Understanding and targeting mitochondria to counteract cellular senescene: elucidation of novel senotherapies 

    López Polo, Vanessa (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-07)

    The pathologic role of senescent cells is well established in a variety of diseases. Despite the ample evidence that mitochondria play a central role in cellular senescence, the understanding of the adaptations in the ...

    Understanding danmu: interaction, learning and multimodality in fan video comments 

    Zhang, Leticia Tian (Fecha de defensa: 2020-06-29)

    When watching television, many people use social media to share real-time opinions and feelings. The mediated co-viewing is widely studied under the name of “second screen” or “social TV”. In Japan and China, a technology ...

    Understanding disordered and membrane protein recognition by molecular dynamics 

    Stanley, Nathaniel H. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-04-24)

    This thesis has been about the use of a simulation technique, known as molecular dynamics simulations, to study biophysics in proteins that have historically been difficult to study with other methods. We have studied ...

    Understanding dog breed copy number differences in the framework of gray wolf copy number variation 

    Serres Armero, Aitor (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-03)

    L’estudi de la variació estructural complementa l’estudi de la variació de seqüència per revelar les complexitats de la variació fenotípica. Els gossos són l’espècie domesticada amb més variació fenotípica que existeix ...

    Understanding evolution through genomic analysis of extinct species 

    Renom, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-22)

    According to estimates, over the 3.5 billion years that have elapsed since the appearance of life, the Earth has been inhabited by some 4 billion different species, of which 99.99% have already become extinct. Extinction ...

    Understanding functional interplay between PARP-1 and PARP-2 in T cell development and function 

    Navarro Serer, Judith (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    T-cell homeostasis must be tightly regulated and maintained in order to guarantee appropriate immune responses and prevent immunopathology. This maintenance depends on MHC-TCR interaction and cytokine-mediated signals among ...

    Understanding interactions between EBV and human genomic variation 

    Mandage, Rajendra (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-12)

    The EBV has been linked to multiple human disease phenotypes and has been associated with cancers and other infections. Recently single gene analysis and genome-wide analysis studies have been exploited to uncover the human ...

    Understanding ligand-receptor recognition by means of high-throughput molecular dynamics : a perspective for drug discovery 

    Ferruz Capapey, Noelia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-03-04)

    Understanding how receptor-ligand interactions occur is a first step towards designing new drugs. The complete reconstruction of the binding process in a drug-receptor system provides all the physical-chemistry variables ...

    Understanding RanGTP dependent microtubule assembly : Idenification of DnaJB6 as a RanGTP regulated factor involved in microtubule organization during mitosis 

    Rosas Salvans, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2017-12-19)

    Three microtubule (MT) assembly pathways participate in the assembly of the bipolar spindle: the centrosomal pathway, the augmin dependent amplification pathway and the RanGTP/chromosome dependent pathway. To form the ...

    Understanding the development of MLL-Rearranged leukemias : developing disease models 

    Sinha, Roshani (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    Rearrangements involving the mixed lineage leukemia gene (MLL) are found in majority of human infant leukemias (>60% of ALLs, 35% of AMLs) and are associated with dismal prognosis of these patients. They are also found in ...

    Understanding the dynamics of cultural stratification: the case of Spain 

    Ağlamaz, Fatma Sibel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-29)

    Advanced societies have witnessed unprecedented socioeconomic and technological changes in the last 50 years. The growth of the service sector has transformed the class structure, and social mobility has increased for ...

    Understanding the fertility gap: new modelling approaches to reproductive decision-making 

    Ciganda, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-31)

    The three chapters included in this dissertation aim to improve our understanding of the distance between people's desires regarding the timing and the number of children they want to have and what they finally achieve. ...

    Understanding the genomic makeup of tumors to guide personalized medicine 

    Rubio Pérez, Carlota (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-28)

    Cancer is a disease of the genome. The study of tumor genomic alterations is used to guide several precision medicine strategies, some approved and a large number under clinical development. On the other hand, the study ...

    Understanding the health effects of low doses of ionizing radiation from medical procedures : Challenges for epidemiology 

    Pasqual, Elisa (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-03)

    La aplicación de la radiación ionizante (RI) en ámbito médico ha llegado, sin duda, para salvar vidas. Sin embargo, hay una preocupación entre los expertos de salud pública y protección radiológica con relación al incremento ...

    Understanding the immunomodulatory role of PARP proteins in the response against tumors 

    Moreno Lama, Lucía (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-16)

    Los inhibidores de PARP han surgido como nuevas terapias basadas en el papel essencial de las Poly (ADP-ribosa) polimerasas PARP-1 y PARP-2 en la respuesta a daño en el DNA, explotando el efecto de las mismas en la célula ...

    Understanding the mechanisms of de novo gene evolution using transcriptomics data 

    Ruiz Orera, Jorge (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-19)

    Aquesta tesi investiga els mecanismes de formació i evolució de gens de novo utilitzant seqüenciació massiva de transcrits complerts i de fragments protegits per ribosomes. Hem identificat milers de gens de novo en humans ...

    Understanding the molecular basis of neuronal 3'UTR length-dependent mRNA sorting 

    Grawenhoff, Julia (Fecha de defensa: 2024-01-24)

    The local translation of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) within different neuronal compartments is a prerequisite the formation of long-term memories. mRNAs are localized via active transport along microtubules, however, the ...

    Understanding the nationalization of party 

    Simón Cosano, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2011-11-03)

    This thesis is focused on the nationalization of party systems in Western Europe and combines four different approaches. Despite the literature claiming that political decentralization reduces party system nationalization, ...

    Understanding the political integration outcomes of enfranchised and high socioeconomic status immigrants in host societies 

    Nguyen, My Land Do (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    The purpose of this dissertation is to systematically investigate the theoretical perspective that political power derives from socioeconomic power—a fundamental tenet of both sociological theories of assimilation and ...