Now showing items 1-20 of 3404

    Dirección algorítmica en la relación laboral: derechos de información y consulta 

    Peña Moncho, Juan (Date of defense: 2024-07-01)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar, desde un punto de vista interdisciplinar y transversal, los derechos de información y consulta derivados de la implantación de sistemas de dirección algorítmica en el ámbito laboral. ...

    Beyond the Member State: Subnational Infringements of European Environmental Directives 

    Wilhelm, Marie-Thérèse (Date of defense: 2024-11-28)

    This dissertation examines the extent to which subnational authorities comply with European environmental directives. Problematic implementation of EU environmental legislation is well-known, but continued noncompliance ...

    Worlds apart: The impact of (in)congruence on electoral behaviour: When voters and parties do not align 

    Ioannidis, Nikandros (Date of defense: 2024-11-15)

    This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of ideological incongruence between voters and political parties on electoral behaviour in European democracies. It introduces a novel approach to measuring the ...

    El impacto de la vivienda cooperativa en la salud de las personas: compartir para vivir 

    Reyes Segura, Alexia (Date of defense: 2025-02-13)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido profundizar y ampliar en el conocimiento sobre la vivienda cooperativa y su impacto en la salud de las personas. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se han diseñado y llevado a cabo ...

    Evaluation of topoisomers of snake venom-derived peptides as potential antimicrobial and antitumor agents 

    Carrera, Adam (Date of defense: 2025-02-12)

    This thesis reports an investigation of the effect of topoisomeric modification on the activity of two peptides: crotalicidin (Ctn), a cathelicidin from the venom of a South American rattlesnake, and Ctn[15-34], a Ctn ...

    Evolutionary dynamics of cancer drug resistance and prediction of tumor modes of growth 

    Dick, Nicola Elisabeth (Date of defense: 2025-02-11)

    Cancer remains a significant challenge in healthcare and is a leading concern worldwide. Despite advances in cancer therapy and the identification of numerous actionable events, relapse and drug resistance continue to ...

    Beyond Boundaries: Leveraging Visual Data for Advancements in Social Science Research 

    Iglesias Muñoz, Patricia Andrea (Date of defense: 2024-11-22)

    This thesis focuses on visual data collected in the frame of online surveys, examining the main challenges and implications of collecting and analyzing these new data types. Given the relatively unexplored implementation ...

    Access of Migrant Women to Labor Market in Germany: Exploring the Barriers, Opportunities, and Experiences 

    Yurdakul, Aslihan (Date of defense: 2025-11-17)

    This dissertation is a mixed-method research project divided into three articles, each of which focuses on a different aspect of labor market integration for migrant women. The first chapter analyzes the experiences ...

    Novel experimental strategies to characterize the genomic architecture of monogenic autoinflammatory diseases: from characterization of aberrant mRNA transcripts to elucidation of the role of post-zygotic variants in desease pathogenesis 

    Bonet Martín, Núria (Date of defense: 2025-02-10)

    Developments in sequencing technologies over the last decade have revolutionized the ability to identify the genetic mechanisms underlying rare autoinflammatory diseases (AIDs), enabling improved characterization and ...

    The molecular mechanism of spindle pole focusing: NuMA as a dynein adaptor and microtubule minus end regulator 

    Colombo, Sabina (Date of defense: 2025-02-07)

    This project investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying chromosome segregation during eukaryotic cell division. Specifically, it explores the role of the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein 1 in maintaining metaphase ...

    Unravelling the molecular pathways of auditory and vestibular function: the roles of sall1a and the fgf13 genes in the zebrafish inner ear development 

    Montedeoca Vázquez, Nerea (Date of defense: 2025-01-31)

    L’oïda interna és un òrgan sensorial complex essencial per a les funcions auditiva i vestibular, que depèn de les cèl·lules ciliades per a la mecanotransducció i de les neurones sensorials per a transmetre senyals al sistema ...

    New strategies for targeting transactivation domains: insights from the androgen receptor 

    Biesaga, Mateusz (Date of defense: 2022-11-28)

    Transcription factors are, in theory, ideal targets for developing new therapies, as they drive the expression of genes, oftentimes those that lead to pathologies. However, these proteins typically contain large intrinsically ...

    Skin microbiome engineering: new generation of therapeutics: engineering Cutibacterium acnes to treat skin conditions 

    Knödlseder, Nastassia Johanna (Date of defense: 2023-01-27)

    We are living in a symbiotic relationship with our Microbiome. This relationship with our microbes can become opportunistic and lead to dysbiosis. While we were previously treating dysbiosis with antimicrobial drugs, we ...

    Elucidating the dynamics of the 3D GPCRome 

    Aranda-García, David (Date of defense: 2025-01-30)

    G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) are a diverse protein family integral to a wide range of physiological processes. Although their three-dimensional structures have been extensively characterised through experimental ...

    The KANSL complex, an epigenetic regulator with microtubule binding properties in mitosis 

    Prat Oriol, Núria (Date of defense: 2025-01-24)

    La segregació dels cromosomes durant la divisió cel·lular està mitjançada per una estructura feta de microtúbuls anomenada el fus mitòtic. L’estructura i la funció del fus mitòtic depenen d’un control precís de les dinàmiques ...

    Immune evasive mechanisms in breast cancer micrometastasis 

    Rozalén Miralles, Catalina (Date of defense: 2025-01-24)

    In metastasis, the existence of tumor cells overcoming the immune system during early organ seeding is crucial, yet the dynamics of tumor-immune interactions during micrometastasis remain unclear. Identifying the vulnerabilities ...

    Unraveling the effects of lymphoma-associated translocations on genome organization and gene regulation 

    Oncins Suñol, Anna (Date of defense: 2025-01-23)

    Translocations have largely been associated with tumor development due to oncogene overexpression upon rearrangement. Yet, their precise effects on nuclear architecture and long- range gene regulation remain understudied. ...

    Genetic determinants orchestrating transcriptome regulation: nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and allele-specific expression variability in phenotypic diversity 

    Palou Márquez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2025-01-17)

    Esta tesis explora la variabilidad de la eficiencia de la degradación del ARN mensajero mediada por mutación terminadora (NMD) y el papel de la expresión específica de alelos (ASE) en la influencia de la variación fenotípica ...

    Prediction and characterizacion of enhancer clusters in an induced cell-fate transition model 

    Klonizakis, Antonios (Date of defense: 2025-01-15)

    Large clusters of enhancers often regulate lineage instructive genes. Whether individual enhancers of a cluster cooperate or act independently in regulating gene expression is unknown. Current algorithms that identify such ...

    Exploring the role of DYRK1 kinases in cell-autonomous and paracrine activities in pancreatic cancer 

    Varhadi, Sushmita (Date of defense: 2025-01-15)

    Dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinases (DYRKs) are a conserved family of protein kinases regulating critical cellular processes. This study investigates the roles of the paralogues DYRK1A and DYRK1B in pancreatic ...