Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 62

    Análisis sensorial de judías secas 

    Romero del Castillo Shelly, Roser (Data de defensa: 2011-10-09)

    Las judías secas son el cultivo de leguminosas más importante para la alimentación humana y la primera fuente proteica de gran parte de su población. Además, su inclusión en la dieta tiene claros beneficios para la salud, ...

    Aspectos económicos y sociales de la desalación de acuíferos continentales a pequeña escala en el SE de España (Murcia & Alicante) y Siggiewi, Malta 

    Aparicio del Moral, Jesús Omar (Data de defensa: 2019-01-25)

    The growing global demand for water, and as a consequence, the reliability of supply of resources, is a global priority, especially in areas with semi-arid climates, such as the Campo de Cartagena area, San Vicente del ...

    Assessment of different strategies to reduce environmental fungicide contamination in vineyards 

    Ortega Rioja, Paula (Data de defensa: 2024-03-12)

    (English) The use of plant protection products (PPP) has become an essential tool in agriculture to achieve the minimum requirements of quality and quantity of food demanded by consumers. Moreover, due to its repeated use ...

    Balance de masa e identificación de indicadores para medir eficiencia en la gestión y procesado de materiales en las plantas públicas de compostaje de Fracción Orgánica de Residuos Municipales (FORM) de Cataluña 

    Girón Rojas, Emma Cecilia (Data de defensa: 2020-09-10)

    The importance for the good management of the waste increases day by day, due to the increase of the generation of waste .Composting is one of the most used treatments in the management of the organic fraction of municipal ...

    Biological control approaches of Meloidogyne spp. in vegetable crops : from application of selected antagonists to suppressive soils 

    Ghahremani, Zahra (Data de defensa: 2020-07-27)

    Root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., are the most economically important genus of plant parasitic nematodes that cause considerable damage and yield losses of horticultural crops worldwide. RKN management strategies ...

    Can social capital help Indian smallholder farmers? Analysis of its impact on rural development, agricultural efficiency, production and risk 

    Poli, Elena (Data de defensa: 2016-04-26)

    This research project intends to investigate empirically the potentials of Social Capital to act as a mechanism to improve the performance of India's small-holder agriculture. The study employs both a qualitative and ...

    Caracterización sensorial y culinaria de germoplasma de judía grano (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) y aplicación a la mejora genética 

    Rivera Pinzano, Ana (Data de defensa: 2015-11-18)

    In recent decades, much work has gone into collecting and conserving phytogenetic resources, resulting in a considerable increase in the number of entries stored ex situ in germplasm banks. However, these resources have ...

    Characterization of resistant Cucumis germplasm to manage root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp. 

    Expósito Creo, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2021-02-05)

    Plant resistance through grafting susceptible scions onto resistant rootstocks is an effective measure to supress root-knot nematode (RKN) populations and to reduce crop yield losses. However, the reiterative use of specific ...

    Clogging in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: mesures, design factors and prevention strategies 

    Pedescoll Albacar, Anna (Data de defensa: 2010-11-04)

    Constructed wetlands are alternative systems to conventional wastewater treatment for small communities (up to 2000 PE). This is mainly due to that operation and maintenance costs are reduced. Despite the advantages, the ...

    Consumer Acceptance, Choice and Attitudes towards Genetically Modified (GM) Food 

    Costa Font, Monserrat (Data de defensa: 2009-04-27)

    La introducció de noves tecnologies en l'àmbit agroalimentari ha revolucionat la eficiència pel que fa al sector productiu, si bé també ha tingut efectes rellevants pel que fa a la demanda, que cal analitzar amb profunditat. ...

    Contribución al conocimiento de la biología de los pulgones de cereales y de la epidemiología del virus del enanismo amarillo de la cebada (BYDV) en la zona de regadío de Lleida 

    Comas i Angelet, Jordi (Data de defensa: 1991-12-17)

    En la zona de regadio de Lleida, los pulgones de cereales Rhopalosiphum padi (l.) y Sitobion avenae (f.) permanecen a lo largo de todo el año en gramineas cultivadas en la zona; cereales forrajeros, cereales de invierno y ...

    Crioconcentració de fluids alimentaris en un refredador de pel.lícula descendent 

    Hernández Yáñez, Eduard (Data de defensa: 2008-07-10)

    La crioconcentració és una operació unitària relativament poc aplicada a la indústria alimentària.<br/>Consisteix en la separació de sòlids solubles d'una fase aquosa mitjançant la congelació de l'aigua.<br/>En primer lloc ...

    Desarrollo de modelos para la identificación de variedades y fitopatologías mediante técnicas fotónicas 

    Borraz Martínez, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2022-05-12)

    In the cultivation of fruit trees, the most common is to work with cuttings. In this way, the grafted fruit tree variety offers specific fruit qualities and the rootstock offers certain agronomic and adaptation characteristics. ...

    Developing an individual-based model to study the bacterial denitrification process 

    Araujo Granda, Pablo Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2017-02-17)

    It is crucial to study the denitrification process driven by bacteria as it is one of the most important environmental processes for several reasons: i) it has an application in the removal of nitrogen (N) from high-N waste ...

    Dinámica de microcontaminantes orgánicos en aguas de riego aagrícola y su incorporación potencial en especies vegetales de interés agronómico 

    Calderón Preciado, Diana (Data de defensa: 2012-07-13)

    Climatic change and a swift population and industrial growth have caused a severe decrease in the available freshwater resources. In the management of water scarceness the use of sustainable alternatives that improve the ...

    Discovery of new selective antagonists of G-protein coupled receptors of therapeutic interest 

    Lupala, Cecylia Severin (Data de defensa: 2016-01-28)

    GPCR are integral membrane receptor proteins that are characterized by heptahelical transmembrane domains connected by intracellular and extracellular loops. GPCRs are an attractive class of proteins for drug discovery, ...

    Durability of resistance to Meloidogyne mediated by R-genes in solanaceous and cucurbitaceous crops 

    García Mendívil, Helio Adán (Data de defensa: 2019-10-29)

    Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus, and eggplant, Solanum melongena, are two major crops commonly grafted onto resistant rootstocks for controlling soilborne diseases. However, there are currently no commercially ...

    Dynamics of chemical microcontaminants in peri-urban agriculture and evaluation of their potential impact on crops and human health 

    Margenat Mas, Anna Maria (Data de defensa: 2018-11-27)

    Peri-urban agriculture carries out environmental, social and economic functions and services to the nearby urban areas. Nonetheless, most of these fields are impacted with organic and inorganic contaminants caused by ...

    Efectos genéticos, ambientales y de interacción sobre componentes químicos relacionados con el valor sensorial de las judias grano 

    Flórez Vergara, Alexy (Data de defensa: 2008-02-08)

    Asistimos en la actualidad a una constante pérdida de la diversidad genética de los cultivos. Paralelamente en muchas zonas del mundo, especialmente en los países más desarrollados, se produce una regresión de la agricultura ...

    Effect of precursors and thermal processing on acrylamide formation in synthetic potato models. Validation with potato cultivars 

    Bachir, Nivine (Data de defensa: 2023-07-28)

    (English) Acrylamide is a toxic compound and is classified as a probable human carcinogen. In recent decades, international organizations have established levels of safety for ingestion due to its harmful effects endangering ...