Now showing items 595-614 of 3239

    Decid si por vosotros ha pasado: La recepción creadora de Juan de la Cruz en poetas españoles e hispanoamericanos del siglo XX 

    Aguilera Gómez, Luis Jorge (Date of defense: 2020-07-09)

    La presente investigación germina en la necesidad de estudiar la recepción creadora de Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591) en la lírica iberoamericana del siglo XX. Partiendo de una perspectiva metodológica orientada por la ...

    Deciphering adaptation in the human genome : the case of CaSR in south-east Asian hunter-gatherers 

    Sinigaglia, Barbara (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

    Several rainforest hunter-gatherer groups in south-east Asia are characterized by specific morphological features including a particularly dark skin color (D), an extremely short stature (S), the development of woolly hair ...

    Deciphering B lymphocyte dynamics in health and disease through the integrative analysis of multi-modal single-cell data 

    Aguilar Fernández, Sergio (Date of defense: 2024-04-24)

    The intrinsic complexity and dynamic nature of B-lymphocytes make them ideal for in-depth analysis using single-cell technologies. Secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) are central in B-lymphocyte activation and differentiation, ...

    Deciphering the nuclear function of folate enzyme MTHFD2 in cancer: a novel role for nuclear MTHFD2 in mitosis 

    Pardo Lorente, Natalia (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

    Subcellular compartmentalisation of metabolic enzymes may elicit specific cellular functions by establishing a unique metabolic environment. Indeed, the nuclear translocation of certain metabolic enzymes impacts epigenetics ...

    Deciphering the role of alternatively spliced microexons during vertebrate nervous system development and function 

    López Blanch, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)

    Neural microexons are the most conserved type of alternative splicing, suggesting a strong functional relevance. Consistently, mutation of their master regulators leads to dramatic neurodevelopmental alterations and ...

    Deciphering the role of RBM10 in development and cancer using a genetic mouse model 

    Maldonado Barragán, Ana Margarita (Date of defense: 2021-03-26)

    Short explanation English To reveal how RBM10 loss contributes to development and cancer we have established Rbm10 constitutive and conditional knockout mouse models and have analyzed phenotypes at the organismal and ...

    Decision-making as an encoding-decoding process and its correlation with neuronal activity and behaviour 

    Nogueira Mañas, Ramon (Date of defense: 2017-11-10)

    Un dels objectius més importants de la neurociència teòrica és determinar quins són els principis fonamentals subjacents en el processament de la informació al cervell i en última instància caracteritzar el nexe ...

    Decision-making beyond “left or right”. A computational study on the neurophysiology behind multiple-choice decision-making and choice reevaluation. 

    Albantakis, Larissa (Date of defense: 2011-11-29)

    Neurophysiological brain processes during perceptual decision-making have mainly been investigated under the simplified conditions of two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) tasks. How do established principles of decision-making, ...

    Decision-making during action 

    Ozbagci, Duygu (Date of defense: 2022-09-12)

    Decision making requires coordinating motor actions that are necessary to report the choices and sample relevant information from the environment. For instance, when riding a bike on a busy road, rider must both pedal while ...

    Decisions from experience: Time delays, complexity and illusions of control 

    Lejarraga, Tomás (Date of defense: 2009-07-09)

    Esta tesis incluye tres capítulos que exploran diferentes aspectos de la distinción entre decisiones desde la descripción y decisiones desde la experiencia. El capítulo 1 estudia escenarios de decisión cuando las personas ...

    Decoding the epitranscriptomic complexity through computational methods based on long-read sequencing 

    Delgado Tejedor, Anna (Date of defense: 2024-03-21)

    RNA modifications, collectively known as the ‘epitranscriptome’, play a major role in multiple biological processes, including splicing regulation, gene expression regulation and antibiotic resistance. Unfortunately, ...

    Decoding the immune evasive properties of cancer stem cells in breast cancer immunotherapy resistance 

    Pérez Núñez, Iván (Date of defense: 2023-03-13)

    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) fuels tumours and are involved in therapy resistance, yet their contribution immunotherapy resistance and immunological properties are poorly understood. Herein, we show that within tumour phenotypic ...

    Decoding the nature of the transcriptional response to stress 

    Latorre Doménech, Pablo (Date of defense: 2021-06-15)

    Virtually all living organisms are challenged by changes in their environment, such as sudden increases in osmolarity. To cope with these stresses, cells have developed stress responses that tune every aspect of cell ...

    Deep learning -based segmentation methods for computer-assisted fetal surgery 

    Torrents Barrena, Jordina (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    This thesis focuses on the development of deep learning-based image processing techniques for the detection and segmentation of fetal structures in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D ultrasound (US) images of singleton ...

    Deep learning and unsupervised machine learning for the quantification and interpretation of electrocardiographic signals 

    Jiménez-Pérez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2022-02-17)

    Las señales electrocardiográficas, ya sea adquiridas en la piel del paciente (electrocardiogamas de superficie, ECG) o de forma invasiva mediante cateterismo (electrocardiogramas intracavitarios, iECG) ayudan a explorar ...

    Deep learning for drug design : modeling molecular shapes 

    Skalic, Miha (Date of defense: 2019-07-30)

    Designing novel drugs is a complex process which requires finding molecules in a vast chemical space that bind to a specific biomolecular target and have favorable physio-chemical properties. Machine learning methods can ...

    A deep learning perspective on linguistic ambiguity 

    Aina, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    This thesis studies the information that an expression and its context contribute to ambiguity resolution, focusing on the syntactic, lexical, and referential levels, and on the English language. I adopt computational ...

    Deep neural networks for music and audio tagging 

    Pons Puig, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-11-15)

    Automatic music and audio tagging can help increase the retrieval and re-use possibilities of many audio databases that remain poorly labeled. In this dissertation, we tackle the task of music and audio tagging from the ...

    Deep sequencing approaches to investigate the dynamics and evolution of interaction networks of Candida pathogens and the human host 

    Thuer, Ernst (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    This thesis describes the application of Next Generation Sequencing, especially RNA sequencing, on the investigation of the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis. Pathogenic yeasts of the Candida clade are one of the most ...

    Deep spatio-temporal neural network for facial analysis 

    Aspandi Latif, Decky (Date of defense: 2021-03-05)

    Automatic Facial Analysis is one of the most important field of computer vision due to its significant impacts to the world we currently live in. Among many applications of Automatic Facial Analysis, Facial Alignment and ...