-enhanced non-destructive measurements of atomic magnetism 

    Mazzinghi, Chiara (Date of defense: 2023-07-26)

    (English) In this work we propose and demonstrate cavity-enhanced polarization rotation to detect magnetic effects in transparent media with greater sensitivity at equal optical disturbance to the atomic medium. We use the ...