Now showing items 615-634 of 3270

    Decoding the nature of the transcriptional response to stress 

    Latorre Doménech, Pablo (Date of defense: 2021-06-15)

    Virtually all living organisms are challenged by changes in their environment, such as sudden increases in osmolarity. To cope with these stresses, cells have developed stress responses that tune every aspect of cell ...

    Deep learning -based segmentation methods for computer-assisted fetal surgery 

    Torrents Barrena, Jordina (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    This thesis focuses on the development of deep learning-based image processing techniques for the detection and segmentation of fetal structures in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D ultrasound (US) images of singleton ...

    Deep learning and unsupervised machine learning for the quantification and interpretation of electrocardiographic signals 

    Jiménez-Pérez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2022-02-17)

    Las señales electrocardiográficas, ya sea adquiridas en la piel del paciente (electrocardiogamas de superficie, ECG) o de forma invasiva mediante cateterismo (electrocardiogramas intracavitarios, iECG) ayudan a explorar ...

    Deep learning for drug design : modeling molecular shapes 

    Skalic, Miha (Date of defense: 2019-07-30)

    Designing novel drugs is a complex process which requires finding molecules in a vast chemical space that bind to a specific biomolecular target and have favorable physio-chemical properties. Machine learning methods can ...

    A deep learning perspective on linguistic ambiguity 

    Aina, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    This thesis studies the information that an expression and its context contribute to ambiguity resolution, focusing on the syntactic, lexical, and referential levels, and on the English language. I adopt computational ...

    Deep neural networks for music and audio tagging 

    Pons Puig, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-11-15)

    Automatic music and audio tagging can help increase the retrieval and re-use possibilities of many audio databases that remain poorly labeled. In this dissertation, we tackle the task of music and audio tagging from the ...

    Deep sequencing approaches to investigate the dynamics and evolution of interaction networks of Candida pathogens and the human host 

    Thuer, Ernst (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    This thesis describes the application of Next Generation Sequencing, especially RNA sequencing, on the investigation of the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis. Pathogenic yeasts of the Candida clade are one of the most ...

    Deep spatio-temporal neural network for facial analysis 

    Aspandi Latif, Decky (Date of defense: 2021-03-05)

    Automatic Facial Analysis is one of the most important field of computer vision due to its significant impacts to the world we currently live in. Among many applications of Automatic Facial Analysis, Facial Alignment and ...

    Deep stochastic sentence generation : resources and strategies 

    Mille, Simon (Date of defense: 2014-07-25)

    The present Ph.D. thesis addresses the problem of deep data-driven Natural Language Generation (NLG), and in particular the role of proper corpus annotation schemata for stochastic sentence realization. The lack of multilevel ...

    A Defence of parental licensing: how we should do justice to children an adults 

    Spotorno, Riccardo Maria (Date of defense: 2020-10-06)

    This thesis is a comprehensive study and defence of parental licensing, i.e. the proposal of making the right to parent one’s biological conditional to the successful completion of a series of checks and tests that aim ...

    Definición legal y supuestos controvertidos de la condición de consumidor: análisis comparado de los derechos español y argentino 

    Garzino, María Constanza (Date of defense: 2020-10-02)

    En esta tesis se estudia la diversidad de criterios existentes para identificar al consumidor, en el derecho español y en el argentino. Se analizaron los antecedentes, características, fundamentos, principios, fuentes y ...

    Defining DYRKs interactome: approaches for the characterization of proximity-dependent interactions and identification of direct substrates 

    Balbastre Català, Borja (Date of defense: 2022-10-27)

    Dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinases (DYRKs) are a conserved family of protein kinases present in all eukaryotes. In mammals, the association of DYRKs with a wide variety of putative substrates and interactors, in ...

    Del altermundismo a la indignación: un trabajo de traducción contrahegemónica 

    Nuño de la Rosa, Julia (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    El cambio social y político que supone el fin de la guerra fría y el triunfo del capitalismo como mejor de los mundos posibles, impone el intento de homogeneización cultural y silenciamiento de toda posibilidad de ...

    Del hambre al vómito : imagenes del consumo en el cine moderno 

    Elduque, Albert (Date of defense: 2014-01-10)

    Esta tesis plantea el estudio de algunas películas del cine moderno europeo y brasileño a partir de la noción del consumo. El trabajo recorre las construcciones teóricas y audiovisuales de la voracidad para analizar cómo ...

    Del narcotraficante ilegal al narcopopulismo legitimado: a análisis del discurso político de Pablo Escobar en la serie “Narcos” y en medios periodísticos 

    Wilches Tinjacá, Jaime Andrés (Date of defense: 2020-12-03)

    La Tesis Doctoral problematiza los análisis sobre la dimensión política del narcotraficante colombiano Pablo Escobar, los cuales suelen reducirse a su experiencia como Congresista de la República. Esta interpretación trae ...

    Delineating a requirement for Survival of Motor Neuron (SMN) protein in skeletal muscle tissue 

    Faleiro, Michelle R. (Date of defense: 2017-03-27)

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder characterized by the degeneration of the lower motor neurons. It is caused by homozygous loss or mutations in the Survival Motor Neuron 1 (SMN1) ...

    Delineating epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of cell profileration and differentiation 

    Islam, Abul (Date of defense: 2012-06-25)

    Recent advances in high throughput technology have opened the door to systematic studies of epigenetic mechanisms. One of the key components in the regulation of the cell cycle and differentiation is the retinoblastoma ...

    El delito de conducción con una determinada tasa de alcoholemia : un estudio a partir de los principios legitimadores de la intervención penal 

    Márquez Cisneros, Segundo Rolando (Date of defense: 2014-10-24)

    No obstante los cuestionamientos que recibe el delito de conducción con una determinada tasa de alcoholemia desde la perspectiva de los principios del Derecho penal, la criminalización de esta conducta constituye una ...

    El delito de tortura : un estudio sobre los elementos del tipo del artículo 174 del Código penal 

    Silva Medina, Rodrigo (Date of defense: 2013-12-13)

    La interpretación del tipo del delito de tortura plantea una serie de dificultades que tienen como consecuencia que la aplicación de tal figura delictiva haya venido siendo poco segura por parte de la jurisprudencia. Las ...

    Demand Analysis of Non-durable Goods. Relaxing Separability Assumptions 

    Puig Gabau, Jordi (Date of defense: 1998-09-21)

    En la tesis se analiza empíricamente el consumo en bienes no duraderos para la economía española mediante la construcción de unas preferencias que permiten relajar los supuestos de separabilidad débil y separabilidad débil ...