5G and its impact on the automotive industry 

    Montero Bayo, Luca (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-21)

    (English) The 5th generation of mobile communications has been designed to address the unstoppable demand of data bandwidth. However, it also gives support to a range of vertical industries with different Quality of Service ...

    Collective dynamics of bulk metallic glasses studied by molecular dynamics simulations 

    Valles Sales, Araceli (Fecha de defensa: 2014-09-25)

    The development of new materials impacts on all branches of engineering and, in particular, in aerospace engineering. Metallic glasses (MG) are relatively newcomers to the world of materials science and have excellent ...

    Contribution to the development of pico-satellites for Earth observation and technology demonstrators 

    Jové Casulleras, Roger (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-17)

    The submitted Ph.D. thesis is a contribution to the development of pico-satellites and nano-satellites for Earth Observation and Technology Demonstrators. Development of satellites with a mass from 1 kg up to 10 kg has ...