Now showing items 201-220 of 3292

    Audio content processing for automatic music genre classification : descriptors, databases, and classifiers 

    Guaus, Enric (Date of defense: 2009-09-21)

    Aquesta tesi versa sobre la classificació automàtica de gèneres musicals, basada en l'anàlisi del contingut del senyal d'àudio, plantejant-ne els problemes i proposant solucions. Es proposa un estudi de la ...

    Audio source separation for music in low-latency and high-latency scenarios 

    Marxer Piñón, Ricard (Date of defense: 2013-09-09)

    Aquesta tesi proposa mètodes per tractar les limitacions de les tècniques existents de separació de fonts musicals en condicions de baixa i alta latència. En primer lloc, ens centrem en els mètodes amb un baix cost ...

    Audio-visual deep learning methods for musical instrument classification and separation 

    Slizovskaia, Olga (Date of defense: 2020-10-21)

    In music perception, the information we receive from a visual system and audio system is often complementary. Moreover, visual perception plays an important role in the overall experience of being exposed to a music ...

    Audiovisual prosody and verbal irony 

    González Fuente, Santiago (Date of defense: 2017-07-10)

    This dissertation takes an integrated approach to the study of audiovisual cues to verbal irony. While pragmatic studies have mainly focused on the role of the discourse context in irony detection, little is known about ...

    Audiovisual speech processing: the role of attention and conflict 

    Morís Fernández, Luis (Date of defense: 2016-06-03)

    Events in our environment do rarely excite only one sensory pathway, but usually involve several modalities offering complimentary information. These different informations are usually integrated into a single percept ...

    Aurora A kinase function during anaphase 

    Lioutas, Antonio (Date of defense: 2012-11-09)

    Aurora A (AurA) is an important mitotic kinase mainly studied for its involvement in cell cycle progression, centrosome maturation, mitotic spindle pole organization and bipolar spindle formation. It localizes to ...

    Automated cardiac MR image analysis for population imaging 

    Albà, Xènia (Date of defense: 2017-04-21)

    La pràctica clínica i la investigació generen grans quantitats de registres mèdics, incloent-hi imatges. No obstant això, molta informació que podria millorar l'assistència sanitària continua sent inaccessible. Es necessiten ...

    Automated processes and intelligent tools in CG media production 

    Romeo, Marco (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    La producció moderna dels mitjans descansa de forma important sobre continguts generats per ordinador, tals com animacions 3D, i efectes visuals digitals. Aquests actius complexos poblen videojocs, pel•lícules, televisió, ...

    Automatic acquisition of lexical-semantic relations: gathering information in a dense representation 

    Necşulescu, Silvia (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    Lexical-semantic relationships between words are key information for many NLP tasks, which require this knowledge in the form of lexical resources. This thesis addresses the acquisition of lexical-semantic relation instances. ...

    Automatic acquisition of semantic classes for adjectives 

    Boleda Torrent, Gemma (Date of defense: 2007-04-18)

    Aquesta tesi tracta l'adquisició automàtica de classes semàntiques per a adjectius. La tesi es basa en dues hipòtesis. La primera, que alguns aspectes de la semàntica dels adjectius no són totalment impredictibles, sinó ...

    Automatic and deliberate control of action: an embodied perspective of artificial and biological brains 

    Maffei, Giovanni (Date of defense: 2018-05-04)

    Animals evolved to survive in dynamic environments by developing multiple behavioral strategies to adapt and to learn from their interaction with the world. Associative mechanisms and internal representations are at the ...

    Automatic assessment of singing voice pronunciation: a case study with Jingju music 

    Gong, Rong (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    Online learning has altered music education remarkable in the last decade. Large and increasing amount of music performing learners participate in online music learning courses due to the easy-accessibility and boundless ...

    Automatic characterization and generation of music loops and instrument samples for electronic music production 

    Ramires, António (Date of defense: 2023-02-08)

    Repurposing audio material to create new music - also known as sampling - was a foundation of electronic music and is a fundamental component of this practice. Currently, large-scale databases of audio offer vast collections ...

    Automatic Classification of musical mood by content-based analysis 

    Laurier, Cyril François (Date of defense: 2011-09-19)

    In this work, we focus on automatically classifying music by mood. For this purpose, we propose computational models using information extracted from the audio signal. The foundations of such algorithms are based on ...

    Automatic generation of descriptive related work reports 

    AbuRa'ed, Ahmed Ghassan Tawfiq (Date of defense: 2020-10-16)

    A related work report is a section in a research paper which integrates key information from a list of related scientific papers providing context to the work being presented. Related work reports can either be descriptive ...

    Automatic musical instrument recognition from polyphonic music audio signals 

    Fuhrmann, Ferdinand (Date of defense: 2012-01-25)

    En aquesta tesi presentem un mètode general per al reconeixement automàtic d’instruments musicals partint d’un senyal d’àudio. A diferència de molts enfocs relacionats, el nostre evita restriccions artificials o artificioses ...

    Automatic reconstruction of complex dynamical networks 

    Grau Leguia, Marc (Date of defense: 2019-03-15)

    Un problema principal de la ciència de xarxes és com reconstruir (inferir) la topologia d’una xarxa real a partir de senyals mesurades de les seves unitats internes. Entendre la arquitectura d’una xarxa complexa és clau, ...

    Automating crowd simulation: from parameter tuning to dynamic context-to-policy adaptation 

    Cabrero Daniel, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2022-01-12)

    Computer-generated crowds are becoming more and more frequent in films, video games and safety assessment applications. Many crowd simulation algorithms exist to address the needs of this diverse range of industries. Even ...

    Autorreferencialidad en la fotografía contemporánea: Francesca Woodman, Antoine d'Agata y Alberto García-Alix 

    Goyarrola Olano, Érika (Date of defense: 2016-01-12)

    Esta investigación elabora un marco teórico para entender y delimitar la autorreferencialidad en la fotografía contemporánea. A partir del análisis de la obra de los fotógrafos Francesca Woodman, Antoine d’Agata y Alberto ...

    Avaluació de l'experimentació del projecte biologia en context (adaptació del salters-nuffield advanced biology-snab-) al batxillerat en Catalunya 

    Lope Pastor, Silvia (Date of defense: 2009-05-29)

    L'objectiu general de l'estudi és descriure i avaluar l'experimentació del projecte de batxillerat Biologia en context. S'ha dividit l'avaluació del projecte en tres fases amb els següents objectius específics:<br/>1ª ...