Accountability for public policies the case of health policy in Spain 

    Pérez Durán, Ixchel (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-20)

    This research is a contribution to the analysis, measurement and explanation of accountability for public policies. Firstly, I develop a proposal to analyze and measure accountability for public policies. This proposal is ...

    Les actituds lingüístiques dels joves universitaris de Barcelona i Palma 

    Tudela Isanta, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-20)

    En aquesta tesi ens centrarem en les actituds i les ideologies lingüístiques, dos dels factors que influeixen en la tria lingüística. La disciplina que s’ha encarregat d’estudiar quins motius fan que un parlant esculli una ...

    An analysis of the mediators and moderators of migrant-native gaps in educational expectations and educational transitions 

    Palomo Lario, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-15)

    This doctoral dissertation analyses the differences between young people with an immigrant background and natives (without an immigrant background) in educational expectations and the educational pathways chosen when ...

    Are you ready now for another child?: life satisfaction, work-family trajectories and the progression to the second child 

    Luppi, Francesca (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-27)

    This thesis aims to study the relationship between fertility and subjective wellbeing in a sample of Australian couples (source: HILDA 2001-2009), followed from the year of the pregnancy with the first child. In particular, ...

    Behind Left and Right. The meaning of left-right orientation in Europe 

    Weber, Wiebke (Fecha de defensa: 2013-01-21)

    The left-right concept is considered to facilitate communication and orientation in the political world. It has a long tradition in European politics due to its capacity to absorb different associations over time. ...

    Brain training - brain draining : skilled migration, student mobility, and transnational higher education 

    Levatino, Antonina (Fecha de defensa: 2016-04-22)

    The cross-border mobility of educational services, commonly known as transnational higher education (TNHE), represents an important dimension of the internationalisation of higher education. Its relationship with the ...

    Buying peace: amnesty as a tool in ending civil wars 

    Daniels, Lesley-Ann (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-12)

    This thesis examines the use of amnesty as a tool for ending civil wars. The thesis is innovative in its focus on amnesties during civil wars and their impact on conflict termination. I examine the conditions under which ...

    El cambio institucional en un Estado Compuesto y su relación con los cambios en la distribución de poder al interior de los partidos políticos 

    Betanzo de la Rosa, Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2011-10-31)

    La actividad de investigación de este estudio doctoral se condensa en los tres artículos que aquí se presentan. Cada texto, desde una lógica de análisis distinta, hace una exploración tanto teórica como empírica de la ...

    Capital Social y participación ciudadana en Políticas Sociales: el caso de México 2000-2006 

    de la Rosa Rodríguez, José Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2010-06-28)

    En esta tesis se analizan las relaciones entre los programas sociales, la Participación Ciudadana y el Capital Social, como orientaciones de las políticas sociales del gobierno federal mexicano en el período 2000-2006, a ...

    Casualties of turbulent economic transition: premature mortality and foregone fertility in the post-communist countries 

    Billingsley, Sunnee (Fecha de defensa: 2009-09-23)

    In this thesis, I analyze the contribution of the economic context to the fertility and mortality crises that took place across the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe during the transition from communism. ...

    Causes and consequences of affective polarisation in comparative perspective 

    Comellas Bonsfills, Josep Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-11)

    This PhD dissertation adds to the literature that studies affective polarisation in comparative perspective. Citizens of democracies around the globe express substantive levels of hostility towards opposing parties, their ...

    Cautious inference : random life course events of parents and children in context 

    Wagner, Sander (Fecha de defensa: 2014-08-01)

    Esta tesis aborda el tema de los experimentos naturales o políticos que afectan el curso de la vida de padres e hijos y de las limitaciones de inferencia en tales experimentos. El primer trabajo "A non-linear Assessment ...

    Changing gendered expectations and diverging divorce trends : three papers on gender norms and partnership Dynamics 

    Pessin, Léa (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-07)

    The dissertation addresses how changes in gender norms influence demographic behaviors. It is composed of three articles. The first focuses on the macro-micro association between regional gender norms and couples' divorce ...

    Changing paradigms of women's labor market participation: cases of Denmark and the USA 

    Ratniece, Luïze (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-16)

    This thesis contributes to knowledge about gender differences in labor market attachment by using a longitudinal, life-course approach, and consists of three empirical articles. The first one establishes the profile of ...

    Cities in action: comparing local responses to irregular migrants in Europe 

    Özdemir, Gülce Şafak (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-23)

    This dissertation investigates the responses of European cities to irregular migrants. The first chapter uses a localist approach to understand variations in local policies and practices. A typology of urban solidarity is ...

    Coalition Governance: Causes and consequences 

    Falcó Gimeno, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-28)

    Els governs de coalició poden, per una banda, dividir-se les tasques i funcionar de forma compartimentalitzada, on cada soci decideixi sol les polítiques sota les seves jurisdiccions ministerials. Per contra, també poden ...

    Competing for the centre ground the ideological bias on turnout 

    Rodon i Casarramona, Antoni (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    This thesis is focused on studying centrist abstention, by analysing crosscountry differences and also, centrist individuals’ propensity to turn out. Despite the literature claiming that abstention is higher on the left, ...

    Consequences of parental divorce and family structure on children's outcomes in European societies: individual, cohort and country explanations 

    Garriga Alsina, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2010-11-11)

    The aim of this dissertation is to expand the European literature on the effects of parental divorce and family structure on children's well-being, paying special attention to micro and macro-level explanations. In chapter ...

    Contamination effects in mixed-member electoral systems: a dissemination of measurement techniques 

    Gómez Díaz, Abelardo (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-29)

    This dissertation is about ‘contamination’, or the interaction between the two built-in arenas found in mixed-member electoral systems: the single-seat district (SSD) and proportional representation (PR) arenas. Contamination ...

    Couples’ Decisions and Retirement Age in Europe. A comparative study of three traditions of the Welfare State 

    Recuenco, Luis (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-15)

    This research analyses from a theoretical, empirical and comparative perspective couples’ decision-making and retirement ages within seven European Union-15 countries belonging to three Welfare State traditions: Social ...