Human population genetics of North Africa: insights into demography and functional variation 

    Lucas-Sánchez, Marcel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-18)

    Since the origins of humankind, North Africa has been involved in many demographic events, leading to a heterogeneous cultural and genetic landscape. However, it is largely underrepresented in genetic studies, and many ...

    Human population genomics of the Western Mediterranean 

    Biagini, Simone Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-17)

    This work explores the genetic landscape of the Western Mediterranean basin. Genome-wide data have been used in order to describe the genetics of the Island of Ibiza and France. In the first case, we found Ibiza being ...

    Human-centered learning design with technology 

    Garreta Domingo, Muriel (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-25)

    To improve and innovate education, a novel conception of the role of design in this realm is needed. Human-centered design (HCD), a problem-solving framework underpinned by the user perspective in all stages of the ...

    Human-centered machine learning for music emotion recognition 

    Gómez Cañón, Juan sebastián (Fecha de defensa: 2022-10-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on music in terms of emotion -- such algorithms compose the computational task of music emotion recognition (MER). MER evaluates emotionally relevant features from music, correlates them ...

    Human-computer interaction with older people 

    Sayago Barrantes, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2009-07-24)

    L'envelliment de la població i la importància de les TIC a la societat actual han motivat la necessitat d'integrar més a les persones grans en la interacció persona-ordinador. La investigació actual es centra en factors ...

    Humor y discurso político: el humor como recurso de opinión y crítica en la prensa contemporánea griega y española 

    Zavitsanou, Theofylakti (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The present thesis analyses political humour as an opinion and critical discourse of political power. This kind of discourse is reviewed historically on one hand and placed in the context of political debate in contemporary ...

    Hybridization in Candida yeast pathogens 

    Mixão, Verónica de Pinho (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-20)

    Candida species are among the most important fungal pathogens. Although Candida albicans is the most common cause of Candida infections, many other Candida species have emerged as pathogens. How pathogenicity is evolutionary ...

    "I love my body!" : the representations of body image in television advertising and the child audience 

    Sánchez Reina, Jesús Roberto (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-16)

    This dissertation analyzes the representation of body image in television advertising and its mediating role in children’s body imaginaries. Based on a theoretical framework supported on the social theories of the body and ...

    ICAT: a novel Ptf 1A/P48 partner that modulates acinar expression 

    Campos, Maria Luisa Morais Sarmento de (Fecha de defensa: 2010-04-09)

    Ptf1a/p48 is a pancreas specific bHLH transcription factor that is required at early stages of embryonic development for pancreas formation and, during adulthood, for the proper exocrine pancreatic function. P48 also exerts ...

    Iconografía del ojo: A partir del cine de autores afines a la estética surrealista (1926-1932) 

    Clariana Rodagut, Ainamar (Fecha de defensa: 2017-10-04)

    The aim of this research is to analyze the apearance of theye's visual motif, interpreted in its corespondence betwen the iner eye and the outer eye. This corelation wil be studied in the films: Emak Bakia (1926), ...

    Iconología del Monte de Perfección. Para una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la Cruz 

    Serra Zamora, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2010-12-14)

    Este trabajo pretende establecer una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la Cruz a partir de los textos del autor y de la interpretación del dibujo del Monte de perfección o Monte Carmelo (ca.1580). Nuestro estudio parte ...

    Identidad del orden jurídico y régimen político 

    Vilajosana Rubio, Josep M. (Josep Maria) (Fecha de defensa: 1993-12-20)

    A la primera part, l'autor tracta de demostrar que certs criteris formals d'identitat d'un ordre jurídic (com els defensats per Austin, Kelsen y Hart) no resulten satisfactoris, perquè ignoren la repercussió que sobre ...

    Identificació i compliment del dret en la societat de la informació: reflexions sobre la teoria del sistema jurídic 

    Rosell Llorens, Mariona (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-20)

    L’ús generalitzat de les tecnologies de la informació i comunicació (TIC) i la connectivitat ha comportant un canvi social determinant en el context actual, la Societat de la Informació. Aquest treball planteja un exercici ...

    Identification and characterization of a novel population of memory B cells in the human intestine 

    Comerma Blesa, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-12)

    We found that IgM+IgD- memory (ME-M) B cells formed a large reservoir of intestinal antigen-selected IgM+ lymphocytes distinct from antigen-naïve IgM+ lymphocytes. Human ME-M B cells colonized the intestine early in life, ...

    Identification and characterization of an oncogenic form of IKKα in colorectal cancer 

    Margalef González, Pol (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-17)

    L’IKKα nuclear regula la transcripció gènica i ha estat relacionada amb la progressió del càncer i la metàstasis, tot i que la connexió mecanística no s’entén massa bé. Hem observat que les ...

    Identification and characterization of the molecular pathways regulating the cell cycle-linked pluripotency exit 

    Alcaine Colet, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-04)

    The self-renewing nature of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is a consequence of their ability to proliferate while maintaining pluripotency, by means the capacity to differentiate into all adult cell types. Despite the remarkable ...

    Identification and functional analysis of intestinal stem cell genes in homeostasis and cancer 

    Barriga de Vicente, Francisco Martín (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-28)

    The first chapter of this thesis describes the study of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and their relationship to colon cancer. We describe the transcriptional landscape of intestinal epithelial populations through the use ...

    Identification de facteurs d'intégration quantitatifs et qualitatifs des néologismes à la langue spécialisée médicale: une analyse sur corpus diachronique entre 2007 et 2015 

    Schneider, Coralie (Fecha de defensa: 2020-04-17)

    La evolución del lenguaje médico refleja los avances médicos y se caracteriza por la creación neológica destinada a nombrar nuevos descubrimientos e innovaciones. Por lo tanto, la creación neológica, la variación terminológica ...

    Identification of a new deadenylation negative feedback loop that regulates meiotic progression 

    Belloc Rocasalbas, Eulàlia (Fecha de defensa: 2008-12-15)

    Els oòcits de vertebrats es troben aturats a la profase I de la primera meiosi (PI). Durant el procés anomenat oogènesi, els oòctits sintetitzen i emmagatzemen grans quantitats d'ARN missatgers(ARNm)que els seran necessaris ...

    Identification of altered regulatory interactions in disease 

    Bleda Latorre, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-27)

    Gene regulation is a complex biological process that requires the coordinated interaction of different molecules. The integrity of the underlying mechanisms ensures the correct expression of genes that maintain cell ...