Adaptations in cancer: a molecular and mechanistic rewiring 

    Ghose, Ritobrata (Fecha de defensa: 2024-02-02)

    Cancer cells are constantly subject to complex stresses in the tumour microenvironment. These stresses encapsulate a wide array of challenging stimuli from physical and mechanical forces to interference in major mechanistic ...

    Analysis and visualization of multidimensional cancer genomics data 

    Schroeder, Michael Philipp (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-21)

    Cancer is a complex disease caused by somatic alterations of the genome and epigenome in tumor cells. Increased investments and cheaper access to various technologies have built momentum for the generation of cancer genomics ...

    Analyzing the role of activated fibroblasts in the activation of macrophages 

    Bruch Oms, Marina (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-12)

    Tumors are complex masses composed by multiple cell types, such as cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and macrophages, that interact with each other promoting the tumor progression. Snail1 is a transcription factor ...

    Análisis de los dominios funcionales del receptor de progesterona en líneas celulares estables de cáncer de mama 

    Quiles Lara, Ignacio (Fecha de defensa: 2007-09-07)

    Esta tesis se interesa por distinguir entre los efectos directos de los receptores nucleares y aquellos mediados por las rutas de transducción de señales en la transcripción de genes en respuesta a hormona y proliferación ...

    Asociación de medidas de salud percibida y variables clínicas en pacientes con catarata 

    Acosta Rojas, Emilia Ruthy (Fecha de defensa: 2006-06-13)

    Objetivo: 1) Evaluar la asociación entre medidas clínicas, (Agudeza visual (AV), sensibilidad al contraste, (SC) y estereopsis) y el índice de función visual (VF-14). 2) Evaluar el impacto de la AV y SC sobre la ...

    Breast cancer screening: social inequalities by country of origin and social class and its impact on mortality 

    Pons i Vigués, Mariona (Fecha de defensa: 2010-11-23)

    The general objective of this dissertation is to study breast cancer screening and specifically social inequalities by social class and country of origin and its relationship with decreasing mortality. Therefore, four ...

    Cancer as a complex adaptive system : Mathematical models of tumor ecology, evolution and development 

    Aguadé Gorgorió, Guim (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-09)

    Despite decades of scientific effort, cancer remains a major cause of death worldwide. Through the accumulation of genome alterations, tumor populations evolve the capacity to circumvent the selective barriers of tissue ...

    Cancer risk and hormonal changes in night shift workers 

    Papantoniou, Kyriaki (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-01)

    Recent human and animal data indicate that night shift work might increase the risk for cancer. Epidemiologic evidence is limited and has mostly focused on breast cancer while underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. ...

    Cancer-associated fibroblasts and response to anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies in breast cancer 

    Guardia Valenzuela, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-19)

    El cáncer de mama HER2-positivo es un subtipo muy agresivo. El desarrollo de terapias anti-diana HER2, particularmente el anticuerpo monoclonal (Mab) trastuzumab, supuso una mejora significativa en el pronóstico de esta ...

    Caracterización molecular del síndrome de sotos y estudio de otras causas genéticas de hipercrecimiento 

    Valle Domínguez, Jesús Manuel del (Fecha de defensa: 2008-07-14)

    En la presente tesis doctoral se ha realizado un estudio de investigación encaminado a definir los genes responsables que causan hipercrecimiento en humanos, así como la identificación y caracterización de las mutaciones ...

    Characterization of clinically relevant RNA alterations for personalized cancer medicine 

    Trincado Alonso, Juan Luis (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-28)

    The following thesis tries to answer the question of wheter RNA processing alterations are informative for the clinical management of cancer patients. For this, the work is focused on solve two main issues: the development ...

    Characterization of Galectin-1 in Pancreatic Cancer: A sweet target for a bitter disease 

    Martínez Bosch, Neus (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-26)

    Pancreatic cancer is nowadays one of the neoplasms with worst prognosis, so research towards the discovery of new molecular targets for therapy and diagnosis is more than urgent. In this direction, we have deeply evaluated ...

    Computational approaches for integrative cancer genomics 

    Pérez Llamas, Christian (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-18)

    Given the complexity and heterogeneity of cancer, the development of new high-throughput wide-genome technologies has open new possibilities for its study. Several projects around the globe are exploiting these technologies ...

    Computational study of cancer 

    Gundem, Gunes (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-29)

    In my thesis, I focused on integrative analysis of high-throughput oncogenomic data. This was done in two parts: In the first part, I describe IntOGen, an integrative data mining tool for the study of cancer. This system ...

    Corylus avellana: a new biotechnological source of anticancer agents 

    Gallego Palacios, Ana (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-26)

    The difficulty of increasing taxane production and reducing its costs has prompted a search for new biotechnological sources. The unexpected discovery of taxanes in Corylus avellana has generated considerable interest in ...

    Decoding the immune evasive properties of cancer stem cells in breast cancer immunotherapy resistance 

    Pérez Núñez, Iván (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-13)

    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) fuels tumours and are involved in therapy resistance, yet their contribution immunotherapy resistance and immunological properties are poorly understood. Herein, we show that within tumour phenotypic ...

    Desigualtats en el control mamogràfic : el paper dels programes de cribatge 

    Serral Cano, Gemma (Fecha de defensa: 2017-02-09)

    El cáncer de mama es el cáncer más frecuente en las mujeres. Actualmente, en muchos países hay implantado un programa poblacional de detección precoz del cáncer de mama. Estos programas, entre otros beneficios, cuentan con ...

    Dietary palmitic acid estabishes an epigenetic memory that promotes metastasis: Implications of neural-related processes in enhacing dissemination 

    Domínguez Rodríguez, Diana (Fecha de defensa: 2021-05-04)

    La metàstasis és responsable del 90% de les morts per càncer, demostrant l’existent manca de coneixement en relació als seus mecanismes moleculars. Investigacions anteriors del nostre laboratori han demostrat la importància ...

    Diferències entre dones i homes en el càncer de bufeta urinària: etiologia, clínica i pronòstic 

    Puente Baliarda, Diana (Fecha de defensa: 2005-12-21)

    La present tesi avalua les diferències entre homes i dones quant a les característiques sociodemogràfiques i clínicopatològiques, procés diagnòstic, tractament i pronòstic en una sèrie de casos diagnosticats de novo de ...

    Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b in Epidermal Homeostasis and Cancer Progression 

    Rinaldi, Lorenzo (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-17)

    DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression. While DNA methylation dynamics during embryonic formation is fairly well understood, its role in adult tissues is still under investigation. ...