Effect of precursors and thermal processing on acrylamide formation in synthetic potato models. Validation with potato cultivars 

    Bachir, Nivine (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-28)

    (English) Acrylamide is a toxic compound and is classified as a probable human carcinogen. In recent decades, international organizations have established levels of safety for ingestion due to its harmful effects endangering ...

    Freeze concentration of cofee extract : study of block and fallling-film techniques = Crioconcentración de extracto acuoso de café : estudio de las técnicas de bloque total y película descendente 

    Moreno Moreno, Fabián Leonardo (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-05)

    Coffee is the most traded food in the world. The coffee industry has a great economic and social relevance worldwide. The sensory and functional properties of the product are highly important for the consumers, and therefore, ...

    Individual-based observations and individual-based simulations to study Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures 

    Portell Canal, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-09)

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the yeasts with major economic, social, and health significance in human culture. Depending on the growth conditions experienced by the cell, S. cerevisiae growth can proceed via fermentative, ...

    Obtaining, characterizing and studying the in vitro bioavailability of different cation complexations for food fortification 

    Mattar, Ghadeer (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-21)

    (English) Although mineral chelates have been produced for more than 70 years, neither production methods nor optimum conditions are well specified. The solid evidence that the complexes are true chelates is still missing. ...

    Personalized meal by using different proteins based on 3D printing 

    Mirazimi, Farnaz Sadat (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-19)

    (English) Currently, the use of 3D printing technology in the food sector is being considered, which can improve or displace some of the traditional methods of food manufacturing. The 3D printing market has grown significantly ...

    Recuperación de solutos del hielo proveniente de un crioconcentrador de placas : cinética y concentración 

    Gulfo Cabrales, Rafael Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2014-09-22)

    Research about the cryoconcentration process of food fluids is an important area of study. Cryoconcentration is a concentration process of fluids by separating water into ice shape. Freeze concentration, allows to obtain ...

    Structure-activity investigation on laccases by computational and site directed mutagenesis studies 

    Delavari, Azar (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-01)

    Laccases belong to multi copper oxidase enzyme family (EC Their capacity to oxidíze a wide range of substrates makes them very attractive for the industry and are growing in importance for environmentally-friendly ...

    Structure-function relationships in sensory G protein-coupled receptors 

    Razzaghi, Neda (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-25)

    (English) Perception of the world by an organism is not possible unless decoding the received information through its sensory systems. In vertebrates, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ion channels are principal ...

    Study and characterization of microstructural and physio-chemical properties of potato products for 3D food printing 

    Dankar, Iman Talal (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-09)

    3D food printing is a precise digitalized process that is based on monitoring the characteristics of the printed substrate in accordance with the process parameters. In this thesis mashed potatoes were first mixed with ...

    Ultrasound-assisted liquefaction of honey 

    Kabbani, Dania (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-28)

    Crystallization of honey is a common process of the honey industry. Liquid honey is preferred by most of the consumers and by food companies for ease of handling. Honey is commonly heated during pasteurization in order to ...

    Understanding consumers' perceptions to stimulate aquaculture fish consumption in Europe 

    López Mas, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-20)

    (English) Fish can play a crucial role in feeding the growing global population and providing it with essential nutrients. However, the world’s fish stocks are limited and almost fully exploited. Consequently, aquaculture ...

    Viscosidad en la dieta de pacientes diagnosticados de disfagia orofaríngea 

    García González, María Luisa (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-28)

    This doctoral thesis is based on professional experience with patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. This clinical syndrome, which is highly prevalent in the health and social environment, with very diverse etiologies is ...